Politics and Religion

Too much golf!!!teeth_smile
mattradd 40 Reviews 1651 reads

For those of you who have whined about Obama playing golf as much as he does, or you think he does, GWB seems to support his pastime.   ;)

followme387 reads

The more time obama spends playing golf the less time obama has to fuck things up.

2014 = GOP Senate and House

St. Croix291 reads

First and foremost, Obama tends to play golf with his buddies. That's OK, but he needs to use golf to build relationships and negotiate. I'll give you one of many examples. Obama throws Bernanke under the bus a few months ago. He basically publicly fires the guy. This is the only guy that is trying to get the economy going, and Obama publicly says that Bernanke has stayed a lot longer than he really wanted to. Might have been easier if Obama just put a bullet threw Bernanke's head. Obama wants Bernanke out and really wanted Larry Summers in. How's that working out? Now he has Janet Yellen, which is basically Bernanke in a skirt. See the role of golf?

Second, get his daughters out on the course. You want to know what your teenagers are doing? Name me another captive 5 hour event with a lot of downtime between shots, where you can subtlety question your kids about stuff. If Obama plays golf with his daughters once in awhile, no one, and I mean no one, will ever say shit about him playing too much golf.

Last, you can learn a lot about someone's character and integrity just by playing golf one time.

I have absolutely no problem Obama playing golf for the right reasons.

-- Modified on 9/24/2013 6:59:42 PM

Though, if you are, and what you say is true, then your points are valid.

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