Politics and Religion

They might not attract as many viewers, but they can equal or exceed them on the bullshit meter
GaGambler 1450 reads

I remember some of the bald faced lies Al Gore was caught in, I doubt he has adopted any higher standards since leaving politics.

Al Gore and KO are like having Eddie Haskell and Dennis the Menace on the same show.

Priapus538961 reads

According to link below, K.O.implying that NBC/GE
were trying to "control his MSNBC" show; will the mercurial K.O., whose quit/fired from nine previous jobs ( according to article ), last at his upcoming gig ? Time will tell.

-- Modified on 2/8/2011 11:05:17 AM

...and they just got a BIG shot in the arm.

I have 500+ channels of pure shit to choose from. If the missus didn't watch some of that bs I would probably nix TV altogether.

Timbow2844 reads

Posted By: willywonka4u
...and they just got a BIG shot in the arm.

I do wonder about what that non-compete said if it let him sign on with Current TV.  It was reported there was as 9-month waiting period.  So I just checked Current TV's web site to see who carries them and was amazed to find this statement:
"After five years, Current is now available via cable and satellite TV in 75 million households worldwide – 60 million households in the US – through distribution partners Comcast (Channel 107); Time Warner ; DirecTV (Channel 358 nationwide); Dish Network (Channel 196 nationwide); Verizon and AT&T."
I'm shocked they are distributedsto widely, and by major operators.  And don't confuse cable operators with the left-of-center leanings of the rest of the media.  Cable operators have historically been very conservative, some of them more than slightly to the right of Attila the Hun, so I don't know what explains it.

Timbow2158 reads

Posted By: inicky46
I do wonder about what that non-compete said if it let him sign on with Current TV.  It was reported there was as 9-month waiting period.  So I just checked Current TV's web site to see who carries them and was amazed to find this statement:
"After five years, Current is now available via cable and satellite TV in 75 million households worldwide – 60 million households in the US – through distribution partners Comcast (Channel 107); Time Warner ; DirecTV (Channel 358 nationwide); Dish Network (Channel 196 nationwide); Verizon and AT&T."
I'm shocked they are distributedsto widely, and by major operators.  And don't confuse cable operators with the left-of-center leanings of the rest of the media.  Cable operators have historically been very conservative, some of them more than slightly to the right of Attila the Hun, so I don't know what explains it.
Quote :
Current TV brings іn a paltry 23,000 prime time viewers a night .

Probably why the non-compete did not apply :)

-- Modified on 2/9/2011 8:45:54 AM

JLWest1529 reads

nothing to offer. Wish KO and Conan would go to work in Iran on an all Christian TV show.

GaGambler1826 reads

well you lefties wanted an answer to Rush and Sean Hanity. You asked for it, and it looks like you got it. Now will anybody watch?  I know I won't.

Maybe this is something we can use as a bet. How about a bet where if I win Priapus has to buy Marikod a drink, in person no less, and if I lose, I have to watch an entire evening of this left wing drivel? Talk about high stakes. The winner might have to enforce his bet at gunpoint. lmao

Priapus531195 reads

Anyway, I don't know how to say "Whiskey Sour" in Farsi--------LMAO !

Of the 6 people I dislike on this board ( 3 of them acknowleged trolls ) the only one I'd buy a drink for, on a lost bet, would be Breaker Morant. Think I'll treat him to a "Moscow Mule".

Btw, two of the 6 that I mentioned above seem to be MIA-------hmmmmm------

Lastly, Gore & KO, as distasteful as they are to some here, could not reach the bullshit level attained by Fox News.

GaGambler1451 reads

I remember some of the bald faced lies Al Gore was caught in, I doubt he has adopted any higher standards since leaving politics.

Al Gore and KO are like having Eddie Haskell and Dennis the Menace on the same show.

GaGambler953 reads

I'd hate to go through all the effort of hiding both the guns and the ammunition, just to have a couple of drinks. lol

Somehow I don't think it's a good idea to advocate having a gun on your hip when you're fucked up. But that's just me.

I know it's an irrational idea to have, but I'm sure you can sell the idea of drunks with guns to the gun control crowd. I'd rather sell them the idea of responsible gun ownership. :)

I thought in Texas you were required to be drunk while packin' !

GaGambler937 reads

You will even see billboards along most interstates warning people not to do it.

