Politics and Religion

They are not business oriented
AnotherPerspective 167 reads

Unfortunately the poor will be hit the hardest with tax increases on the rich .
  Sellers understand , most buyers don't .

Posted By: UnPigeonholed
Having been a businessman all my life, I wonder how increasing taxes on the 2% can not be viewed as a cost of living increase on everyone?

Who are these 2%ers?  Mostly, they are businessmen, like myself.  Will they just dig a little deeper and pay the increased tax because they can afford to?  Probably not, I won't.  They will increase the price of the goods or services their companies provide and pass that tax increase along to their customer base.  So, in the end, everyone OTHER than the 2%ers have to dig a little deeper to pay for the increase, whether they can afford it or not.

How can people not see this?

UnPigeonholed1553 reads

Having been a businessman all my life, I wonder how increasing taxes on the 2% can not be viewed as a cost of living increase on everyone?

Who are these 2%ers?  Mostly, they are businessmen, like myself.  Will they just dig a little deeper and pay the increased tax because they can afford to?  Probably not, I won't.  They will increase the price of the goods or services their companies provide and pass that tax increase along to their customer base.  So, in the end, everyone OTHER than the 2%ers have to dig a little deeper to pay for the increase, whether they can afford it or not.

How can people not see this?

However, there's the thing called the market. If prices on your product go above the level that a competitor is asking, and there are plenty of new and hungry ones out there without big boards of shareholders, etc., who will welcome those increases in prices. So, there will be room to cut the amount shareholders receive, bonuses given, etc.

I would think that would "upset the apple cart" of P/E earnings ratio.

Hope you have good accountant. You don't seem to have clue about taxation. Sassy doesn't have a clue about P/E ratio. P/E ratio has nothing to do with taxes. If you are really a business man and assuming you are an S corporation and file your personal and business together and your profits are higher than 250k you need to pay higher taxes. I doubt that is the case.

P/E ratio is only calculated for public corporations. Never for small businesses. L

The supposition was to Matts statement

"However, there's the thing called the market. If prices on your product go above the level that a competitor is asking, and there are plenty of new and hungry ones out there without big boards of shareholders, etc., who will welcome those increases in prices. So, there will be room to cut the amount shareholders receive, bonuses given, etc".

and I do believe that within the confines of "the market" it would definitely change the "MARKET VALUE PER SHARE"  thus "THE EARNINGS PER SHARE"  changes also.

And your right I certainly am no expert but when I am looking to purchase any given stock of the day,  my first look is at the P/E

And if you must know, my business besides my "play business"   is real estate and each property is in a separate LLC,  because I look to protect my azz from the vultures,  that are looking to sue anyone they think might own something,  usually the same vultures that want something for nothing.

a simple man on the street survey answers that for you.

very, very few people have real world experience running a business so they have no fucking clue how this works.

I think you have a clue about running a business, taxes, economics or anything connected public and private finance. You just pretend you do. All you know comes from Faux news and tightening blogs.

This is public funded bailout of the federal government, where big business is being used as the middle man.

I thought that was how capitalism worked?

Posted By: UnPigeonholed
Having been a businessman all my life, I wonder how increasing taxes on the 2% can not be viewed as a cost of living increase on everyone?

Who are these 2%ers?  Mostly, they are businessmen, like myself.  Will they just dig a little deeper and pay the increased tax because they can afford to?  Probably not, I won't.  They will increase the price of the goods or services their companies provide and pass that tax increase along to their customer base.  So, in the end, everyone OTHER than the 2%ers have to dig a little deeper to pay for the increase, whether they can afford it or not.

How can people not see this?

AnotherPerspective168 reads

Unfortunately the poor will be hit the hardest with tax increases on the rich .
  Sellers understand , most buyers don't .

Posted By: UnPigeonholed
Having been a businessman all my life, I wonder how increasing taxes on the 2% can not be viewed as a cost of living increase on everyone?

Who are these 2%ers?  Mostly, they are businessmen, like myself.  Will they just dig a little deeper and pay the increased tax because they can afford to?  Probably not, I won't.  They will increase the price of the goods or services their companies provide and pass that tax increase along to their customer base.  So, in the end, everyone OTHER than the 2%ers have to dig a little deeper to pay for the increase, whether they can afford it or not.

How can people not see this?

You dickheads pretend like you are billionaires, you are not. You are the fools rich is playing to get their way.

Any business charges what the market can bear.  You most likely can't raise your prices, because you customers will go to your competition.  
If your not charging what the market can bear, then you are not maximizing your profits.  

followme147 reads

only to find those prices are up also, for the same reason.

Thank you

When did taxes start influencing supply and demand. Boy you are one ignorant bunch.

followme174 reads

I never said or implied anything about supply and demand. Nor did I say that taxes have any influence on the supply and demand.

You're Welcome
GOP= Truth and integrity

UnPigeonholed174 reads

Posted By: Makwa
Any business charges what the market can bear.  You most likely can't raise your prices, because you customers will go to your competition.  
If your not charging what the market can bear, then you are not maximizing your profits.  

Fortunately my competition is being hit with the same tax increases that I am.  Therefore, their already razor-thin margin cannot absorb the hit without them raising their prices too.  Of course, my foreign competition is not affected, so they can further undercut me.

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