Politics and Religion

War mongering Israel launches another air strike
Panthera12 3135 reads

into Syria. Israel is just asking for war. No, they are begging for it. No doubt that Obama is also licking his chops in preparation to join Israel into a new conquest of mass murders and destruction.

I guess those Syrian "rebels" are not working fast enough.

ImOkYouSuck1134 reads

Because if you had, you would have read this:

"The overnight Israeli strike reportedly targeted Iranian-supplied missiles to Lebanese guerrilla group Hezbollah, a Western intelligence source told Reuters.

Panthera121242 reads

I see that you only read into the propaganda portion of the article. Don't you see the bigger picture here? Try reading the entire article, not just a snippet and watch the video. Then take into consideration about the lies that are circulating about Syria in order to justify a new war. It's like groundhog day, but a new Country to invade.

Nice alias, BTW.

ImOkYouSuck1577 reads

The bigger picture to me is that those rockets will be launched against the Jewish state sooner or later and you know that. I just take exception to your use of the term "murder" when Israel defends itself or in reference to Obama as well. I dont think either deserve that over the top designation.  

And the new rockets that Hezbollah now has are Iranian built smart weapons that can zero in on Isaeli population centers with far greater accuracy and explosive fire power than ever before. If you were an Israeli citizen, you would want those rockets destroyed and that but fast.  

Thanks for the kudos on the alias. Worked on that longer than I did my taxes. That explains my shitty refund.

Panthera121284 reads

99% of the time in some empty field. The Israeli soldiers go out and collect them. Most of them fit under an arm and when they land they create a little hole in the ground. We can buy those "rockets" in hobby stores.  

The Israeli missiles blow up entire buildings and kill countless innocent women and children. That cannot be denied.

Listen. Israel does not defend itself. They are the aggressors, instigators and the most prolific ethnic cleansers on the planet. The Israeli government will be sorry one day and I will feel sorry when their innocent civilians are killed too.

Sorry about that refund. Been there done that.

You might want to at least consider the one objective study we have in this area before you bring back the Ghost of Xia

ImOkYouSuck1172 reads

You are claiming quite clearly that Israel is guilty of war crimes. And to be consistent with that logic, you would also say FDR was a war criminal as well, correct?

As far as Syria... no they are not IMO. They are preventing a result that may come to be against them.

As far as other things they have done, yes. Not to say (some) Palestines aren't criminals as well... but they have BOTH done wrong by each other. It gets to be ridiculous how they battle each other and think they are defending themselves. BOTH wrong and nothing justifies what they do to the other. Isrealis has done far more to overtake the country than anyone. Even simple stuff such as moving their populace to Arab areas (AGREED upon Arabic areas!!!)... digging underneath Arabic houses... Cutting off water/electric/food to good Arabs. Yes, I get that if they bomb us we will fight back (both sides think this)... but it comes a point where you just need to stop. Divide the country or live friendly and fairly.

Timbow1149 reads

Posted By: Panthera12
99% of the time in some empty field. The Israeli soldiers go out and collect them. Most of them fit under an arm and when they land they create a little hole in the ground. We can buy those "rockets" in hobby stores.  

The Israeli missiles blow up entire buildings and kill countless innocent women and children. That cannot be denied.  

Listen. Israel does not defend itself. They are the aggressors, instigators and the most prolific ethnic cleansers on the planet. The Israeli government will be sorry one day and I will feel sorry when their innocent civilians are killed too.

Sorry about that refund. Been there done that.      

Panthera121276 reads

"highly accurate" rockets. The IDF wants everyone to believe that 12,000 of these rockets have been launched from Palestine. More propaganda.  

During the same time period, nearly 5,000 have been killed by Israeli strikes, mostly civilians.  

There have been more Palestinians killed by "settlers" (47), then by Palestinian "rockets" being launched into Israel, not to mention the settlers destroying food crops and poisoning the water supply.    

Israel had to resort to listing mass casualties (not deaths) by claiming injuries including shock. So if an Israeli woman cries and has to be calmed down, she is listed as an injured party.  

