Politics and Religion

Toobin Reinstated To CNN In Touching Interview, “I Got Off Easy”
cks175 43 Reviews 20 reads
2 / 6

Some concern that CNN didn’t do its own investigation, relying on The New Yorker’s review of the matter.

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 11 reads
3 / 6

Stone jackoff..

inicky46 61 Reviews 12 reads
4 / 6

Sorry, but fair or not, no one will take this guy seriously again.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 10 reads
5 / 6

When I saw the quote, “I got off easy” it made me chuckle.

GaGambler 11 reads
6 / 6

FINALLY a post with (so far at least) universal agreement from both the left and the right here.  

Leave it to the Babylon Bee to bring people together. lol

I did like one of the other headlines from a so-called "legitimate" news outlet  that states.

"CNN goes SOFT on Toobin."  

Not quite as good as the Bee, but still pretty good. lol

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