Politics and Religion

Warning to the Dems & GOP : the dead are ineligible to voteteeth_smile
Priapus53 115 reads


Which explains why the GOP is attempting a coordinated nation-wide effort to disenfrancise millions of Americans by taking away their right to vote.

The GOP let the cat out of the bag, when attorney generals from six states, all Republican, began petitioning the Supreme Court to strike down key provisions of the Voting Rights Act.

The key provisions, which came out of the Civil Rights movement, were put in place to prevent poll taxes and literacy tests designed to keep blacks away from the polls in the Jim Crow era.

It seems that the GOP wants to bring back their own modern version of poll taxes, by petitioning the Supreme Court to make voter discrimination perfectly legal.

I posted what it took to get an ID in MD- $15 and a birth certificate.  Most of the states that are requiring ID don't charge a dime.  They just have to show up with proof of residence.  But according to the frighteningly ignorant Willy the Democratic base can't make that happen.  How many millions can't do this Willy?  Billions? Trillions? Gillions?  No fraud makes Willy sad :(

Posted By: willywonka4u
Which explains why the GOP is attempting a coordinated nation-wide effort to disenfrancise millions of Americans by taking away their right to vote.

The GOP let the cat out of the bag, when attorney generals from six states, all Republican, began petitioning the Supreme Court to strike down key provisions of the Voting Rights Act.

The key provisions, which came out of the Civil Rights movement, were put in place to prevent poll taxes and literacy tests designed to keep blacks away from the polls in the Jim Crow era.

It seems that the GOP wants to bring back their own modern version of poll taxes, by petitioning the Supreme Court to make voter discrimination perfectly legal.  
-- Modified on 8/28/2012 5:19:57 AM

The crime is the Right's surreptitious efforts to suppress/intimidate the vote in this, or any other way.  

-- Modified on 8/28/2012 10:46:08 AM

Dems win victory in Fed Dist Ct Ohio>on to 6th Cir.

Pa. released ID cards but of 71 DMVs only 13 are open > once a week. Takes at least 2 trips
to DMV to get one. People w no transportation or money are fucked as well as people who can't speak English.

GOP has pulled out of Pa. so they have apparently given up that state even if they win the court fight.

In SC state has moved in Fed Ct. to be relieved of Pre-clearance requirement.
Chance for that is ice-cube in hell. Fuck u Nikki Haley!

Doesn't voting involve waiting in a line and having transportation?  And how much does it cost to get an ID?  Ahh, the Democratic voting base.  

Posted By: JeffEng16
Dems win victory in Fed Dist Ct Ohio>on to 6th Cir.

Pa. released ID cards but of 71 DMVs only 13 are open > once a week. Takes at least 2 trips
to DMV to get one. People w no transportation or money are fucked as well as people who can't speak English.

GOP has pulled out of Pa. so they have apparently given up that state even if they win the court fight.

In SC state has moved in Fed Ct. to be relieved of Pre-clearance requirement.
Chance for that is ice-cube in hell. Fuck u Nikki Haley!

Man why not stop wasting your time dealing with Mr. Jeff....  Trust me you have no idea the joys that I and some others have now that his ass has been on ignore.  Every time I respond to someone who is trying to respond to him I see how full of shit he has become.  I deal with a lot of strange folks but I don't think I've ever seen someone as arrogant as him.  I knew weeks ago when he refused to answer direct questions about why he supported Obama only to get a rash of links to his pundits criticizing RR that he wasn't worth my time.

Gee WW, I always thought of you as being somewhat fair, but you surprise me on this one.  Obama just grants amnesty to millions of illegals right before election, violating federal law to do so, bypassing Congress, and thumbing his nose at lawsuits since they won't be heard until after the election.  And you have the nerve to claim voter fraud from republicans who have done nothing but adjust voting dates/times.  Gimme a break.  If you or I violated Federal laws like Obama, we'd be in jail.  Why don't I hear you Libs crying outright about all the laws Obama has violated.  You seem to only want to pick on the appearance of law breaking by repubs but give "real" law breaking and murder a pass for Obama.  You got no credibility on this and you know it.

Amnesty by definition would be granting a path to citizenship. That's a far cry from what the DACA did.

I know reading is hard. It was a 2 year deferment for DREAM eligible immigrants.
Obama's order offers (for a fee of $465) a 2 year deferment from deportation for children up to 30 who were brought to US by parents.  This is a 2 year work permit. They can get an SSA number.  It would be ended if Mitt-Bot won, but INS would have all their information in their data base.  It's estimated about 1.6 million are eligible.

-- Modified on 8/28/2012 2:59:07 PM

nuguy46154 reads

will all of you that have your panties rolled tight, volunteer to help people obtain ID?
drive them to the office and get it?

where all of them are now either state or federal depending on whether the state has requirements for Voting Rights Section 5 pre-clearance.

So far Dems win in Ohio on mistakes made by poll workers
Dems got the Pa. S. Ct. to move their hearing up by a month

It's typical of GOP to try to steal elections.  A large # of red states have Deibold machines that can be hacked and the election changed in five minutes.

So sorry those GOP stars like Palin and Trump aren't allowed to speak at the phony show.

GOP took down those "We built it commercials" because the two phonies that are speaking tonight got tremendous financial help from the government.  The guy got hundreds of thousands and the lady got 15 million from the gov.  The stadium in Tampa where the convention is being held got built with 50% federal funding.

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