Politics and Religion

When will Israel blow up Irans Nuke capabilities??
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1831 reads

After the Israeli ridiculous prisoner swap trading live enemy for dead soldiers I figure there is something in the works..I'm thinking the second week of August Iran will lose its Nuke Project..

 Where is the outrage from the left over the Hezbelloh Dogs killing captured soldiers???...

I have it on good authority, they are so shocked that they are speechless and in private morning.  By the time Israel starts dropping bombs, you can count on them to be on the other side on the world tersely blogging again.  Freedom isn't free, but it smells that way wearing aluminum-free deodorant in yoga class.

This is what Yoni wrote  "The way has now been paved for terrorist to kidnap more Israelis, Israel has refused to stand for anything.

Unless the Jews of Israel rise up and throw these people from the Knesset, I question if we deserve to keep the Jewish State. I am filled with shame by the actions of the leadership of Israel."

I don't think Yoni is privy to what's really going on.  Key people in Israel know that total nuclear annihilation by Iran is less than 2 years away.  And that ANY--ANY meaningful negotiation with Fatah, Hamas, Syria and Iran WILL NEVER HAPPEN.  All of them have stated that they wish to destroy Israel and kill all Jews.

I think that the strike against Iran will be massive but non-nuclear.  Israel will attempt to completely destroy all of Iran's nuclear facilities in order to end Iran's quest for a nuclear bomb.

This final desperate plan may start a horrible chain of events beyond anyones comprehension.  It's been building for 60 years but it is the only card Israel has left to play if they want to survive.  I too think Israel will play their final card within 8 weeks.

If Israel doesn't strike, Israel will be destroyed and a very different chain of events will occur that will involve nuclear bombs destroying Isreal but also major cities in Iran and Syria as Israel will most likely be able to do a final retaliation.  And as Jimmy Carter stated, Israel has 150 nuclear warheads.  And Israel will attempt  a final retaliate with all they have left in order to annihilate Syria and Iran.

"Israel has to get US permission to fly over Iraq."

That is one of the reasons I am thinking of soon ..Isreal definitely won't wait until the U.S Pres.election..The second week of August would work  great because everyone will be engrossed in the Olympics and a chunk  of Iran with a Israeli made hole won't be a big deal.

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