Politics and Religion

Two? You don't give him anywhere near enough credit
GaGambler 27 reads

I rarely come here anymore because that’s literally all there is.  One laffy post after another.  Dude.  Slowdown.  Go outside.  Take a break.  Finds life that doesn’t involve a fuck board.  

Just friendly advice here.  

You don't have to read his post. Learn to just walk away. There's guys here who I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire,so when I see a post by them, I know what it's about and just let it go...why trip over this shit?

Remember when I bashed Chicken Little the other day and I was lamenting the fact that lefties hardly ever seem to criticize each other, except of course when it's some kind of "lovers spat" like the one between BLRPOS and Laffy?

Well this is EXACTLY what I was hoping for, a little push back from a reasonable member of one side of the aisle for inexcusable behavior from someone on their own side. Congrats to Jinxie for being the first to actually do so. Maybe others on your side of the aisle will also finally get sick of Laffy spamming the boards and say something? We can only hope.

On average, Laffy posts 26-33 times a day on this board. He posts around 10 times more often that most of the people on this board. He's the only reason why I rarely bother to come to this board anymore. With his health condition, I figure there's only a 50/50 chance he'll still be around by the time the mid-terms roll around, so I figure if I just wait long enough, the board will get better. It's really crazy to think about. If I were him, and realized I only had 2-4 years left, I'd be working on my bucket list. And not a TER bucket list either, I'd try to experience life to it's fullest while I still could. But I guess he just wants to spend his final days running people off this board or getting so irritated that they block him. Does he not have any friends or family? Hell, if I knew I was about to leave this mortal coil, I think going fishing would be more meaningful to me than staying trapped in a gross apartment, endlessly typing away and counting the days until his hands stop working.  

Geez, around 12 years ago now, I was vacationing in Tampa and it dawned on me that I'd never seen the Everglades. So I took a road trip and drove through it. Hell, I even got to see a panther on the side of the road. There was a little stand out in the middle of nowhere. They had a little alligator exhibit for tourists. There was a big sign that said, "Hug an alligator for 20 dollars". I was a bit curious and wanted to make sure if I do this I won't lose a limb or something. This rather interesting fellow said not to worry, that the alligator's mouth is shut with a safety strap. I said cool. Then I asked, "is this a female alligator?" The guy assured me that it was. So he throws this (bigger than a baby, but not quite full sized) alligator on my shoulder, I hold it and he takes a few pictures of me holding the damn thing. That's when I noticed something odd pressing up against my leg. It wasn't a female alligator.  

When I look back on the life I've already lived, the things that make me smile and laugh are experiences like holding that damn alligator. Never once did I look back and relish that time I called someone on this board a nazi.

It's nice to see you here, even though you're full of shit as usual.
I also can't imagine why you'd pay $20 to get a picture with a gator.

Gollum's TDS and the lunacy AND the mania that goes along with it, he claims your stalking him then says he's going to block you (but really doesn't)  and spouts off the same shit day after day after day. He has inspired his little disciple Laffy Junior that I call LJ for Laffy Junior.  

Willy has tried to help him, don't know if he got anywhere. I offered to teach him how to trade Crypto if he would just lay off the endless spamming he does but he batted away that helping hand.

I've always been curious what exactly Trump did to him personally for him to HATE HATE HATE trump sooo much? Never have gotten an answer.

I don't think it was anything Trump did to him. I'm fairly certain he was abused when he was a child and possibly even molested. I don't go poring through his posts (I'd be pretty stupid to go wading through that cesspool) but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that he had no father figure growing up. Just mom's boyfriend(s). And since 85% of males who are behind bars had no father figure in their lives he's probably done time for a violent crime or 2 as well. He makes it no secret that he's capable of violence, even threatened to bash my head in and go to jail for it if we ever met.

He is a Marxist and a member of Antifa. But, being wheelchair bound, he can't effectively join the Burn Loot Murder sect so he's chosen to aim his projectile diarrhea at anyone and everyone in TER because he can't get laid anymore. He hates everyone, including himself.  

Had no idea until I saw this thread that he has something terminal. What a shame.

"I don't give 'em hell," Harry replied.
"I just tell the truth and they think it's hell."

Posted By: gentleguy1020
Re: Laffy keeps us informed about all the righty shenanigans ... I appreciate his posts! e
And considering the number of righty shenanigans occurring on a daily basis, it's basically a full-time job.

Its so hard to keep up with this guy,  I have caught myself on a couple of occasions just making things up, and everyone here knows I detest doing that.  

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