Politics and Religion

Waltz was conditional promoted for only 14 DAYS šŸ¤ØšŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø
LostSon 43 Reviews 315 reads

Fast forward to the 30 minute mark.

His fellow soldiers tell the story. When this all came out I thought he had held the rank for sometime and just hadnā€™t been able to get the requirements done. Now we find out itā€™s 14 days and as they pointed out possibly not even over a drill period.  

Plus he knew well in advance and stated his intent to deploy to Iraq to his command and fellow SNCOs. He deserves all the scorn being heaped upon him.

So is John McCain's son, Jimmy, a former Army officer.

at the invitation of Gold Star families for a ceremony.  Neither was Biden or the Obamas when they made campaign ads.  Trump was in invitee, so arguing he is worse than any of these others is disingenuous.  The photos and video were made at the REQUEST of the gold star families, and they have come forward and attested to that. Got Bias?  

The families had ZERO authority to waive the law for Trump. ZERO. NONE. NADA. ZILCH. "No one is above the law."  
OFFICIAL photographs at ANC can be screened / cropped / etc. and be approved for various uses. Trump had ZERO approval to TAKE the photos and ZERO approval to use the photos for campaign purposes.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: However, McCain was not there . . . .
at the invitation of Gold Star families for a ceremony.  Neither was Biden or the Obamas when they made campaign ads.  Trump was in invitee, so arguing he is worse than any of these others is disingenuous.  The photos and video were made at the REQUEST of the gold star families, and they have come forward and attested to that. Got Bias?  

the Obamas had zero authority to waive it for themselves, so what?  Unlike McCain, Biden or the Obamas, I believe Trump has yet to use the images in any campaign ads.  They have only been shown by news media.  

To cut to the chase, it seems we are agreed that McCain, Biden, and the Obamas broke the law because they used themselves being at Arlington in campaign ads.  You say the gold start families had no authority to waive the law, but how does that incriminate Trump for merely accepting an invitation to attend the ceremony set up by the gold start families?  Do you recall any sort of accusations of criminal conduct when McCain, Biden and Obamas intentionally made campaign videos there?  Would you agree that the media outrage, and by extension, your own, is one-sided?  How about a little honesty on this one, Imp?  Or are you doubling down on partisan hack?  

for Trump's ANC visit. But nope, no one said it was criminal. We said it broke cemetery rules and the rules of good taste. But CDL, a true cheap political trickster, claims Trump is not guilty of something he was never accused of.

The big problem that this case has is that because the families invited Trump and wanted pictures, Team Harris has to go after the families.  Smooth move.

Harris and the Dems never went after the families.
Please stop lying, Fester.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Lying again, we see, Fester.
Harris and the Dems never went after the families.  
 Please stop lying, Fester.
We huh? Wtf icky crite? Do ā€œweā€ have to have another sit down again to explain that unless you have a mouse in your pocket you donā€™t say we.

The guy who can't tell the difference between "your" and "you're" should not be lecturing ANYONE on the use of English.
Don't worry, I will continue to use "we" just to trigger him.

then you did not watch the coverage on CNN.  The talking airheads there were all calling it another "crime" by Trump.

To cut to the chase, it seems we are agreed that McCain, Biden, and the Obamas broke the law because they used themselves being at Arlington in campaign ads.
We most certainly do NOT agree.
I do not have the McCain, Biden, or Obama (or other ADS) you allude to. Were they actually ads or were they NEWS. "President and First Lady visit ANC on Veteran's Day" or "Senators visit ANC on Memorial Day" kind of stuff. THOSE ARE OFFICIAL PHOTOS OF SITTING POTUS OR SITTING SENATOR (McCain) VISITING ANC.  Furthermore, ANC authorities can approve official photos for various uses.  
Compare, "Politician who refused to honor the soldiers killed at Abbey Gate on the 1st and 2nd anniversaries in 2022 and 2023 and refers to soldiers and veterans as suckers and losers suddenly feels like paying his respects -- as long as there is a photographic record -- while actively campaigning for election."  
How did the news media get Trump's photo's? MEDIA PHOTOGS are NOT allowed at Section 60. CAMPAIGN PHOTOGS are NOT allowed at Section 60 but they forced their way in anyway. Did Trump post his photos to Truth Social or X where others could download them? Did he send copies to NYT, API, WaPo, et al.? Did he send them out in a campaign email?
How about this one:
Utah Gov. Cox under fire for using military cemetery photo with Trump in campaign email.
"... The email was soliciting donations for Cox's reelection bid. ā€œThis was not a campaign event and was never intended to be used by the campaign,ā€ the governor wrote in a post on X. *******ā€œIt did not go through the proper channels and should not have been sent.ā€*******
Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: And McCain, Biden and  . . . . .
the Obamas had zero authority to waive it for themselves, so what?  Unlike McCain, Biden or the Obamas, I believe Trump has yet to use the images in any campaign ads.  They have only been shown by news media.    

