Politics and Religion

Ultimate red state blogger says Romney will lose to Obma & conservatism is dying
Priapus53 4495 reads

Wow, this guy is an ardent member of the Tea party & as conservative as they come. Quite shocking to read this. I don't know if I necessarily agree with him , but, should be interesting to get board reaction to this article.

that conservatism is dying is a bit of a stretch.

I also think that Gingrich will be his closest competition in the primaries.

I would would vote for a conservative candidate, including a Tea-party candidate in a New York minute, who I knew was not, and would not place himself in the pocket of Wall Street, or a K Street lobbyist. When I can't be assured of that, all I have to go on, regarding how to vote, are specific issues I'm concerned about. And, the way I see it, there is very little difference between democrats and republicans when all the rhetoric is removed, and policy is made and implemented.

It's interesting he left out Bachmann and Paul.

but I think we can be sure he won't put himself in the pocket of Wall Street or a K Street lobbyist.

he's way too much of an isolationist for my taste. But, you're right! His strong point is independence from Wall Street, K Street, and the Washington political culture.

-- Modified on 11/8/2011 7:04:28 PM


John Foxworthy voice:
"If you agree with some of Ron Paul's ideas, you might be a Libertarian."

I actually think that most here on both sides would agree with a lot of the Libertarian point of view.
With the exception of the one who shall remain nameless.

I agree with Paul's views on the Iraq war and little else, especially his view of the role of government.

The Libertarian view is in line with what the founding fathers envisioned for this country.
Not the monstrosity our corrupt, over reaching, over controlling government has become.

Might as well burn the Constitution while we're at it, which BHO would like to do.  

Government is the problem, not the answer.

tax it of course.  but hey, wouldn't it help the economy if escorts reporting some earnings and paid into some social security.  oh wait, I don't think he wants my generation to get social security.  I love Ron Paul though.  I just hope he is the real deal and it's not some joke,

Posted By: compressor12345
The Libertarian view is in line with what the founding fathers envisioned for this country.
Not the monstrosity our corrupt, over reaching, over controlling government has become.

Might as well burn the Constitution while we're at it, which BHO would like to do.  

Government is the problem, not the answer.

and even though you have run "off the tracks" lately, I still agree with your assessment that Romney has the best chance of beating Obama.

Unlike you, I don't think they should simply cancel the primaries and nominate Romney today. lol

Priapus531299 reads

I could be wrong about this, but with Cain nonsense & numerous potential contentious debates scheduled, I see potential train wrecks ahead ; perhaps I'm wrong.

As you know, I'm "Poindexter Poll" ; where I disagree with Erickson is, at this stage, I think
election is near tossup at this point, as shown by sampled public opinion. How it unfolds in nearly a year is anyone's guess.

-- Modified on 11/8/2011 4:50:16 PM

HermanCain1518 reads

Romney won't get the nomination .

People in Boston thought he was the best democratic governor they'd had in ages.  Man on the street interviews were really funny when the common folks were corrected by the reporter who shocked them when she said he was a republican... LOL ....

Snowman392179 reads

He may very wel be right, but once the penalties for success get too burdesome, trust me, the rich will pack up and leave.

Ask yourself why so much money is not coming back into the US, why so many jobs are leaving.

We are in a diwnhill spiral, the only question is if it is a death spiral.

As for me, while saddened, I am not going to worry too much. You see, I have simply leave as well. If the liberals want it and the majority of the people chose to give them power, so be it. But in several years when all teh income producing indiviudals and industries leave and they find themsleves like a bad sequal to teh Greece catastrophe, then what will they do?

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