Obviously a bar full of drunks who are packing is a recipe for disaster. Locking your weapons up at home just because you plan on having a couple of drinks is just plain silly though.

But when you're taking hallucinogens that make your furniture look like it's running around your living room, it's a pretty damn good idea to keep that shit locked up tight. :)

Priapus532525 reads

as for the "P&R" 6 that I dislike, GaG WOULD have to enforce it at gunpoint------LOL !

St. Croix1134 reads

is not on ESPN or Fox Sports, than I really don't give a shit where that piece of shit ends up, including Al Jazeera, Court TV, or a return engagement to the Housewives of MSNBC.

I wouldn't take either side of your bet. Does anybody really want to see Priapus in person drinking his cosmopolitan?

Priapus531398 reads

SC, I'll treat you to a "Shirley Temple", if we meet.

which I would rather NOT have. lol
Too much 'mixing' of beverages back then.

Grain alcohol punch, mixed up in a wash tub at a fraternity party.  Can you spell alcohol poisoning?  Thank god we transitioned to drugs!

Yep.  But I did that before all the drugs and alky.  But they did bring on my chronic drooling, speach impediment and pronounced limp.  Thanks for reminding me.

...it's a smart move for the channel.  I don't know who's behind the channel but in the cable/satellite TV biz it's all about distribution.  If you can't reach the viewers it doesn't matter what you have to say.  With Olbermann aboard, Current TV has a much better chance of inking deals with cable operators, etc.

Priapus531529 reads

which only has one book & that hasn't been colored yet--------;)

-- Modified on 2/8/2011 2:28:04 PM

GaGambler1049 reads

Reagan was quite a prolific writer and a hell of a lot smarter than any of his detractors gave him credit for. and one hell of a lot better communicator than our current POTUS, especially without a teleprompter.

In fairness to Reagan, and I am not a fan, you're right that he was smarter than he's been given credit for.  There was a book published a few years ago based on the notes he made for the political commentary on the radio show he had after he was Gov. of California.  He was well-read in political history, could write well and did his own research.  It's what he did with all of it that I didn't like (but don't try to get me to stick up for that douche Carter).  But he's still waaaay better than the idiots lining up for the Republican nomination.  They're all pretenders to the Reagan mantle, but in reality he could probably not get nominated today.  Nor would Goldwater or Nixon.

Priapus531293 reads

The man descended from Royalty : "Baron of Gray matter", aka "Jellybean brain". Dont believe me ?
Take a gander at his quotes from below :

-- Modified on 2/8/2011 2:43:27 PM

His son's book, if you choose to believe it, indicates Ronnie was probably suffering from Alzheimer's soon after he entered the White House.  Even so addled, his lame quotes come nowhere near the stupidity of Dubya's natterings.  
The only great, funny quote about Reagan attributed to that other great mind, Jerry Ford, was, when asked if he thought Reagan dyed his hair, replied:  "Oh, no.  He's just prematurely orange."

GaGambler1282 reads

Reagan was in public life for decades, a few ill chosen or accidental gaffes mean nothing. Pri has nothing of substance, so he has been reduced to taking cheap shots.

Which is dumber, Trees cause pollution? or America has 57 states? what is really stupid is trying to define either of these men for a stupid comment or two.

and BTW Pri, it's spelled R-E-A-G-A-N LMAO

Priapus53915 reads

You're turning into a bigger "pedantic putz" than me--------LOL !

And let's not leave out The Gaffe Queen.  Ms. "I can see Russia" Palin!  And she's only just begun.  Lucky us, we have years of listening to her inane, uninformed blatherings.  I predict she'll easily beat the Gaffe Totals of Ford, Reagan, Carter, Dubya and Obama combined.

err, what was that about gaffes?? Wipe your chin hon, there's a little dab of egg on it.

1) Here's what Fey actually said: "I can see Russia from my house."
2)  Here's what Palin actually said: "And you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska."
3)  Here's what I actually said:"I can see Russia."

Not so different from "you can actually see Russia," now, is it? The point is, the actual statement Palin made, which was in the context of a question about her foreign policy experience, was unbelievably lame. Most Americans thought so. McCain was an inept enough candidate to have lost all by himself, but Palin's "not ready for Prime Time" statements were the coup de grace. As a Democrat, I pray that this dimwit egomaniac continues to run as a Republican for years to come.
And, as for your uninformed, condescending post, "hon," now you can go wipe the egg off your face.
PS: Next time you're tempted to correct someone, try checking your "facts" first.