Panthera121157 reads

and while I would never condone them being used against civilian populations, they are really nothing compared to the Israeli arsenal.

Timbow1207 reads

What is up with forum now ? :D You cannot edit correctly that moderation is going so well. :D

The Fateh-110, or “Conqueror” in Farsi, is a short-range ballistic missile developed by Iran and first put into service in 2002. The Islamic Republic unveiled an upgraded version last year that improved the weapon’s accuracy and increased its range to 300 kilometers (185 miles). Iranian Defense Minister Gen. Ahmad Vahidi said at the time that the solid-fueled missile could strike with precision, making it the most accurate weapon of its kind in Iran’s arsenal.


Israel worries the missiles could be transferred to Lebanon’s Hezbollah, providing a major boost to the Shiite militant group’s arsenal. The Fateh-110 is more accurate than anything Hezbollah is currently known to possess. Israel and Hezbollah fought a month-long war in mid-2006 that ended in a stalemate. The missile would put almost all of Israel in range, and its precision guidance system poses a threat to Israeli infrastructure and military installations.


ImOkYouSuck1207 reads

In fact, you sound like their public relations chief. You keep complaining about Israeli "propaganda" all the while spewing Palestinian propaganda.  

Here's the fact and there's no way around around it. If Israel gave up all its weapons, they would be invaded, their women would be raped, their children butchered and the country would be decimated.

But if the Palestinians gave up their weapons, peace would rein forever.

Panthera121743 reads

My view is not one sided, but if you do some research you will find that Israel is the biggest problem in the Middle East. Just try to get your head out of Israel's ass for a change.

I also said nothing about disarming Israel, but Israel, (and apparently you also) think that everyone in the Middle East should be disarmed but Israel. That's ludicrous.

Sorry, but your last sentence is a farce. They are nearly defenseless now and look what Israel has done and continues to do. It's bad enough that Israel rations their food water and medicine and keeps stealing land and corralling the Palestinians into smaller and smaller areas.

Listen. I am an equal opportunity hater, but you should really try to be objective and if you do, you will admit that Israel needs to stop their atrocities.

ImOkYouSuck1184 reads

Why hasnt the U.N. brought them up on war cirmes charges in the Hague? And when did I say anyone should be disarmed? I said IF they were, there would be peace. And what does "nearly defenseless" mean when they are purchasing or are given "offensive" smart weapons from Iran? You havent said a single thing YET against the Palestinians and their hateful, murderous ways so for you to state you are "an equal opportunity hater" is absurd. You hate Israel. Just have the balls to say that and be done with the charade that you "hate" both sides.

Panthera121169 reads

How many times was Israel censured by the U.N.? Not that I have much faith in that body, but come on. You know the answer.
It's because of our protection that they have not been up for war crimes or crimes against humanity. They are a brutal regime and you know it.

Listen asshole. I never said I even liked the Palestinians, but your remark saying that if they were disarmed there would be peace is absolutely moronic. Israel will make peace with them when they are all dead, and not before.

Now YouSuckToo

Panthera121428 reads

just the usual argument from the Israeli defenders who refuse to acknowledge the war mongering, ethnic cleansing, and atrocities of that government.

What surprises me the most is that so many here are sucked into the propaganda.

International Criminal Court. The US is going to veto any attempt to refercharges against Israel. There s no universal jurisdiction. So you can't use that to make an argument that Israel is war crimes free.

EasyBreezy1490 reads

That's your argument, that the missles being fired into Israel are small and often miss their mark?! Nobody is that stupid so clearly you're just an apologist for terrorist.

"Listen. Israel does not defend itself. They are the aggressors, instigators and the most prolific ethnic cleansers on the planet. The Israeli government will be sorry one day and I will feel sorry when their innocent civilians are killed too."

First off, that's just factually incorrect. You just admitted above that Israel was/is fired upon 1st (and hundreds of times after that, for years on end, before she rightly respond).

