Politics and Religion

Where theres oil production there are oil spills
charlie445 3 Reviews 1538 reads

That is a fact of life. This was just a fire though.

Looks like another oil rig blew up in the Gulf. Freaking lovely.

Let's hope they can get this one capped right away.

Posted By: willywonka4u
Looks like another oil rig blew up in the Gulf. Freaking lovely.

Tusayan2239 reads

Posted By: mookie58
Let's hope they can get this one capped right away.
Posted By: willywonka4u
Looks like another oil rig blew up in the Gulf. Freaking lovely.
It was a non-producing platform and there are no reports of any oil leaking so there's nothing to cap at this point.

...had a 50's theme sockhop on the rig the night before, & it's only VO-5!


It's an indie oil co.

Hope GAG doesn't have anything to do w/it! ;-)

Timbow927 reads

Probably just from  the oil in storage tanks that exploded on the  rig .

-- Modified on 9/2/2010 1:09:03 PM

for American companies? Or was that for deepwater operations only. I forget.

such as edwards who said he never cheated on his wife, lol what a joke.

JLWest994 reads

if Clinton can define a head job as non sex why can't Edwards say he never cheated on his wife? Lets at least be even handed about this. After all it wasn't a provider at an hourly rate. It was long term and maybe that isn't cheating but an alternate lifestyle with benifits.

JLWest1105 reads

Existing platforms wasn't affected. Oil companies bought leases and the projects take 5 years to plan and execute. If he stopped all drilling the Goverment could be sued for breach of crontact and would have to give back the lease money. It would envole tax money and leases the dollars are huge, billions. That is why the Obama admin is timid about going there. Trying to work it out with regulations so strigent it will shut down most of the drilling. Big bet on the street, it will kill the little guy in the gulf and leave it to Exxon, Chevron.

For the American people there is nothing good that will come of this. Its a job killer, higher energy prices down the road.

GaGambler1159 reads

Ten dollar gas and $250 oil will make me one rich mother fucker. Go ahead and stop all offshore drilling, I always wanted to be filthy rich. rofl

JLWest1725 reads

Kinder Morgan, MWE and CVX. Damn sorry about BP. Kinda makes LLY, SO and DD lousy investments. Damn I wish I would have bought more of the former and less of the later. Oh well they will be cheap again when Obama next genious eco plan is unvieled.

GaGambler1853 reads

but he is correct about "there is nothing to cap".

Fuck all of you, I am at the Atl airport waiting for a flight to Colombia. I plan on drinking and fucking hot Colombiannas for the next several days, and I you guys can argue about nonexistent oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico.

Oil drilling is dangerous work, especially at those depths. Unless any of you assholes would like to start paying ten bucks a gallon for gas, I would suggest start reading getting all the facts before crying wolf. If a bleeding heart lib like Tusayan can see it for what it is I would hope the rest of you can as well.

Oh well, I am off to spend some of my "ill gotten wealth" see ya'll next week. lmao

Tusayan1910 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
but he is correct about "there is nothing to cap".

Fuck all of you, I am at the Atl airport waiting for a flight to Colombia. I plan on drinking and fucking hot Colombiannas for the next several days, and I you guys can argue about nonexistent oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico.

Oil drilling is dangerous work, especially at those depths. Unless any of you assholes would like to start paying ten bucks a gallon for gas, I would suggest start reading getting all the facts before crying wolf. If a bleeding heart lib like Tusayan can see it for what it is I would hope the rest of you can as well.

Oh well, I am off to spend some of my "ill gotten wealth" see ya'll next week. lmao

I'm always the voice of reason.  Have a good trip.

That is a fact of life. This was just a fire though.

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