Politics and Religion

Warning Willy Wonka: No more BJs or DATY in VA...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1949 reads

...if AG Ken Cuccinelli has his way.  The crazy Bible-thumping GOP candidate for governor wants to bring back the anti-sodomy law.


And if you think the law only applies to same-sex couples or adults having sex with minors, you are wrong:


Ironically,  Cuccinelli's nickname is "The Cooch." :-D

-- Modified on 4/5/2013 3:21:52 PM

I know Virginia is the home of the late Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson with their respective religious indocrination centers,er I mean colleges.God,my cousin graduated from Robertson's Regent University to become a lawyer.Still,it must be highly disturbing for social conservatives to see Virginia go for Obama twice and have two of its senators be DEMS when it should be Religious Right territory.So the AG isn't going to get 70% of the vote if he gets Gov.that's for sure.

in a public park, at least in Fresno.

SECTION 8-410. DISTURBING ANIMALS IN PARKS. No person shall hunt, pursue, annoy, throw stones or missiles at, or molest or disturb in any way, any animal, bird or reptile within the confines of any park. (Orig. Ord. 1076).

And you can't ride your bicycle in a fountain:

11.98.100 Biking.
Biking is prohibited in the fountain. This rule is intended to protect all persons using the fountain including, but not limited to, adults, teenagers, adolescents, supervised minors and unsupervised minors from falling, slipping, and causing or suffering from foreseeable injuries that are typically associated with biking in wet areas that contain numerous persons.

And you can't shoot at game from a moving vehicle unless it is a whale.

Every state has absurd laws on the books that are never enforced. The Virginia law would not ever be enforced against hetero adult couples having consensual noncommercial oral sex

GaGambler225 reads

I have a better idea, If Virginia has no intentions of ever enforcing the law against adult couple (hetero or otherwise), then why the fuck don't they just write the law to say that?

Some how your assertion that the State won't prosecute me for something that is none of their fucking business, but is still a crime is not very reassuring to me, except for the fact of course that I don't live In Va.

I agree with BP, the citizens of Va should be outraged. I know I am.

or prostitution - in your next election, you would see a TV commercial saying "GaGambler, he supports the right to sodomy."  

       It is political suicide in a conservative state like Virginia. This is the state of Jerry Falwell who said after 9/11 -"gays, lesbians, and feminists -I point the finger at you and say you helped this happen."

       As for assurance that you won't be prosecuted, you can thank the Supreme Court who struck the sodomy law in Lawrence v. Texas and, more importantly, ruled that a moral code is not a valid justification for a law that prevents noncommercial sex acts between consenting adults.

       I would be outraged at the citizens of Virginia who voted this guy into the AG office. He is running for governor now and I suspect this guy has made a calculated judgment that his ridiculous public stance with generate enough votes from the right to secure his election.

GaGambler324 reads

Except for his bible thumping grandstanding it wouldn't be difficult at all to have the language of the bill specify "Minors" and that way it would tacitly exclude consenting adults from prosecution.

The problem with creating even more laws on the books criminalizing the actions of consenting adults is that it gives prosecutors just one more bullet to threaten people that they perceive to be "immoral" and "stack" charges so a simple act of solicitation morphs into an 8 count indictment. The last thing we need is one more reason for Big Brother to peer into our bedrooms.

I do agree with your assessment that this outrageous law will generate more votes FOR this turd than it will lose for him. What a sad state of affairs. You and I both know that there are millions of Americans that actually think this is a good thing.

On a more positive note, final four tonight. Are you still betting?

Of course, I blame St.Croix for Duke's lost to Louisville. If his Bruins hadn't snagged Shabazz Muhamad from under Coach K's nose, it would have been a different game. That's what Duke needed this year, not more Plumlees.

      But I did love the MacDonald all American game - Jabari Parker, the best high school player in the country going to Duke. While Duke has had some elite guards, you have to go back to Grant Hill to find a time when they had a 6'8" guy like this.

GaGambler304 reads

both Louisville AND Michigan lose tonight. Which of course "could" happen, but then I have baseball and hockey to keep me amused, so it's all good.

It must really suck to be a fan, and once your team is out of it the season ends for you. Me? I am fickle, I always root for my wallet, less emotional stress that way. Of course there is still financial stress, but that comes with the territory.

When Ohio St went down,that was it for me.

GaGambler239 reads

I wasn't surprised in the least when Gonzaga went out and thought that OSU was a lock for Atlanta.

I really like both Michigan and UL, the key of course for Michigan is they live and die with their outside shot. If they can hit the three , they can beat anyone, if that shot goes cold they are quite vulnerable. The good news for them is that they have a half dozen players that can hit the three  so the whole team has to go cold.

I personally thought Michigan was an early out in the first weekend of the tourney because they're such a perimeter-oriented team that's young,so I am quite surprised they made the finals.I personally had Ohio State and Indiana getting to the Final Four with Louisville and Kansas.

GaGambler289 reads

I wasn't that big a fan of Kansas this year, UF had a very weak SEC schedule and really didn't show much, so once Georgetown went out UM was a lock for Atlanta IMO.

I still like UL to win it all, but if UM can hit that shot, you never know. That's the beauty of the Tourney, the three point shot is the great equalizer. A pretty solid team like UM can beat anybody on any given day if their perimeter shooting is on. That said, I still like Louisville, but I won't be betting the farm on it.

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