Politics and Religion

Carville Calls Harris-Walz Campaign Staffers “Faggots” - The Joy Is Gone
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According to a source who was on a Harris-Walz campaign training call attended by veteran campaign strategist James Carville, Carville went absolutely BALLISTIC yelling expletives at two young Democrat staffers, including @0liviajulianna who works for the Collin Allred Senate campaign.  

The fiery barrage of insults included “dumb fat b*tch” directed at Julianna, and “out of touch fag*ots” began when the young staffers presented Carville with some social media videos they’ve been working on to appeal to White male voters. Carville was not impressed by any of them, saying they lacked substance.
When a visibly shaken gay male staffer told Carville he needed to apologize for using the F word, Carville told him to take his camo hat and shove it up his ass before leaving the call.

The joy is gone.

One of the staffers mentioned denied that Carville did this, but that's also something they would have to say.  It sounds like Carville.

…they know Trump is going to absolutely crush Harris.

survive this election.   He's apoplectic and headed for a heart attack.

I hear Cenk Uygur is likely to blow a gasket as well

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Carville may not . . . .
I hear Cenk Uygur is likely to blow a gasket as well
Don’t be picking on Icky’s alter ego now… 🤫

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