Politics and Religion

Rick Davis, McCain's Campaign Manager, Made Nearly $2 Million To Defend Mortgage Giants ....
JustTheFax 2777 reads

Rick Davis, McCain's Campaign Manager, Made Nearly $2 Million To Defend Mortgage Giants From Stricter Regulations


When Obama supporters can look people in the eye and say that none of Obama's advisors or people are involved in Fannie, Freddie, or any other institution that contributed to this problem, then maybe this type of silly commnent can be taken seriously.

As long as Obama has people who are involved in the scandal, he is living in a glass house.

JustTheFax1500 reads

For you there's no hope .....

Someone tried to tie McCain's to the finacial mess, and I make a point of Obama also having advisors tied to the same crisis.  It seems to me to be a valid rebuttal.

Then the counter-rebuttal is a cartoon saying I am blind.  

Good response for the left.  Manages to avoid the point that was made, skip the entire merits of the debate, and just go right to a personal insult.

I guess the only rebuttal I have for this most clever retort is to point out that I had the laser surgery, and my eyes are quite good, thank you very much.

But what about the dog?  :)

Let's face it.  Both sides are "connected" and whether you prefer CHANGE or MAVERICK, both are words meaning politics as usual.

Now dammit, get that dog to an eye doctor!!!

You are right. Maybe he was calling he the dog and not the blind guy. I like dogs, so that's not an insult.  But why would he be saying I am a nice puppy dog.  No, I think he was calling me blind. Either way, a dumb retort.

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