Politics and Religion

When you lose the popular vote by almost three million.
bigguy30 3004 reads
1 / 29

Trump trashes the electoral college back in 2012, but needed it to win last month. Lol


The excitement you have now as Trump supporters, will be replaced with embarrassment in the future.
This will not last long, especially when this clown and his racist government fail terribly!

followme 332 reads
2 / 29

Electoral vote by 77 you lose the presidency, and the hillwhorie supporters who bragged bloviated that she would win by a landslide made a complete fools of themselves.

Then went into hiding for 6 weeks, like the sissy-boy you are.

You're Welcome
In tc30 We Distrust  

BTW We noticed that both you and lostvegan last posted on the same day (in November) and his last post was in reply to you.  
I think you two eloped.

Also here is a nice pink one for you

bigguy30 294 reads
3 / 29

It's like you clowns love getting punch in the face. Lol

Posted By: Dr.Beeper
and then she doesn't..  
Posted By: bigguy30
Trump trashes the electoral college back in 2012, but needed it to win last month. Lol  
  The excitement you have now as Trump supporters, will be replaced with embarrassment in the future.  
  This will not last long, especially when this clown and his racist government fail terribly!  

followme 328 reads
4 / 29

In the past few weeks and find it interesting that the word lost is associated with obama so often now and for the past 8 years

CENZO1 162 Reviews 265 reads
5 / 29

...that this country is a republic of states not a single federalist government. As such, the electoral vote, not the popular vote is the way the President is elected. You, of course are entitled to disagree with the system and even work to change it. In the meantime it will stay the way it is. This brings me to my final point. Was Hillary so stupid that she didn't understand the system? I understand that she didn't even campaign in Wisconsin. Conversely, was Trump that smart? Or was he just lucky in that regard? Either way, he is the President and all the crying about the popular vote is getting a bit stale.

bigguy30 244 reads
6 / 29

Trump and his supporters would still be crying themselves right now.
If the same thing happen to your President elect!

I was not the biggest Hillary fan, but voted for her and so did the marjority of Americans in this country.
You can't have it both ways and clearly Trump supporters always play that game of hypocrisy.
So he is lucky and the same system he called out four years ago is helping him now.
Posted By: CENZO1
...that this country is a republic of states not a single federalist government. As such, the electoral vote, not the popular vote is the way the President is elected. You, of course are entitled to disagree with the system and even work to change it. In the meantime it will stay the way it is. This brings me to my final point. Was Hillary so stupid that she didn't understand the system? I understand that she didn't even campaign in Wisconsin. Conversely, was Trump that smart? Or was he just lucky in that regard? Either way, he is the President and all the crying about the popular vote is getting a bit stale.

ed2000 31 Reviews 509 reads
7 / 29

Instead of red/blue (or shades of purple) counties, this map represents voting percentages as elevation on a relief map. Less than 50% for Trump and it's underwater.

ed2000 31 Reviews 255 reads
8 / 29
bigguy30 268 reads
9 / 29

So with help from gerrymandering, Russians and voter suppression.
They have to cheat to win and that is the GOP way. Lol
The GOP rigged the system for now, but it will come back to them.  
It's nothing to be proud of either.

Posted By: Dr.Beeper
Under President Obama, Democrats have lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, 13 Senate seats. That's some legacy. Under President Obama, Democrats have lost over 900 state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, 13 Senate seats. After eight years of Barack Obama the US map is red.  
 It's boobs like you that will keep us red. Thank you.

-- Modified on 12/27/2016 2:27:12 PM

brooks5 282 reads
10 / 29

popular vote is irrelevant

they weren't counting that

JackDunphy 321 reads
11 / 29

Maybe that is why they are so concerned about GW.  

NY, LA, Miami, etc will all be under water and most libs cant swim. Lol

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 280 reads
12 / 29

... that's the fact whether you like it or not. Deal with it or leave and go somewhere your particular brand of whatever it is you think you represent will be received with less contempt than you engender here.

you're welcome to retort with your usual panoply of schoolyard name calling, bullying and ignorance. It won't change the facts, nor does one have to be BigPapasan to do a quick Boolean search to find all the posts by "bigguy30" trashing Trump and his supporters, bragging about Hillary's landslide victory to come or making outright anti-Semitic comments. Hard to tell if your hate comes from the Hard Left or alt-Right; you've used examples from both sides to express your loathing of me and my Tribe.  