To cut to the chase, it seems we are agreed that McCain, Biden, and the Obamas broke the law because they used themselves being at Arlington in campaign ads.  You say the gold start families had no authority to waive the law, but how does that incriminate Trump for merely accepting an invitation to attend the ceremony set up by the gold start families?  Do you recall any sort of accusations of criminal conduct when McCain, Biden and Obamas intentionally made campaign videos there?  Would you agree that the media outrage, and by extension, your own, is one-sided?  How about a little honesty on this one, Imp?  Or are you doubling down on partisan hack?  

Trump and his contingent were told the rules DIRECTLY when they began their visit. As they tried to enter Section 60, they were told again. Civilians had ZERO authority to declare the law null and void for Trump.

on Fox News.  You can go ahead and watch them, they won't break your computer and you will come away more informed and perhaps a little less partisan.  Lol

Posted By: inicky46
Re: *Yawn* Mary Trump is voting for Harris.
So is John McCain's son, Jimmy, a former Army officer.
Your completely dodging the fact Walz is a bigger scumbag than you are. He told his chain of command he would deploy when predeployment planning was going onā€¦

THEN he slides his retirement papers in and his own CO didnā€™t know?

Scumbag mother fucker right there.

-- Modified on 9/4/2024 10:05:27 PM

Before anything was official, Walz (and others) thought that they might be deployed sometime in the near future. It was scuttlebutt, reading the tea leaves, not yet a known fact. Walz discussed with Guard colleagues and friends about leaving the NG because he was planning to run for office. They agreed it would look bad IF he WAITED until there was an order to deploy so he decided to submit his retirement papers BEFORE there were any official orders or announcements.  
For comparison, some of you can think back to your HS - college days and maybe even when there was a draft in effect. You talk with your friends about options: Should I seek a deferment? ... join ROTC? ... move to Canada? ... enlist in the service of my choice (rather than get drafted and go where they send you)? ... Did you have friends who told you one thing but did another, sometimes on the spur of the moment? "WHAT??? You're moving to CA? I thought we were gonna join ROTC together! I JUST SIGNED UP! And you're going to CANADA???!!!" When high impact, life changing things are so unpredictable, some decisions are made quickly, sometimes they are reversed on a gut feeling and reversed again, all hoping for the best.  
Some guys manage to get letters from a family friend that attests to non-existent "bone spurs" in order to get out of serving. Meanwhile, they play baseball, football, and golf to flaunt their service-dodging fraud.

Posted By: LostSon
Re: šŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ˜µ
Posted By: inicky46
Re: *Yawn* Mary Trump is voting for Harris.  
 So is John McCain's son, Jimmy, a former Army officer.
Your completely dodging the fact Walz is a bigger scumbag than you are. He told his chain of command he would deploy when predeployment planning was going onā€¦  
 THEN he slides his retirement papers in and his own CO didnā€™t know?  
 Scumbag mother fucker right there.

-- Modified on 9/4/2024 10:05:27 PM

in the military, there are several people in the administration of any battalion that would know of advance notice of deployment.  An Acting Command Sargeant-Major would find out the same day as the Colonel or Lt. Col. that commands the battalion, and that might be weeks before any orders are cut, but even before that, the clerks in the Division Commanders office who TYPED the notices to the Battalion commander would know about it, and from there, other enlisted men in the subject battalion would most often know.  

