Politics and Religion

Trump puts a bullseye on Jews' chests...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 116 reads

As if Jews aren't targets already, Trump is already blaming Jews if he loses the election.  He said to an audience of Jews that
"...the Jews would have a lot to do with a loss..." because 40% of Jews support him while 60% support Harris.  
(It's actually 72-25: http://jewishdems.org/press_release/new-poll-jewish-voters-overwhelmingly-support-trust-kamala-harris-oppose-distrust-donald-trump/  ;)

What a stupid fucking motherfucker!!

He's putting a target on the backs of American Jews. "Vote for me or I'll stigmatize you, blame you and have my followers target you."

Trump is a way better friend to the Jews than Joe Joe ever was and  way Way WAY better than Camel Toes will E V E R be.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Delusional much?
Listen to your Uncle Phil.

You're the kid on the playground who gets ranked, can't think of a comeback and can only yell, "No, YOU!"
Sad. Just sad.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: The definition of no game is your 5th grader response.
You're the kid on the playground who gets ranked, can't think of a comeback and can only yell, "No, YOU!"  
 Sad. Just sad.
“Sad. Just sad.” is someone who has to make up (read lie about) a financial gain to cover for a  “I hate Trump” post after it blows up in your face.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Says our most notorious serial liar.
Ya know Duran is right, you tell more lies than Biden…🙄🙄🙄

You are now posting just like him. And that's never a good thing.
Semper Lie.
Go get help for your...

In his rally on Long Island, funny he mentioned this..""They're coming from the Congo. They're coming from Africa. They're coming from the Middle East. They're coming from all over the world, Asia, lot of it coming from Asia".
So now he's targeting the Asian community. It'll be Covid 2 style on the Asian community.
He's going after the "Fear the other" vote now...full scale racism now from a desperate man

their right mind thinks that Trump pointing it out is “putting a target on their backs”. Only those afflicted with TDS take that notion seriously.

Blaming Jews in this environment DOES put a target on their backs. He's telling his Proud Boy and Neo-Nazi followers who to blame. Don't forget this is the same guy who told the Proud Boys "stand back and stand by." Which they did until Jan. 6th. Now tell us that didn't happen. He told Neo Nazis marching with torches in Charlottesville there were "good people on both sides." And someone got killed. And this is in an environment where anti-Semitic acts are spiking. So don't blandly tell us Trump isn't scapegoating Jews.
The rate of anti-Semitic acts is up 400% in the past year.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: More bullshit from ChicKenShit.
Blaming Jews in this environment DOES put a target on their backs. He's telling his Proud Boy and Neo-Nazi followers who to blame. Don't forget this is the same guy who told the Proud Boys "stand back and stand by." Which they did until Jan. 6th. Now tell us that didn't happen. He told Neo Nazis marching with torches in Charlottesville there were "good people on both sides." And someone got killed. And this is in an environment where anti-Semitic acts are spiking. So don't blandly tell us Trump isn't scapegoating Jews.  
 The rate of anti-Semitic acts is up 400% in the past year.
An you pretzel twist everythibg into more lies?  

Charlottesville had been DEBUNKED even by snoopes for gods sake! And you think his comments caused the driver of the car to go drive over people? Seriously? This is you icky 👉 😵‍💫

As for proud boys he was denouncing them!!! You political hack!  

Let me say it again, Trump is a way better friend to the Jews than Biden Harris have been and sweet mother of God imagine what Harris Walz will do to them. 😳😳😳

 But your ERTDS is raging so 🤷🏻‍♂️ carry on with your lies.  

PS Your still not going to beat that whopper up thread though  
🤣 🤣 🤣 that rivals your “feasting on a hottie”  double whopper 🤣 🤣 🤣

Charlottesville has NOT been debunked. Trump  never denounced the Proud Boys.
YOU are the worst political hack around.
And the only thing you feast on is lies and throbbing cock. Go suck a bag of dicks.

His nutty based are extremist and will take what he says to heart.

Posted By: Hpygolky
Re: Do you forget how he targeted the Chinese during Covid...
His nutty based are extremist and will take what he says to heart.
Please N O T happy where did he attack china for covid? Charts circles arrows!

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