But go ahead and keep posting your idiotic drivel. You only embarrass yourself.
Posted By: bigguy30
Trump and his supporters would still be crying themselves right now.  
 If the same thing happen to your President elect!  
 I was not the biggest Hillary fan, but voted for her and so did the marjority of Americans in this country.  
 You can't have it both ways and clearly Trump supporters always play that game of hypocrisy.  
 So he is lucky and the same system he called out four years ago is helping him now.  
Posted By: CENZO1
...that this country is a republic of states not a single federalist government. As such, the electoral vote, not the popular vote is the way the President is elected. You, of course are entitled to disagree with the system and even work to change it. In the meantime it will stay the way it is. This brings me to my final point. Was Hillary so stupid that she didn't understand the system? I understand that she didn't even campaign in Wisconsin. Conversely, was Trump that smart? Or was he just lucky in that regard? Either way, he is the President and all the crying about the popular vote is getting a bit stale.

followme 261 reads
14 / 29

Crying, whining, stomping your feet and having temper tantrum after temper tantrum. Apparently the time in hiding or was it your honeymoon with lostvegan did not help

Well I was going to ask what you were doing for 6 weeks, but since you eloped with lostvegan (not that there is anything wrong with that) I really do not want to know the details of what you and he were doing, but I'm sure plenty of baby wipes were used.  
 Calm down get some more coloring books and have some hot cocoa.

You're Welcome  
In tc30 We Distrust  

Here is another one for you....does lostvegan need one also, he must be real upset too.

CENZO1 162 Reviews 257 reads
15 / 29

...all those entities both foreign and domestic who have pumped money into the Clinton foundation these past eight years.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 309 reads
16 / 29

...term before your posts, and once upon a time I majored in math.

JakeFromStateFarm 302 reads
17 / 29

If you hadn't fled in embarrassment after being totally wrong about the election, you'd know this issue has been done to death here.  So I won't waste my time with this.

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 265 reads
18 / 29

Did you mean "meth?" At least you're being honest for once Fattie

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 355 reads
19 / 29

...posting the same photo in reply to the same poster in the same thread.  A sure sign of senility.

You're welcome,
In Alzheimer's Patients We Distrust

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 313 reads
21 / 29
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 382 reads
22 / 29

It's not snark, it is a method of searching databases, something you do here quite frequently.

"Boolean searching is built on a method of symbolic logic developed by George Boole, a 19th century English mathematician. Boolean searches allow you to combine words and phrases using the words AND, OR, NOT (known as Boolean operators) to limit, broaden, or define your search."

That's directly from doing a Boolean search on Google for the term Boolean search.

TER's search function is entirely Boolean driven.

followme 344 reads
23 / 29

Repetition is often necessary to get the point across those who are so fucking dense they do not get it the first, second, third time or more.

You’re Welcome
In BrokeBackStabber We Distrust

And it must be repeated for you to

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 276 reads
24 / 29

...must be the study of inflation.  You gave a 10/10 to an almost 50 year old provider who was getting 8/9s over THIRTEEN years ago.  You must be confusing hookers with fine wine.

-- Modified on 12/27/2016 10:47:17 PM

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 294 reads
25 / 29

Just because you can't afford to see any ladies isn't my issue is it? Don't be angry. Get a third job and fix your teeth. You may be surprised where money and some dentistry will land you!

-- Modified on 12/28/2016 5:51:33 AM

brooks5 138 reads
26 / 29

his degree is from Parkdale Elementary Schoo

mrhuck 15 Reviews 310 reads
27 / 29

...Well CENZO1 try comparing the Donald Trump foundation with the Clinton foundation, just use GOOGLE & that will give you a good idea which one did a lot good things & which one did Very little.

gatorjimmy 33 Reviews 303 reads
28 / 29

Posted By: bigguy30
Trump trashes the electoral college back in 2012, but needed it to win last month. Lol  
 The excitement you have now as Trump supporters, will be replaced with embarrassment in the future.  
 This will not last long, especially when this clown and his racist government fail terribly!  

brooks5 197 reads
29 / 29

this would be fucking hilarious if it wasn't so very obvious that BFRG has serious mental health issues

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