However, it seems you are conceding that Walz DID receive early notice from some back-channel source (which is common) and gave notice of his intent to retire in an effort to minimize being regarded as a coward.  It would have probably died out save the fact that Kamala picked him for VP and put him under the microscope.  

" it seems you are conceding that Walz DID receive early notice from some back-channel source "
No, that is NOT what I am conceding. What I meant by "reading the tea leaves" was that there is always info in the public domain that can lead to reasonable speculation. I don't know the dates / times of Walz's retirement period, but when there is news (maybe "Taliban attack [City or Outpost]!") followed by a Press Conference and then interviews on Face the Nation or Meet the Press or other sources that the public, which includes those in the NG, can speculate: "Gee, I wonder if they'll deploy more troops, maybe a surge?" "Yep, when that interviewer asked for those details, the (Senator or Secy of Defense or other) didn't say no which usually means yes." "And there's another news conference scheduled for Thursday. Hmmm..." THAT'S what I meant by "reading the tea leaves."
I will wait for a complete, correct, non-speculative timeline. In the meantime, Walz broke no laws, he broke no vows, it sounds like he made a tough decision during tough, even scary, times ... comparable to the enlist / ROTC / deferment scenario I described that many of us can relate to.  
Cadet Bone Spurs is the ***biggest coward*** among ALL the candidates and then some. And submitting a falsified medical report to escape induction might also be a CRIME (I don't know the laws back then). Trump used to say that having unprotected sex with different women and risking infection with an STD was his Vietnam.    
Draft-Dodger Trump Said Sleeping Around Was My ā€˜Personal Vietnamā€™
"... Draft-dodger Donald Trump once said that the danger he faced from getting sexually transmitted diseases was his own ā€œpersonal Vietnam.ā€ ..."  
Some people think that Trump is suffering from late stage syphilitic paresis = syphilitic insanity from his "personal Vietnam."

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Since you were obviously NEVER . . .
in the military, there are several people in the administration of any battalion that would know of advance notice of deployment.  An Acting Command Sargeant-Major would find out the same day as the Colonel or Lt. Col. that commands the battalion, and that might be weeks before any orders are cut, but even before that, the clerks in the Division Commanders office who TYPED the notices to the Battalion commander would know about it, and from there, other enlisted men in the subject battalion would most often know.    
 However, it seems you are conceding that Walz DID receive early notice from some back-channel source (which is common) and gave notice of his intent to retire in an effort to minimize being regarded as a coward.  It would have probably died out save the fact that Kamala picked him for VP and put him under the microscope.  
And before YOU bring it up ... Yes, a gunman shot at Trump and hit in the helix of his ear. Trump has been proclaiming Divine Intervention.
Republicans embrace ā€˜divine interventionā€™ for Trumpā€™s near-miss into martyrdom.
"... Trump himself praised God for saving his life, writing early Sunday morning that it was ā€œGod alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.ā€ ..."
God has been protecting EVERYONE ELSE from harm. Trump and the MAGAs don't realize that the gunshot to the ear WAS A WARNING from God that Trump had better change his ways.

no laws broken by Walz being a coward and avoiding combat that he knew was coming.  However, is this the kind of man you want to have a heartbeat away from being our commander-in-chief?  As a veteran, I find the idea repugnant, as do many other veterans who are speaking out.  

Cadet Bone Spurs is the ***biggest coward*** -- and the biggest racist misogynistic bully -- among ALL the candidates and then some. And submitting a falsified medical report to escape induction might also be a CRIME (I don't know the laws back then). Trump used to say that having unprotected sex with different women and risking infection with an STD was his Vietnam.    
Draft-Dodger Trump Said Sleeping Around Was My ā€˜Personal Vietnamā€™
"... Draft-dodger Donald Trump once said that the danger he faced from getting sexually transmitted diseases was his own ā€œpersonal Vietnam.ā€ ..."  