Secondly, it should go something like this... Israel should pick a day and proclaim that any missles - or even bullets - fired across the border from then on will be viewed as an act of war. Then when some arab piece of shit fires the 1st shot - which will happen that very day since these animals can't even stop killing eachother - Israel should unleash a response so violent, so brutal, it will serve as a warning for generations to come.

In other words, fuck that cocksucker mohamed and fuck you too.

Most observers believe Israel's action was taken not to start a war at all, but because it could strike without fear of retaliation from the Assad regime because of its preoccupation with its civil war.  It was simply a target of opportunity for the Israelis, and the last thing they want is all-out war.  Obama even less so.

"No doubt that Obama is also licking his chops in preparation to join Israel into a new conquest of mass murders and destruction."

Many on the right, especially neo-cons are criticizing Obama for backing away from his remarks about WMD being the red line triggering our actions. Personally, I hope he's learned the lessons from Iraq, and swallows his pride, and stays out of it, other than possibly destroying their air power, and creating a no-fly zone.

Panthera121375 reads

I don't think Obama wants to stay out of it, and Israel will bully him into submission anyhow. The WMD remarks are really old and I don't believe that a segment of the population is falling for that line of BS again.  

Why should we destroy their air power? In order for us to do that, it would require air strikes. The only no fly zone should be the U.S. not flying around the Middle East.

"The average person on the streets of Iraq isn't fooled by our occupation of their country. They hate us throughout the Middle East and the Moslem world because we care most about how to make money in foreign lands. They know it and we should know it. But we're told that it's our freedom and democracy that engenders this animosity toward us. Residents of Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Syria, and other countries throughout the Middle East hate us vehemently because they believe that Americans simply can't figure out how all that American oil got under their sand. They believe that we're acting in our own self-interest and that we justify destroying their villages and killing insurgents by convincing ourselves that it's in the name of freedom and democracy."

Complete article by Dr. Wayne Dyer linked: My Tur

I still get an occasional letter from 2 families in Iraq I grew to know when i was there. 30% of them probably hate us, but they probably would have either way. Some are resentful of us being there but are happy we removed Saddam. I'm sure the feeling of having your country overrun no matter what the situation it's going to sting. The real issue is we stayed 10 yrs and didnt allow them a national identity, or control of their own country. I'm not sure we were stealing their oil and if we were we didnt get enough to cover the 1 trillion we spent there.  
     Here is a quote from the author of a book written using direct conversations with Iraqi families ect. I'll put a link on the bottom of the page.  
     "Do they hate us or love us for what we did to their country?

 Iraqi feelings and opinions about the U.S. invasion are varied, nuanced and not easily categorized. But most Iraqis I would say are genuinely glad to be rid of Saddam Hussein. Even those Iraqis whose previous lives revolved around loyalty to the old regime struggle to imagine a brighter future for Iraq if Saddam Hussein had stayed in power. And of course many Iraqis were elated by his downfall. The fact that it came at the hands of foreign army stirred little anger from what I heard.

Kukis in Baghdad, 2008
You have to remember that invading armies have been warring across Iraq since roughly the third millennium BC. Iraqi society is somewhat inured to foreign invasion. But the way the U.S. handled the occupation after the invasion angers virtually every Iraqi, even those who welcomed it."


Read more: http://nation.time.com/2011/06/22/what-the-iraqi-people-think-of-our-war-against-their-nation/#ixzz2SZWif2fz

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
"The average person on the streets of Iraq isn't fooled by our occupation of their country. They hate us throughout the Middle East and the Moslem world because we care most about how to make money in foreign lands. They know it and we should know it. But we're told that it's our freedom and democracy that engenders this animosity toward us. Residents of Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Syria, and other countries throughout the Middle East hate us vehemently because they believe that Americans simply can't figure out how all that American oil got under their sand. They believe that we're acting in our own self-interest and that we justify destroying their villages and killing insurgents by convincing ourselves that it's in the name of freedom and democracy."  
 Complete article by Dr. Wayne Dyer linked: My Turn  

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