Politics and Religion

What happens to America, once oil runs out...
no_email 3 Reviews 1762 reads

and the US dollar has become completely worthless?

has a boom-town right now with oil, and that the men are outweighing the women so bad that the guys are even whistling and flirting with pregnant women.  There could be a demand for other services if it's booming.  :)

as long as they can thwart or buy any science or patent that demonstrably lowers or eliminates the need for their petroleum products. Gasoline could go to well over $20 a gallon and Big oil would be aggressively financing lobbying efforts and sabotage against "electric" and any other alternate fuel source for automobiles.  

  The corporatocracy doesn't care. As long as their Chief administrators and investors are living in secured, guard gated suburbs with private schools for their progenies, while servants brave the public markets shopping for their master's groceries and supplies the 1% will simply carry on in isolated, uncaring, unaware arrogance.  
All they cared about for the past 40 years was their profit line as they counted on the United States Military and its tax paying benifactors to protect their overseas production interests. Battery-electric, Solar, inovation in fuel efficiency? Not likely. They'd sooner turn the entire nation into erupting rivers of smelly, property destroying "tar sand" or contaminate the ground water with methane and chemicals from "fraking".

  The Millennial purge is coming. Rats gave us our first recorded "purge" with the bubonic plague. Man's avarice, warring nature, and disrespect for the planet in general have poised us for a possible complete extinction this time

salonpas321 reads

The International Energy Agency published its 2012 World Energy Outlook and, according to the IEA, the United States is on track to become the number one oil producer in the world by 2020.

The report further indicates that by 2035, the US will reach energy self-sufficiency and go from being an importer of oil—we currently import 20 percent of our total energy needs from other nations—to a net oil exporter.

The IEA International Energy Agency projects the U.S. is on track to becoming the number one oil producer in the world by 2020

“U.S. oil output is surging so fast that the U.S. could soon overtake Saudi Arabia as the world’s biggest producer. Driven by high prices and new drilling methods, U.S. production of crude and other liquid hydrocarbons is on track to rise 7 percent this year to an average of 10.9 million barrels per day. This will be the fourth straight year of crude increases and the biggest single-year gain since 1951.

The boom has surprised even the experts.


We could save ourselves one hell of a headache just by doing everything we can to convert to renewables right now. And we shouldn't use any one particular source of energy. We could use a combination of various sources.

Economically, oil is vital to our economy. Not just because so much is run on oil, but because the value of the dollar itself is tied to oil.

Suppose some country wants to buy oil on the world market. To do so, they have to buy it in US dollars. This means they have to have a reserve of US dollars on hand. This gives the US dollar far more demand than it would otherwise have.

The only way around this problem that I see is to patented a new form of renewable energy, patent it, and sell it to the world. The longer we wait, the higher the likelihood that someone else will develop it, and we'll be up shit's creek.

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