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: You are correct, there . . . .
no laws broken by Walz being a coward and avoiding combat that he knew was coming.  However, is this the kind of man you want to have a heartbeat away from being our commander-in-chief?  As a veteran, I find the idea repugnant, as do many other veterans who are speaking out.  

shot and got up, held his fist up, and yelled, "fight" several times, right?  And you think this is worse than Walz NEVER being shot at because he wimped-out of going into combat after training for that very eventuality for over 20 years?  Bone spurs is an automatic disqualifier for military service, as is a heart murmur, and certain allergies.  You can't even volunteer for a desk job, because you would not be able to complete basic training with a disability like bone spurs.    

The doc who wrote the diagnosis was beholden to him because he rented his office from Trump's father. His family can't be certain but believe the doc never even examined Trump. Bolstering this account is the fact that Trump subsequently was never treated for bone spurs and has led a fairly active life. In other words, the bone spurs story is bullshit.
But people like you and Looooser will still swallow it, just as you do every other Trump Turdburger.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: If you think Trump actually had bone spurs you are terminally naive.
The doc who wrote the diagnosis was beholden to him because he rented his office from Trump's father. His family can't be certain but believe the doc never even examined Trump. Bolstering this account is the fact that Trump subsequently was never treated for bone spurs and has led a fairly active life. In other words, the bone spurs story is bullshit.  
 But people like you and Looooser will still swallow it, just as you do every other Trump Turdburger.
The Hypocrisy of icky is just astounding here. Your ā€œdeferementā€ for ā€œlaw enforcementā€ got you out of Vietnam. Which M i g h t  have been ok except you werenā€™t a real cop walking a beat and thenā€¦ you had brag that you dodged the draft.    

šŸ™„ šŸ™„ šŸ™„  

Face it icky you win hands down the TER P&R board, pot calling the kettle black award.

But thanks for proving you haven't got a single clue what a Parole Officer's job was like in New York City back in the day.
Your ignorance is profound but not surprising.
I worked inside the hell hole that is Rikers Island. I also spent lots of time on the street in some of the worst neighborhoods in Harlem and the Lower East Side. There were some dodgy moments but I'm not going to reveal them here.
You lose again.
Semper Lie.  
Now lie again by telling me I'm lying. Why not double down, liar.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Semper Lie, Looooser.
But thanks for proving you haven't got a single clue what a Parole Officer's job was like in New York City back in the day.  
 Your ignorance is profound but not surprising.  
 I worked inside the hell hole that is Rikers Island. I also spent lots of time on the street in some of the worst neighborhoods in Harlem and the Lower East Side. There were some dodgy moments but I'm not going to reveal them here.  
 You lose again.  
 Semper Lie.  
 Now lie again by telling me I'm lying. Why not double down, liar.
Icky you DID NOT join the military and go to Vietnam. You did not get drafted and go to Vietnam I donā€™t care if you were playing cop or sucking dick in Times Square fir a nickel a pop! You didnā€™t goā€¦ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø

For you to rant and rave that anyone is a draft dodger is the height ofā€¦ wait for it,


Where I DID go was FAR more dangerous than any place you've ever been.
Semper Lie, Looooooser.

Where was that? The subway to the Bronx?? Sounds pretty scary.......

As someone who never served in the military, I can understand someone avoiding deployment when retirement is an option.  However, misleading people, i.e. stolen valor, about one's military career, directly or indirectly, is really the mark of a weasel.  No one, miliary or not, likes weasels.

