Politics and Religion

U.S. Contemplating Clandestine Special Ops Raid in Libya over Benghazi Mission Attack
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Obama should launch a strike in the midst of the House counter-terrorism committee hearing on the Benghazi consulate attack.  

According to unnamed "senior military and counterterrorism officials" the U.S. is considering "operations to kill or capture militants" implicated in the attack of the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya three weeks ago that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other colleagues.

Saying the Libyan government is too weak and unable to question alleged attackers, JSOC, the Joint Special Operations Command," is compiling target packages of detailed information about the suspects and along with the Pentagon and the CIA are preparing dossiers in anticipation of possible orders by President Obama to take action". Such action would include "drone strikes, special operations raids and joint missions with Libyan authorities".

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