Politics and Religion

ACLU report on police Militarization
DA_Flex 1739 reads

The ACLU just produced a report on a issue that I have previously raised.  We all need to stay on our local legislators to reverse this disturbing trend, specifically the transfer of Military grade weapons from the DoD via the 1033 program.

I don't trust the ACLU... specifically a run down of which "weapons"


Posted By: DA_Flex
The ACLU just produced a report on a issue that I have previously raised.  We all need to stay on our local legislators to reverse this disturbing trend, specifically the transfer of Military grade weapons from the DoD via the 1033 program.

DA_Flex362 reads

It's a large report....far too large to cut and paste.  Regarding the weapons issue you raised, a lot of this is easily corroborated.  In fact, the Washington Post just published some information about some small towns receiving MRAPS under this DOD Program.

Some may consider the ACLU a liberal organization, but they are one of several that are leading the way against the increased surveillance state and 4th Amendment abuses that routinely occur in this country.  If you haven't noticed, the administration was forced to release it legal justification for the targeted killing of al-Awlaki, a U.S. Citizen, because of the ACLU and the N.Y. Times.  While I personally think the asshole deserved to die, we need to know why this action, targeted killing...not a battlefield kill, was justified and if there could ever be a case in which this could occur again.

The ACLU does important work and urge everyone to contribute to the cause.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I don't trust the ACLU... specifically a run down of which "weapons"  
Posted By: DA_Flex
The ACLU just produced a report on a issue that I have previously raised.  We all need to stay on our local legislators to reverse this disturbing trend, specifically the transfer of Military grade weapons from the DoD via the 1033 program.

By wasting tax payer money but you won't hear peep from bat shit crazy Retards.

Rhetorical question, if it's a government program money is being wasted.

All this hardware has already been built, the program is actually trying to find a use for the wasted tax payer money, at the expense of the tax payer.


They're more of an "offensive" vehicle. I'd be more concerned with the surveillance equipment LE will be able to obtain.

DA_Flex311 reads

Many police departments already have Stingrays, a mobile device that essentially acts as a cell tower that forces all cell phones in range to use that device.  Once the police has the cell number they are looking for, they can track that signal straight to you door.  The kicker is, some departments think they can use this device without a warrant. This is on top of all the automatic license plate readers and the video they collect from the stationary cameras that cities are so fond of installing. The ACLU is on top of this and other issues.  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
 They're more of an "offensive" vehicle. I'd be more concerned with the surveillance equipment LE will be able to obtain.

an MRAP is primarily a defensive vehicle

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
an MRAP is primarily a defensive vehicle.  

JackDunphy291 reads

There are some that DONT think the ACLU is liberal? LOL

As for for your urging that "everyone contribute to the cause," I think I'll pass.  

Call me weird, but I tend NOT to support an organization that takes on a group as a client that thinks adults should be allowed to have sex with minor children, but that's just me.

could put me on Obama's or some other government minion's "Kill List".
The NSA is tracking and recording me via my smartphone.
Google and Yahoo are forwarding every PC keystroke to the NSA, FBI, CIA etc etc
The local police officer is equipped like a 'Special Forces' commando.
Traffic cameras and their subsequent 'Tickets' have abridged the "Right" of facing and cross examining one's  
accuser in a court of law.
Habeas Corpus is overridden any o'l time government feels it convenient.
One needs pee in a cup to apply for or hold the position of "Janitor".
And the banks, Google and Yahoo allow commercial corporations to track and database every purchase one makes with a credit or debit card.

  Orwell was 20 years early with the title of his book "1984". "BIG BROTHER" however has more than made up for time.

DA_Flex295 reads


Posted By: RRO2610
could put me on Obama's or some other government minion's "Kill List".  
 The NSA is tracking and recording me via my smartphone.  
 Google and Yahoo are forwarding every PC keystroke to the NSA, FBI, CIA etc etc  
 The local police officer is equipped like a 'Special Forces' commando.  
 Traffic cameras and their subsequent 'Tickets' have abridged the "Right" of facing and cross examining one's  
 accuser in a court of law.  
 Habeas Corpus is overridden any o'l time government feels it convenient.  
 One needs pee in a cup to apply for or hold the position of "Janitor".  
 And the banks, Google and Yahoo allow commercial corporations to track and database every purchase one makes with a credit or debit card.  
   Orwell was 20 years early with the title of his book "1984". "BIG BROTHER" however has more than made up for time.

Black Water training 200,000 + USA police offiers .  

Columbine  numerous police securing building and waiting for orders whilst the killing  still going on

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