-- Modified on 2/9/2011 10:50:40 AM

-- Modified on 2/9/2011 10:53:00 AM

Priapus531088 reads

& kissed him on the cheek I believe.

Stacy, you having problems lately ? Your recent posts are uncharacteristically obtuse .

Holding hands and kissing on the cheek are not at all unusual and neither are considered breaches of our protocol. Bowing, on the other hand, is a breach of our protocal. We fought a war so that no American would ever have to bow to a king, and in more than 2 centuries, not one single American President has ever done it. Until Obumbler that is.

What was even more laughable, was after the incident, when Gibbs attempted to convince everyone that we didn't really see what we saw. Apparently the long term effects of his 'relatively modest salary' were already setting in at that point.

Priapus531095 reads

I don't like what GWB OR Obama did with the Arabs------you, OTOH, SOTF, are really showing your bias lately defending lame actions by Reagan & GWB----I would have to agree with inicky about your posts lately------uncharacteristically condescending & of little value.

given that this is a P4P site we should probably just talk about sex, LOL! Or at least limit our forays beyond that subject to similar sins like booze and fast cars!  Or, if we're gonna talk politics, stick with sexual politics.  Oh, never mind!

-- Modified on 2/9/2011 11:14:39 AM

Hirogen1209 reads

This board is not moderated, so you will be called out when you act like a stupid mangina.  

Do you have any idea how lame your little retorts are? Having read a few of your posts here, it's quite clear you "are going to be a dumb shit over here too." Back under your rock, lil' fella.

Hirogen1504 reads

Indeed. Read my posts. Maybe some masculinity will rub off on you.
Your AARP card is autographed!

Priapus53921 reads

insecure about his masculinity. Just ig him like the rest of the responsible TER board community does.

Of course you're right P, but HiroPussy amuses the hell out of me with his inane rants.  The more I draw him out, the more ridiculous he makes himself to the entire board.  The poor 'lil guy just can't figure this out!  But I promise to try ignoring him for a while.  It was easy when he disappeared for a while yesterday.  I assume he had a bad reaction to the penis-extending herbs he's been taking.  Apparently, in trannies whose pee-pee is less than 4 inches long, they can induce a terrible rash! I heard through a PM that his fingers were so swollen he couln't type!

Hirogen1402 reads

even more stupid then you are.
You two geezers can DFK all day with one another.

I do have to say that at least priapus has a set of balls, albeit small, unlike yours which shriveled up in the 50's. You really need to learn some man skills and stop whining like a baby.

inicky, LMAO. What a feminine name.

You do not have the capacity to piss me off.  I toy with you for my amusement, but you are so easy to screw with it's hardly even worth the bother.  LMAO.  Please try to be a bit more amusing as you mince around spreading your pixie dust.  Perhaps I'll deign to keep skewering your sorry ass.

botirressor1819 reads

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Hirogen1339 reads

And bows his acknowledgment of same. He is like a submissive provider around them, and ready to lay down and say "do as you please with me"

allow him to be. The world is run by capitalists. Apparently, the US capitalists don't want to appear strong at this point in time. If the US is indeed weak it is because the running dogs of capitalism want it that way. Take a hard look at the world. It is a relatively peaceful place these days. Aside from the never ending imperialist adventures in the mid east and Africa the world is a calm place. There is a lot of whining from the poor and the working class but things aren't really as dire as you might think.

Snowman391232 reads

He has gone from a newtowrk runniing a distant third to a network no one has ever even heard about!!!

BTW, control of his show is a B.S. excuse. He saw what they guys at Fox were making and thought he deserved to make as much, even though he had a much smaller audience.

Forget about whether he's an asshole or not, but it's just flat-out wrong to say MSNBC is "a distant third."  In fact, MSNBC supplanted CNN as the second best rated news network more than a year ago.  Their move upward in the ratings began after Ollberman got his show started, then helped Maddow (my favorite lezzie) get hers.  These are simple facts; no argument and no ideology.  You could look it up -- and probably should before you start blowing smoke. As for "a network no one has ever heard about?"  You're right on that one!

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