Politics and Religion

What’s up with Camel Toes switching accents?
LostSon 43 Reviews 60 reads

Seriously it was way cringy when Hillary did it but now Kackels is getting in on the fake black accent thing it’s something to behold 🤢🤮

Women evolved to have an intense desire to be well liked. Women will ostracize those members who they fear threaten the security of the group, and for this reason women will always bend to popular opinion. They never want to go against the grain, and they always want to be agreeable. In Kamala’s case she is both dumb as a rock and not well liked, and so it gives her an intense insecurity about herself and so she will do anything to try and fit in and be included. So she will dawn these ridiculous accents in a bad acting attempt to mirror the local population despite growing up in Canada.  

Can you imagine Trump trying to speak with a Southern, or SoCal accent? Trump speaks exactly the same no matter where he is because he’s not afraid of who he is.

Those using it turn it on or off depending on how "black" they want to act. I know a few white girls that can turn on a good one!🤣

was cotton-picking Hillary Clinton sounding like she is sucking up to massah on the plantation.  Don't get me started with the plantation mentality Dem politicians towards black voters.  The whole welfare system was started by Dems as a means of keeping the black man (and woman) down.    

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