Politics and Religion

What a surprise.
Priapus_Junior 3099 reads

The latest CBS poll shows Cain's support among women is evaporating.  My master will be pleased.  Looks like it will be Romney vs. Newt.  Arch conservatives will be crying in their tea.

Junior, Newt has forgotten more than you will most likely know in your life time.  Regardless of whether you like or don't like the proposals of Cain, to accept the treatment he received over false allegations without complete outrage just shows the lack of common decency that has crept into your blood.  Such a pity.

Want a real eye opener?  Did you know that there is a certain software product used by a large number of law enforcement agencies including FBI, TSA, and CIA.  It monitors speech and has a proven 95% accuracy rate at detecting lies.  Guess what?  The comments from Cain as well as those of the accusers was analyzed and clearly showed his accuser's statements to laiden with lies while not even one blip in what Cain said about it.

Priapus_Junior1714 reads

In fact, I haven't made up my mind and believe some may be false.  Unlike you, I'll wait to see if the facts come out.  Please provide a source about the analysis of Cain's statements that prove he's telling the truth and his accusers are not.

Wow, now I get it.  This must be the other Pri... LOL  For someone who now says he has not formed a final opinion about Cain, you sure have a funny way of showing that.  O well, it is fun to mouth off on a fuck board just to talk shit and see who wants to play with it... LOL ... I am guilty too.... LOL

Priapus_Junior978 reads

I'm not sure it proves anything.  Besides, what if Cain is such a pathological liar that he can lie without showing any stress for the software to detect at all.  You really need to ask yourself why you chose to believe it.  Perhaps because it agreed with your pre-existing beliefs.
PS: You are correct this is not a Priapus alias.  I don't think he uses them.  I just made it up because I was citing a poll and Pri loves to do that.

I suppose I'm just old school, and besides that, I've seen bitches lie about so-called sexual encounters all my life.  So, while I found the allegations troubling at first, when it became clear from the lack of evidence, the lack of police reports, the lack of even discussing it with their boyfriends, etc... I chose to give Cain the benefit of the doubt.  Being from Atlanta where Cain has been very popular, our local news media is unlike the National media on this issue and they set about to try and get to the bottom of things in a more scientific way.  I choose to believe what they found through the software because it provides more evidence than any of his accusers.

Priapus531477 reads

Otherwise, you were spot on. Pwilley is a crazed cain Cultist. It's impossible at this point to determine whether Cain & his female accusers are telling the truth or not. Just another far right Atlanta loon showing his moronic bias.

Son, gonna give you a $ 500 allowance this week-------go see a hot provider------;)

Oh I forgot, only the links that you find count, only the commentary you find are the "facts", and any conservative is automatically guilty until proven innocent.  And of course, a conservative can never be proven innocent because the liberal media has already found him guilty and they can never tell a lie, can they?

Well, since you didn't like that publication, perhaps you'll like this one instead, but probably not especially since this one also casts doubt on the motiviations of the original gossip spreading fictional events they alleged as courtroom worthy evidence... LOL... Wake up man, in a battle of witts, you're totally unarmed.... Have a nice day.... Go Gators.

Priapus531718 reads

Btw, I do't know whether Cain & his accusers are lying or not. You're the one stupidly rushing to judgment.

& you're quoting a far right blogger ?!

What a dope-----LMAO !

Priapus_Junior696 reads

I love you!  You are the best Dad ever!

...Gingrich is the last crazy standing. And it's obvious that he isn't a serious candidate. The GOP crazies are getting so deperate that they're thinking of trying to get Sarah Palin back in the race. It's so funny to see the fascist right cry into their beers. Obama vs. a flip flopping milque toast Mormon will be the 2012 race. Deal with it, right wingers.

FistFullOfFifties1771 reads

Brunettes and some redheads are the ones not supporting Cain now — jealous of him servicing only the blondes. You have to remember, Tea Party members are in Cuckold relationships. God Bless 'em all.

HermanCain20121426 reads

Newt was a decent president as Clinton's master. America is weary of Clinton baggage.
 He's not going to be the nominee.

 Once we finish finding dirt on the lying accusers, women will come back to Mr.Cain .


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