Politics and Religion

U.S. debt
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There are seven nations with more debt then the USA.  

Does national debt actually matter?

First action cut taxes (Clinton Left a balanced budget and surplus even though Repugnants doesn’t believe)

Second action started two wars with borrowed money

Third action helped collapse the financial markets with lack supervision and by appointing cronies.  

You thought you were funny. Nope, it is real.

You cannot cut your way to prosperity. When you see a business cutting costs to increase profits, it means they are not growing. When you see their line of credit interest rates going up, it is sign of them collapsing towards bankruptcy.  

Some of us know and remember and Repugnats neither know, understand or agree with history. Instead, they argue with history like idiots.

I recall reading about us "Baby Boomers" soon coming into tremendous inherited wealth some 25 years ago. It looks like Greenspan, Wall Street and the Banks found a cure for all that. They tanked the economy and brainwashed the populace to embrace "Capital" over "Savings".

SAVINGS is a dormant accumulation to be used only for emergencies and old age/retirement.  

CAPITAL is an active or kinetic concept with emphasis on investment.  

Old logic- 1ML of savings can support you at $40,000/year for 25 years
New logic- 1ML of capital should be put into perilous 'play' in hopes of a 20% return.  

 I have a longtime friend with several run-down residential properties in my city. He has found that renting them costs him far more money and trouble than simply letting them sit and grow weeds. The city is actively trying to prosecute him out of their ownership because they're being taxed on the assessment made 40+ years ago. He wishes to keep them for the "Old logic" of "SAVINGS"; but every greedy city politician, bureaucrat, developer, and real estate agent is harassing the shit out of him with specious code violations etc in hopes of forcing him to sell everything so that they can up the property taxes ten-fold on a new owner.

  The article is correct. The government wants us working from our late teens until death. Because if we have time to stop and breath we might realize we’ve been sold into economic slavery to the Federal Reserve

We could double our debt, and not really notice it. Unlike Europe, we have a central bank. People who freak out about our debt are just covering for the fact that they don't like tax payer money being spent to help regular people. They'd rather have that money go to the rich assholes who are bribing them.

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