Politics and Religion

This is the girl who received the Weiner pic
Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 7082 reads

I assumed she was a co-ed piece of ass.  I assumed wrong.

I'm not Carl Bernstein.  It's all on public record.

you're not even Robert Bernstein.

So you really are this fucking stupid?  I "outed" someone whose name and image was posted on the news and I found on Google.  

Here's my latest scoop:  I'm "outing" the girl who gave Bill Clinton a BJ.  You saw it here first!!!

and you decided to create a new post just to take an out of the blue pot shot at the person who received the unwanted pic, acting as if she is just too ugly to be deserving of it.

Thats on you big boy.

Playing the feminist angle on a hooker board?  Can't have it both ways. You must be one of those white knights who puts a love-letter in the envelope full of sweaty money. Pussy!

PS- Your initial criticism was that I "outed" her identity.  Nice save.

-- Modified on 6/2/2011 8:41:12 PM

me pointing out you being a dick doesn't make me a white knight. It just means you are a dick.

PS back to yourself: my "initial criticism" was plain as day in the title to my first post. You had some uncontrollable urge to attack her for doing nothing more than receiving the pic and not being pretty enough for your individual tastes to be deserving of the attention.

PPS: you're still a dick.

But I was so mean to her the way I attacked her and called her all those names.  What were they again?  

PS- Just because you defend their honor it doesn't mean they are going to fuck you without an envelope stuffed with cash.  Most little white knight pussies never understand that.

How am I defending 'their honor'?
So unless you are trying to imply Cordova is a provider, your constant references to an envelope of cash is just a pathetic strawman.

And I'm sure johngalt appreciates being referred to as a 'chick' in your post below. Idiot.

You have no balls, yet you are a total dick. Have fun being a eunuch for the rest of your life.

You've made five posts over the issue of me referring to some random girl that none of us will ever know or meet as "not a hottie".  Do you have a life to go to Mr. Meat Drapes or do you just spend it defending every random gal on the internet that you don't know?

Five posts? Because you keep pretending to be so stupid to not understand the original issue of why you were dickish.

Of course the rest is your now standard attempt to build a new strawman.

So now your 'beef' is that she is "some random girl that none of us will ever know or meet". Yet before, you accused me of trying to cozy up to some unnamed providers who presumably I could meet. Keep on moving the goalposts. You'll get there eventually.

Your original response was I "outed" her.  You can actually check it.  I guess you realized that was silly so then it devolved into you being upset I didn't think she was hot.  What part of any of this doesn't make you a pathetic white knight?  And yes, the fact that you are so offended about a girl that you don't know is hilarious in a "you are sad and pathetic" kind of way.

But keep trying.  You're doing quite well.

This was already covered above. As you know.

So because of your continued feigned stupidity, you now get to claim its up to 7 posts. Or maybe not, since you've run out of fingers on one hand, you may not be able to count past 5.

Priapus551162 reads

acting as if she is just too ugly to be deserving of it."
Thats on you big boy."

 For some unknown reason the OP assumed she was a co-ed piece of ass.
Your rebuttal insinuates ugly ?
Plump, chunky, or over sized, take your pick.

Why mention ugly , unless you have an aversion  towards light skin Black girls.

 It's That's.

at least make a better attempt next time at coherence.

Priapus531864 reads

I wouldn't be surprised .

-- Modified on 6/2/2011 8:13:32 PM

I'm not so sure she is AA.  But if she is I have to find her hot or I'm a racist?  You are officially one of those reactionary liberals who will throw out the racist card for any reason.  All reaction and no thought- like a cockroach.

Everyone has their own taste in women but when I heard "21-year-old co-ed" I assumed she would be smoking hot.  His wife is quite stunning.  

Priapus531271 reads

Anyway, the fact that you've been "dogpiled" here, OC, shows that the posters can see can see through your hate filled innuendos.

Lastly, the P & R posters have picked this costume for you to wear next Halloween-----

So the enlightened liberal Priapus sees someone with darker skin than him so his cockroach like brain screams "African American".  Let's test your theory:
Her father is Dominic Cordova.  Cordova is a Latino name. Her mother is Carol Mizuguci.  Mizuguci is an Asian name.  I believe she is actually Pan Asian. Look at her photo again, idiot.

You caught me.  I'm anti Latino-Pan Asian.  You saw through my innuendo.  And was I really "Dogpiled"?  A white knight and a couple of chicks say she's cute?  I didn't call her any names.  I just don't think she's hot and his marraige and career will probably be going down the toilet over his pursuit of her.  So the real "innuendo" is how fucking stupid he is.

Dude, how many times do I have to kick your ass all over this board?  How many argumments do you need to lose to me? You are a true dunce.  Now go disappear again for a few weeks until you lick your wounds.  I look forward to your next big return announcement.

Priapus531074 reads

you couldn't beat a 1 legged man in an ass kicking contest. And now you deny being "dogpiled"
because you can't handle the fact that you're the board joke------:)

At least you've seen the error of your ways by admitting you have racist sentiments against women of mixed races. I hope being chastened by the board will be the 1st step in your "recovery".

Now go lick your own wounds-----;)

Dude, you played the African American race card (twice) with someone who wasn't AA. Does everyone with a tan look like Beyonce' to you?  You are a dunce.

and was't that all your OP had to say on the subject? why does anyone have to make anymore out of it than that?

Brett Favre at least made a fool out of himself over a hottie, Weiner can't make that claim. What is racist or partisan about that? It doesn't make her a bad person, or him for that matter. Of Course he is a politician and he is married (I didn't know he was married before) so he is going to get fall out from this, I don't really give a fuck about him, or her, but it showed poor judgement on his part. Of course there is nothing new about that either.

IMO a big ado about nothing.

and anyone who thinks she's hot needs to get their eyes checked, I might rate her a "4" at tops, Favre's object of desire was a solid "8", maybe even a "9". So OC makes a valid point. So what's so fucking racist about calling a dog a dog, especially since she is one. woof woof rofl

Estrogen.filled.Zisk1022 reads

How dare you sir!!!  This is not the correct forum to comment on if you think a woman is hot.  This is a forum where we give numerical scores to their appearance and dick-sucking skills.  But we don't comment!!

or is this just an excuse to beat up on someone you plainly don't like?

The woman isn't hot, I don't give a fuck what race she is. Would you fuck her fat ass?

I've said worse about women we know on this very board, and so have you. Since when did you become a white knight? If she was white, would that make her any less of a fatty? I might be an asshole, but at least I have standards. lol

Of course, the picture is low resolution so I can't be certain; but the lady seems to have nice features, a dynamite smile and some pretty nice cleavage. I'm not sure of her age because of the low resolution, but she could be in college.

Great smile, plenty of boobies, great hair....she's a pretty lady.

Looks like a cute little co-ed to me.

Priapus551492 reads

"Looks like a cute little co-ed to me."

Cute   :  YES
Little :   NO

-- Modified on 6/3/2011 12:08:11 AM

Based on her face and upper arm, I'd say she is well within the parameters of being height/weight proportionate. I'd say she is also definitely not in danger of being called anorexic.

I like women who look natural Pri, who do not show underlying skeletal structures. If you like walking skeletons, then I guess you would think she's fat.

Priapus551128 reads

"If you like walking skeletons, then I guess you would think she's fat"

Don't be playing english second language xfean on me. I did not say she was fat. I said YES, she is cute, and NOT little.

nuguy461649 reads

...what say she now that the dem got cought?
no comment is all i can find.....she's not only a joke, she is the mastermind of the demise of this country......we can't afford to have in public office....my checkbook is not big enough!

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