Politics and Religion

News Flash: Carl Rove has been co-opted by Obama and his minions!!!!confused_smile
mattradd 40 Reviews 3022 reads

Well, if you follow Donald Trump's logic where he accuses George Stephanopoulos of the same, then that must be the case. ;)

-- Modified on 4/19/2011 6:59:34 PM

Timbow1807 reads

Posted By: Snowman39
neither does Stephanopolos.

GaGambler1355 reads

My first reaction to Trump was "here we go again, another fringe candidate", but he is gaining momentum and he is good in front of the camera. Really, really good.

November 2012 is a long ways off, lots of things can happen between now and then.

Man,  GaGa, now I'm wondering if you need glasses and an ear-trumpet.  Every time Trump opens his mouth he seems like a blowhard and a fool.  A few days ago he had the balls to tell an interviewer that he was a better candidate than Mitt Romney because he'd made more money!  Of course, he didn't mention he'd lost more money, too.  But really, how does making money have anything to do with running a government?  Plus, I wouldn't be surprised if Trump is lying about how much money he's got left.  His casinos are bankrupt (for the third or fourth time) and he's lost most of his real estate empire.  The only other thing he's been talking about is Obama's birth certificate.  And wait until the Republicans hear about his prior positions on abortion and other issues.  He will be shot full of holes.  Trump is, I think, simply promoting his TV show and is not in it for the long haul.  He's a performer, plain and simple.  That would be fine if he weren't writing his own lines.

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