Trump is a convicted FELON.  
Trump mocks servicemen and veterans and calls them schmucks. John McCain III was a prisoner in a North Vietnam torture camp and REFUSED early release without his comrades. (The NVNese thought it was bad press to keep him captive because his father was Admiral McCain, USN. So they offered him early release. Admiral McCain did not try to pull any strings to get his son released. The NVNese were hoping for good PR with the early release but McCain refused.) Trump doesn't think that McCain is a hero. McCain's spittle has more honor than Trump.  
Trump STOLE money, property and livelihoods from thousands of people who did business with him, invested in his businesses, donated to his fraudulent charity, paid for the fraudulent Trump University seminars, etc.. Trump the Weasel would throw CDL, lester, and EVERYBODY else under the bus for 13 cents. (Remember when Spy Magazine sent out checks to ~68 wealthy people to see who would cash a 13 cent check? Very few even bothered to endorse the check and deposit it. Trump was one of the TWO that did.)  
Trump Org was convicted of business fraud (a form of THEFT) and fined upwards of $400M albeit under appeal.  
Trump has pending cases of TAX FRAUD in excess of $100 M pending with the IRS. That is THEFT from the US citizenry.  
To repeat ... Trump WEASELED his way out of induction into the Armed Forces with a fraudulent medical claim of bone spurs.  
Trump even tried to STEAL an election!! That might not be the act of a weasel; a dirty, stinking, skunk might be a better way to describe Trump.
Are you against ALL weasels or are some weasels "above the MAGA law"?

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: You are correct, there . . . .
As someone who never served in the military, I can understand someone avoiding deployment when retirement is an option.  However, misleading people, i.e. stolen valor, about one's military career, directly or indirectly, is really the mark of a weasel.  No one, miliary or not, likes weasels.

Posted By: impposter
Re: You are correct, there . . . .
Trump is a convicted FELON.  
 Trump mocks servicemen and veterans and calls them schmucks. John McCain III was a prisoner in a North Vietnam torture camp and REFUSED early release without his comrades. (The NVNese thought it was bad press to keep him captive because his father was Admiral McCain, USN. So they offered him early release. Admiral McCain did not try to pull any strings to get his son released. The NVNese were hoping for good PR with the early release but McCain refused.) Trump doesn't think that McCain is a hero. McCain's spittle has more honor than Trump.  
 Trump STOLE money, property and livelihoods from thousands of people who did business with him, invested in his businesses, donated to his fraudulent charity, paid for the fraudulent Trump University seminars, etc.. Trump the Weasel would throw CDL, lester, and EVERYBODY else under the bus for 13 cents. (Remember when Spy Magazine sent out checks to ~68 wealthy people to see who would cash a 13 cent check? Very few even bothered to endorse the check and deposit it. Trump was one of the TWO that did.)  
 Trump Org was convicted of business fraud (a form of THEFT) and fined upwards of $400M albeit under appeal.    
 Trump has pending cases of TAX FRAUD in excess of $100 M pending with the IRS. That is THEFT from the US citizenry.  
 To repeat ... Trump WEASELED his way out of induction into the Armed Forces with a fraudulent medical claim of bone spurs.  
 Trump even tried to STEAL an election!! That might not be the act of a weasel; a dirty, stinking, skunk might be a better way to describe Trump.  
 Are you against ALL weasels or are some weasels "above the MAGA law"?
Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: You are correct, there . . . .  
 As someone who never served in the military, I can understand someone avoiding deployment when retirement is an option.  However, misleading people, i.e. stolen valor, about one's military career, directly or indirectly, is really the mark of a weasel.  No one, miliary or not, likes weasels.

Impy hates Trump

Impy hates Trump

Impy hates Trump

Look for all Trumps shortfalls he did NOT fuck up this country, The one before? Did nothing but create stagflation and spark racial division.  

The one after? OMG!!! He allowed his puppet masters to totally buttfuck this country and now you want his significantly less capable replacement (and her weasely running mate) to speed up the decline of this nation all over your TDSā€¦.

Looooser is a fool
Looooser is a fool
Trump DID fuck up this country.
He gave billions to his rich pals
He fucked up the response to Covid, killing tens of thousands of people.
By doing that he drove the economy into a ditch.
He fomented an insurrection and perpetrated election fraud.
He stole sensitive intelligence documents and stored them in his fucking bathroom.
He blew the response to the Charlottesville confrontation and encouraged hate groups.
"Proud Boys, stand back and stand by." He was their best recruiter.
Semper Lie

Tim Walz just said Kamala started her career as a "young prostitutor."

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Tim Walz: Kamala a "young prostitutor."
Tim Walz just said Kamala started her career as a "young prostitutor."
The Freudian slip there is hilarious! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

Camel Toes slept her way on up.

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