Politics and Religion

Told ya so: Race tightens in projected U.S. Electoral College vote: Reuters/Ipsos
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 918 reads
1 / 25

NEW YORK (Reuters) - An election analysis conducted in the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project shows that the race has tightened considerably over the past few weeks, with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump projected to win Florida, an essential battleground state, if the election were held today.

The project, which is based on a weekly tracking poll of more than 15,000 Americans, shows that the 2016 presidential race could end in a photo finish on Nov. 8, with the major-party candidates running nearly even in the Electoral College, the body that ultimately selects the president.

The States of the Nation project, which delivers a weekly tally of support for the candidates in every state, shows that the race has tightened in several traditional battlegrounds. Pennsylvania has been moved from a likely win for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to a tossup; Ohio has been moved from a tossup to a likely win for Clinton. And Florida is now considered a likely win for the Republican nominee, with 50 percent support for Trump to 46 percent support for Clinton.

If the election were held today, the project estimates that Clinton has a 60 percent chance of winning by 18 electoral votes. Last week, the project estimated that Clinton had a 83 percent chance of winning the election.

In a separate national Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll, Clinton continues to lead Trump by 4 percentage points, and her recent bout with pneumonia doesn't appear to have scared away her supporters.

The national Sept. 9-15 tracking poll showed that 42 percent of likely voters supported Clinton while 38 percent backed Trump. Clinton, who has mostly led Trump in the poll since the Democratic and Republican national conventions ended in July, regained the advantage this week after her lead briefly faded in late August.

Clinton has an advantage among minorities, women, people who make more than $75,000 a year, and those with moderate political leanings. Trump has an advantage with whites, men, avid churchgoers, and people who are nearing retirement age.

Complete article is linked, but first, let THIS image start your day:) Enjoy...


Makwa 18 Reviews 116 reads
3 / 25

The debates are comming soon.  It will be a competent, informed, and articulate, professional. Against a bumbling fool, who says nothing but insults about his opponent.

JakeFromStateFarm 200 reads
4 / 25

So this was to be expected.  I hope you're not running around with your hair on fire like a certain duck over this just because of one week's polls.  With Drumpf's gaffes on the birther thing and on disarming Hillary's security detail the polls will probably swing back the other way again.  As well as a few more times before this is done.  When it's over I'm still confident Hillary will win.  The polls are like the stock market.  They act like a 15-year-old girl.
So please....Remain calm.  All is well

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 101 reads
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Posted By: Makwa
The debates are comming soon.  It will be a competent, informed, and articulate, professional. Against a bumbling fool, who says nothing but insults about his opponent.
Aye that may very well be the case.  
And I can let you know first hand after the third debate here in Sin City.

BTW, Makwa, what do you think of Trumps idea to hold an un-Moderated debate? Just the two of them sitting across from each other on an interview stage with only a Stage Manager to prompt them for timing.
Honestly, I thought it was the best idea Trump has had since divorcing Ivana

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 163 reads
6 / 25

...I have been saying all along it is HRC's to lose.  

But I have also insisted people stop taking Trump so lightly, and stop looking at him like a joke.
For the last year, despite the fetid insistence of nailsonachalkbord pumpkin boy and all the one-liners from Planet Stupid, I have insisted that people are far too focused on all the reasons why Trump is unqualified, and why he is a clown, and ignoring the facts on the ground ie, millions of new PRO-Trump GOP registrants, as well as his love affair with the alt-right.

Look. I don't want Trump or his authoritarian madness in the White House any more than you do.
But I've stopped laughing at the possibility, and started looking at the realistic scenarios if he DOES somehow win the election. Drinking the ex-pat kool aid is truly silly imho, although I do hope to drive through Canada to Alaska next summer when we go chasing the Aurora and end up at the eclipse.

Seriously, two years ago, this conversation would have been unthinkable.
Today, the topic of the conversation, is the unthinkable.
At the least, an intellectual discussion of the potential scenarios, without the contamination from Planet Stupid would be appropriate at this stage.

That's for another thread. Maybe.

JakeFromStateFarm 210 reads
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Just ask Jeb Bush.  Actually, I think it's something the entire Board could agree on, and even Drumpf.

wolverine3647 66 Reviews 133 reads
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DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 157 reads
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Jeb who? :)

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Just ask Jeb Bush.  Actually, I think it's something the entire Board could agree on, and even Drumpf.

JakeFromStateFarm 93 reads
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JakeFromStateFarm 110 reads
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Trump would simply talk over Clinton, refuse to be pursued to actually answer the tough questions and generally posture and misbehave. He needs a ringmaster.
How would you like this place if it was unmoderated (or at least lightly moderated) the way it used to be?  You think Daffy's bad now?  He'd be a mini-Trump then.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 89 reads
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DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 168 reads
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... talk about a good reason NOT to vote for this guy... even before you bring in the family connection or his silly effort to go toe to toe with Trump on insults, and he just looked flaccid.
However, I can see where he would have a place in a Trump cabinet.

As a doily

bigguy30 175 reads
18 / 25

You sound like a closet Trump supporter sometimes on here.
So you claim to hate both sides.
Then some of your comments, tell another story.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo

-- Modified on 9/17/2016 6:52:48 PM

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 131 reads
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bigguy30 186 reads
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The provider looks so happy to be with you.

Posted By: USGrantlover

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 151 reads
21 / 25

And no FatGirl playtime is tonight. And she's only 24 not an old hag like your daughter there. Have a great day!

-- Modified on 9/18/2016 11:49:48 AM

bigguy30 151 reads
22 / 25

If you come on here acting like a fool old man.
I have no problem returning the fire.

So how old are you beyween 70 and 80 years old?
You must have forgotten biology class back in the fifties.  
I know it was so long ago and you forget things now.

Thanks for the laugh fake internet tough guy and learn something before trying to start trouble.

Posted By: USGrantlover
And no FatGirl playtime is tonight. And she's only 24 not an old hag like your daughter there. Have a great day!

-- Modified on 9/18/2016 11:49:48 AM
-- Modified on 9/18/2016 12:32:24 PM

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 210 reads
23 / 25

Actually I'm 37, a multi billionaire and told I resemble a young Richard Gere. Have a great afternoon!!

bigguy30 177 reads
24 / 25

I have to say, it's so fun mocking your foolish ass.
It's like you and your buddies don't get, most people can see past your bullshit.

Thanks for the laughs and I guess your pimp keeps you busy too.
Just like Richard Gere. Lol
Posted By: USGrantlover
Actually I'm 37, a multi billionaire and told I resemble a young Richard Gere. Have a great afternoon!!
-- Modified on 9/18/2016 1:25:37 PM

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 144 reads
25 / 25
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