Politics and Religion

Soooo Who thinks...
LostSon 43 Reviews 38 reads

That whoever mixes up Joe Joe's pep Juice, went light on it last night on purpose?  

It is obvious that Jill Jill has gone full Edith Wilson and doesn't want to give up "POWER" and someone in the admin quietly (or maybe not so quietly) convinced, again whoever is shooting Joe Up to back off on the Adderall just a touch all to put on full display just how B A D, bad has gotten?  

P.S. I'm still in the Joe should, absolutely run camp!

I’m guessing the person mixing his drug cocktail is seriously worried that it’s going to do Biden in. And how safe would that person be when surrounded by these vultures? That person probably figured going light who the brain juice might get Biden out of office in time for him to not kick the bucket, and this person not to get thrown under the bus and prosecuted harder than they prosecuted anyone else that mildly annoys them. Dude probably has a nice gig working as White House medical staff and would like a future where he’s not slowly poisoning the leader of the free world everyday just so his brain doesn’t melt. Whoever this person is, man, I feel for them. The smart move would be to resign and hang out in some foreign country until January.

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