Politics and Religion

Trump's friend, Bill O'Reilly, opening mocking Trump debate performance!
RespectfulRobert 74 reads

Omg could this get any worse for Trump? O'Reilly has carried Trump's water for years and he compared Trump to a Saturday Night Live skit! lol. I swear you cant make this up!

Another one of Trumps pals destroys him. This is getting so embarrassing. Trump talked about Biden/Kamala not firing anyone. I guess it's put up or shut up time Don bc if you dont fire your debate prep team you are admitting it was ALL your fault. What a joke Trump is.

As the bad reviews and polls roll in Trump will be livid. And you're right. He will probably blame his prep team even though it's likely they did an OK job and he just went off the rails.
He's already cast doubt on a second debate and I'm sure he'd love to bail. But if things get much worse for him he may have no choice but to risk it. Either way, it works great of Harris.

He definitely needs to do a second debate. Back in 2020 Trump’s second debate with Biden was clearly better than his first.

He tried to avoid shaking hands with Harris as he headed to the back of the podium. She had to track him down and extend her hand to him saying "Kamala Harris."

He could not even look her in the eye during the whole debate. He was scared shitless of her.

He said he was not inclined to debate her again because he won the debate and the network was horrible. LOL.

"In my opinion Kamala Harris was even worse because she flat out refused to answer any questions." -- Bill O'Reilly

Bill was covering his ass. He flat out mocked Trump. Geraldo Rivera mocked him. Dana Perino said she won. Elon Musk said she did a great job. Britt Hume said she won. Come on man!

He's rattled. And imagine how he feels now that his idol has pussied out of a second debate.
I can't wait to see how Harris goes after him for this.

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