Politics and Religion

There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home. LOLteeth_smile
JackDunphy 703 reads

"There is no debate. There is no debate. There is no debate."

Biden has to tell his own party to STFU to unhinged election deniers who STILL don't think Trump won. LOL

Yeah, keep pointing to Trump as the nutty one, libs. That'll work! ;)

Good grief! Sheila Jackson Lee et al are a bunch of nuts!

"Trump received 304 electoral votes when electors gathered at state capitols in December to formally cast their ballots. Hillary Clinton received 227. Seven "faithless" electors voted for other candidates, costing Trump two votes and Clinton four.  
Trump will be officially sworn in January 20."  

   2017 will be a Great year for a multitude of reasons.  
   # 1    World Peace will not be torn apart by war instituted by insensible, despicable HRC, now that she's been banished to political oblivion by President-Elect Trump.

Clarence Thomas would receive  a lot of free publicity with  Liberal Main Street Media "Hate GOP Black Candidate campaign"
  I'm not nominating Clarence, IMO he's too reserved  to be President.. :-D

If Democrats hadn't been so proficient at using citizens of color as votes with no voice for the last fifty years, while keeping them in the backseat of  progress,  continually stifling Black Republicans with scorn and covertly  promoting racism, we might already be past our third Black president and white guilt from pasty faces would be virtually non existent.
   Red Neck Bill Clinton ensured the destruction of millions of Black family members  when he signed law profiling Black criminals with much larger prison sentences than White criminals, aka mass incarceration.
  NAFTA helped destroy jobs for millions of Black workers.  
  Bottom Line... The DNC made the biggest political  mistake of the century when they illegally conspired against Bernie Sanders and nominated the  World's biggest failure who never won anything without deceit, propaganda, or coat tails to hold..  
  When I was campaigning for President Trump, if the roles were reversed  I would have had an extremely difficult time convincing Bernie Sanders supporters to stay home on election day.  
  As the corrupt game was played by the DNC, my job was very easy for me.  

  P.S. I would love to see Queen Dunce run for mayor of NY..  
 If she wins she'll be unable to hide her racism at heart, driving  another nail in the DNC coffin.  
  After that fiasco  President Trump could easily win New York popular vote by a landslide.

  I believe you'll be pleased to know, President Trump has  plans coming out soon after his Inauguration to rapidly advance technology and job opportunities for our inner city citizens.  

All well and good quad, and I hope that turns out to be the case.

Does he plan to clean up the inner cities as well? Other than via gentrification I mean

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