Politics and Religion

Trump the pussy bails on second debate with Harris.
inicky46 61 Reviews 184 reads

His claims he won ring hollow. (He sounds like The SPOAT when he claims to "own" me.)
Every poll says Trump lost the debate.
Aren't you righties embarrassed to support such a gutless, losing weasel?
Personally, I think it's also a huge mistake for Trump to do this, not only because he looks bad but because he needs a second debate to try to snatch a victory.

The man can just never accept reality. He is just so delusional. It's one of many reasons why so many who worked with him in the White House say he is uniquely disqualified to ever be there again.  
The irony is he NEEDS the second debate, not her. Now, she and her surrogates can say he is scared of her time and time again. The politics is perfect for her. "Big tough guy scared of a woman." Remember the "anytime, anywhere" answer he gave about debating Joe a second time? Those days are long gone.

Trump was at Fox but Kamala didn't show up.  Trump agreed to NBC debate but Kamala never agreed to it.
Now she wants another debate on her terms because she didn't get the job done of answering any policy questions.
She blew her chances just like she blew Willie Brown.

Tell us, Fester, in this alternate universe of yours are you some sort of wizard?

Is a classic Trump negotiation tactic.  Walk away.  If Kamala polling shows she needs a debate she'll have to accept Trump conditions. If she thinks she doesn't need a debate, she'll never offer serious concessions.
Trump has 10 years on the world political stage. Kamala remains the unknown. And ABCs terrible debate questions failed to draw out Kamala policies. Nobody knows from day to day what she stands for.  Everyone knows what Trump stands for.  
But Kamala's own polling will decide the issue.

Trump always thinks he is the smartest guy in the room. Problem is, he never is.

the swing states with ads showing Kamala's radical history in HER OWN WORDS.  She can't run from this.  In the last month, he will add the video of Bernie Sanders telling a reporter that Kamala is still her same progressive self, and that she is just being "pragmatic and saying what she needs to in order to get elected."  Then, it's THANK YOU, BERNIE SANDERS, for helping to expose the fraud.  

Consequently, Kamala will come back in mid-October and BEG for a debate on Fox News.  It will be the only card she has left to play.  

until someone calls bullshit on him. Which happens nearly every day.

a Harris bump due to the EMOTIONAL reaction to her debate performance.  Once people start to digest the lack of substance in what she said, she will come crashing back to earth in the polls.  

Carnac is a a marketing guy and understands consumer motivation.  Impulse sales based on emotions often result in a high percentage of buyer's remorse.  People who buy things thoughtfully have fewer regrets.   It's the science of how we are wired.  

Because it was not mainly even about Harris' performance. it was about Trump. His lies and his craziness. And that's not being "digested." People are flat-out laughing at him over his "eating dogs" remarks.

Oh my bad! That was Trump's friend Bernie Goldberg who said that. Hoards of conservatives saying Trump got taken to the woodshed. Trump will have to cave out of weakness now and desperation to a second debate. She owns him.

Liberals say:
1. Trump thinks he wins every debate
2. Trump is afraid to debate
Square that circle.

"Trump thinks he wins every debate" is what Trump SAYS.
"Trump is afraid to debate" is what Trump THINKS.
Do you have any grasp of the difference?

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: Oh that's easy! Icky is delusional and a liar.
You weren't aware of any of this? lol.
Nooo NO we know icky is delusional and a liar…  

Sorry ick, it’s true you are delusional and a liar!

agrees to Fox News.  Trump proved he had balls when he stood up to the partisans at CNN and ABC.  If Kamala expects to stand up to Putin, Xi and the Ayatollah as President, she should be able to face Bret Baier.  If she refuses, it just plays into the narrative that she will only debate if she can get help from biased moderators.  

Do you see the irony of calling Trump a gutless weasel after he went on CNN and ABC and took the beating from the mods?  Why doesn't the same standard apply to Kamala going on Fox News?

Trump has praised Putin and Xi! On what planet is that "standing up" to them? He bows to them and kisses their ass, just like he did with rocket man in N. Korea and how did that work out???

and told them he didn't want Baier and McCallum to moderate the debate. Why? Clearly because they're actual journalists. He wanted Hannity and Ingraham, who are two of his arch stooges. On the other hand, Kamala wanted to unmute the mics at the last debate but went ahead anyway when that was nixed.
So who's the pussy?
You should really join Wanker in learning to check your facts before posting.

Couple things I see here.  
1. The only pussy TATL ever see's is when he types the word "pussy" on a fuk board forum.
2. It makes good sense for Trump to not do a second debate. If he doesn't perform well in a second debate that's pretty close to election time, that's not going to be good at all. So why even put yourself in that position?
This debate is already old news and its only Thursday. Most people will have forgotten about it by end of Sept.  

Well except for the 4 retards here that have had wet dreams every night over it. Well.....3. 1 of the 4 has no dick. So.....

Posted By: durran421
Re: Makes good sense.
Couple things I see here.  
 1. The only pussy TATL ever see's is when he types the word "pussy" on a fuk board forum.  
 2. It makes good sense for Trump to not do a second debate. If he doesn't perform well in a second debate that's pretty close to election time, that's not going to be good at all. So why even put yourself in that position?  
 This debate is already old news and its only Thursday. Most people will have forgotten about it by end of Sept.  
 Well except for the 4 retards here that have had wet dreams every night over it. Well.....3. 1 of the 4 has no dick. So.....

…by which the media that are so in the bag for Democrats will start to see that it costs them more to side with the Dems and cover for their corruption then to just report the news in an unbiased way.

Trump said he won the debate. You're not saying Trump lied about that, are you?

-- Modified on 9/12/2024 6:43:52 PM

Wanker has become completely unhinged by Trump's epic melt-down. And The SPOAT is so completely, consistently dumb, this gif describes both of you equally.

We’re 4 months away from Trump being back in the White House. Term limited, he now has nothing to lose.

What are you even talking about?
What in this post has anything to do with this thread?

Glad the TATL admits it at least.....

-- Modified on 9/12/2024 7:17:37 PM

Not surprised that he won't debate her again after how Harris destroyed and embarrassed him.
Can you imagine what Xi,Jong, Putin and Orban did to trump behind closed doors.
Just as well..

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