Politics and Religion

What do you like most about religion?
Robertini 4 Reviews 2557 reads

What I love most about it is the message of love.




Hey Doc don't get offended. You were not like that back in the L.A. board days.
they spit on each others face in here... and they laugh about it.

Back_In_Black671 reads

Posted By: Robertini
What I love most about it is the message of love.  
 Hey Doc don't get offended. You were not like that back in the L.A. board days.  
 they spit on each others face in here... and they laugh about it.

Cataclysm656 reads

Kind of like going to an AA meeting . You go in feeling like you're biggest shit bag on the planet and after hearing other people's stories you walk out thinking I'm not so bad after all so you go meet your buddies at the pub.

-- Modified on 11/7/2013 5:45:35 PM

I recall once going to "Mass" with my Roman Catholic raised high school sweetheart. After 90 minutes of prayer, incense, bells, chants, Holy Communion, and soulful advice on "loving one another" she hung her head out the window of my Ford van and vociferously wished "cancer" on another parishioner who unwittingly cut us off in the parking lot while leaving.


give this a listen.  Raw, emotional, creative talent that moves me.

Lady Gaga live on  "I need you more than dope

I've had the good luck to not have run into one of those suckers yet!   ;)

Eventually, they ask, "so where do you think you go when you die?"

I tell them, "What do you mean where do you go? You know where you go. They make tombstones to mark where they've put you."

Normally they will say, "No, that's just your body. Where do you think your soul goes?"

That's when I have to tell them, "We don't have souls. If we did, you'd think a surgeon would have found it by now. You don't have a soul. You have a consciousness that's the product of your brain. So what do you think happens when your brain dies?"

That's usually when they say, "So, you don't believe in heaven?"

That's when I have to inform them that, "No. If heaven existed, it would have to have an actual location, wouldn't it? So if it exists, WHERE is it?"

By this time they looked freaked out, and ask, "So you think you just rot in the ground?"

Then I say, "Yes. We just rot in the ground. And eventually, we become....

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
man is made from clay.  

I was watching an interesting episode of Beyond the Wormhole w/ Morgan Freeman. An episode called Our Origin Story. It went into the science of abiogenesis. The idea that life began from non-life.

This has always been a problem because in order to create life, you need a self-replicating molecule.

We haven't created life in a lab yet, but it is staggering just how close we're getting. We have built amino acids via the natural processes in the weather of the earth. We have made a naturally occurring cell membrane via that chemistry. And most recently, we have even built 2 of the 4 nucleobases that make up DNA.

pretty cool, I have watched several of those episodes Morgan Freeman hosts.  It always interesting to wonder if there is/was life on other planets that have water or algae.  

We are still dying people on a dying planet :)  If we jumped ship from a dying Mars and came here because the atmosphere was right, where will we go next?  LO

... and I regret you were inadvertently pulled into my little drama the other day. But that is irrelevant to here and now.

I believe you, and anyone else who has a legitimate interest in an intellectual discussion of Science vs. Religion will find this book a compelling read.

It won't change any minds, that is not the intent. The intent is to provide a fresh perspective that invites rational intellectual dialog between polar opposites. Tough to imagine, I know:)


GaGambler952 reads

but your response to him was a little, no actually a lot, over the top.

Your issues with Inicky are your issues, he's a big boy and can speak for himself, but if a Southpark episode like Ginger Cow offends you, especially since Matt and Trey lampooned Jew, Christian, and Muslim alike, you really do need to lighten up a bit.

I am glad at least that you saw your mistake in attacking Tini. Like I said, it's a good start.

They should take it up with Redstone the majority owner of Viacom.

Not that I want to see free speech stifled

GaGambler621 reads

I think they should just "Go Fuck themselves, and do it now!!!" lmao

and no Doc, I don't mean you, I am talking to anyone who can't take a little joke.

after having gone fucked themself.

You're right it's the "attitude" even if it's not a genuine one being expressed.

That goes for all organized religion set out make money and more money

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