Politics and Religion

Gutless Republican Congressman sneaks out of meeting with...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 511 reads

...his constituents.  Chickenshit Mike Coffman snuck out the back door before the meeting was scheduled to end rather than stay and address the concerns of his constituents about health care.  Coffman had voted several times to repeal Obamacare but he didn't have the balls to defend his vote in front of his constituents.

TwoMints131 reads

He doesn't know the plan. He isn't the president and isn't in the leadership of either body.

The craziness surrounding this is amazing. Transition of power hasn't happened yet and the existing plan has imploded. Maybe they should have just let the fucker die and hung it around the dumb asses who passed it without knowing what's in it.  

Go nuzzle O's nuts, you got 4 days.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...his constituents.  Chickenshit Mike Coffman snuck out the back door before the meeting was scheduled to end rather than stay and address the concerns of his constituents about health care.  Coffman had voted several times to repeal Obamacare but he didn't have the balls to defend his vote in front of his constituents.

You have pulled off the stunning feat of starting a thread with a guy no one has ever heard of nor gives a small tit about on the same night you started a thread about a cover band that no one gives a big tit about. You are coming apart at the seems. How do you post without a brain? Are you related to this guy:


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