Politics and Religion

There is Loooooser's problem: he thinks his opinions are FACTS.
inicky46 61 Reviews 21 reads

So dream on, you poor schnook. But you'd better practice crying yourself to sleep.
And get ready to parrot "rigged election" when my dream girl wins!
You were almost right. I don't love Harris. But I do like her a lot. Especially compared to the convicted felon.

A Quinnipiac poll done just before Biden dropped out showed Trump +19 over Harris with 18-34 year olds. I'm not sure I believe it, but she probably does have a lot of catching up to do. She's 59 so not exactly the youth candidate.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll has Kamala +4, except D+6.

Sen. Schumer says "the process has played out from the grassroots, bottom-up!"

Trump +1 head to head,   Tied if including RFKjr.

Same poll has independents +14 Trump head to head, and +7 Trump with RFKjr.  

NPR originally posted this poll on Sunday, but then took it down and reposted it Tuesday in order to make it look like a reasoned decision by voters rather than a knee-jerk reaction to Joe stepping down.  Their polls are also passive.  They tell their listeners to go to their website and take the poll, but who are the listeners of NPR?   The whacked out lefties make up 80% of their audience.  NPR is the most partisan and least reliable of the pollsters.  

the lower she will slide.  Going back 5-10 years and touting her success as a prosecutor is not going to erase her failures as VP.  The more she avoids talking about her time as VP, the more the public will realize she has no experience leading anybody.  Kamala is now the ONLY candidate with no experience as President and no record to run on.  These polls are but a temporary "bump".  If she is elected, there will still be an open border with people coming here and killing Americans.  She will also spend money we don't have like a drunken sailor, sending inflation even higher.  

Your lefties are getting wet panties for Kackles... Seriously what's wrong with you all?  

IT'S FUCKING KACLES FOR CHRIST'S SAKE ! ! ! Are you all insane?

Personally, I can;'t believe Looooser is splooging himself to vote for a convicted felon, sexual abuser and financial fraud perp who speaks in word salad.

overturned on appeal.  Anyone that has been a court-watcher for any period of time knows there were several mistakes the judge made, each one of which are grounds for reversal.  Put them together and what have you got?  Maybe Bibbity, Bobbity, Boo, but certainly not a conviction that will stand.  

The felonies case will be thrown out on using White House conversation evidence that the SCOTUS just ruled was inadmissible. They'll have to retry the case.

Gotta love it when maga sycophants never say criminal convict felon traitor rapist trump was NOT guilty of the crimes the loser committed, but being held accountable for those CRIMES needs to be let go and let off on some 'technicality'.  

So lame. The filthy maga traitor is GUILTY as charged. For EVERYTHING.  WE ALL KNOW.  


Posted By: inicky46
Re:  I CAN NOT believe B E L I E V E ! !  A single word Looooooser says.!
Personally, I can;'t believe Looooser is splooging himself to vote for a convicted felon, sexual abuser and financial fraud perp who speaks in word salad.
Yeah, I don't have terminal RAGING TDS that rules my life like a heroin addiction.  

I know you love the idea of a Convicted felon,  you whisper it to yourself as you are drifting off to sleep but it is a BS made-up charge. Sexual Abuser? She can't even remember when it happened and lied about the dress she was wearing. Yeah also BS. Financial Fraud? more made-up BS.  

BTW the ability to splooge? How long ago did that fail you? 2016 when Trump got elected? That's why you hate Trump so much? he robbed you of your manhood?

Rasmussen Reports conducted this poll over the last three days, 1000 likely voters. Trump 50, Harris 43.  With independents alone Trump +20.
That's a problem for Kamala. She's seen as extreme and also incompetent. Not a strong sell for independent voters. Of course Republicans and Democrats will break along the usual lines, except I think some Democrats view Scranton Joe a little bit differently than Hollywood Harris.  So there is that too.

Vice-presidential nominees typically receive a ratings bump after their party's convention, but Sen. JD Vance is bucking the tradition.

On the heels of last week's Republican National Convention, the Ohio senator is the least-liked vice-presidential candidate since 1980, CNN found in a polling analysis. It noted the data applied to nonincumbents.

Since 2000, vice-presidential nominees typically have had a net-positive rating immediately following the convention, at plus 19 points. Vance, however, is polling at minus 6 points just one week after accepting the vice-presidential nomination and officially embarking on the campaign trail, the network found.

The freshman lawmaker's lower-than-normal approval ratings are not an anomaly, as Vance has long polled behind other Republicans.

Filthy maga traitors. Total Anti-American losers.

Morning Consult Harris +1
Democracy Project Trump +8

Voting is what counts.  Kamala will get out the vote.  Something maga HATES is when Americans VOTE.  It doesn't usually go well for maga traitors when Americans come out to vote en mass.  It's why maga is so intent on voter suppression, pressuring election officials to 'find' votes in GA and manufacturing fake fraudulent illegal slates of electors in swing states. Filthy maga - total fully complicit traitors to the USA.

-- Modified on 7/25/2024 11:20:36 AM

Voting is what matters. Kamala will get the vote out and influence the independents. Something filthy maga traitor convict felon criminal loser trump and hillbilly fully complicit traitor vance can't do.  

Cry more.

Just proves how he and the other partisan hacks fear Harris and don't know what to do now.
PS: A new Times/Siena poll has Harris virtually tied with Trump.

Not only is his point simply WRONG. He has picked a really weak gif in order to make it.
Another FAIL for ChicKie The Hack.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: It's so hilarious to watch ChicKie white knight for Biden.
Just proves how he and the other partisan hacks fear Harris and don't know what to do now.  
 PS: A new Times/Siena poll has Harris virtually tied with Trump.
FEAR Harris? you really wrote that shit?  

Ohhhh ICKY the only way Harris wins is yet another stolen election.  How long before the stink from the rotting albatross around your necks known as Kamala, starts to choke you cats and turn your stomachs?

The dumbest of all the dumb shit filthy maga traitor losers say is 'stolen election'. Meanwhile head filthy maga vermin traitor scum trump actually tried (and FAILED) to steal the 2020 election with the fake fraudulent illegal electors scheme.  

Deny away.  


And he always lies. So my tag line for him is "Semper Lie."
He doesn't know what to do about it except keep on lying.

Penn Trump +4, Mich Trump +3, Wisc tie -- Redfield and Winton.

Richard Baris of BigDataPolls says there is a large response bias in people answering polls since Kamala got the nod.  Among women, both black and white liberal, they've become much more willing to talk to pollsters.  This skews polls because it doesn't change who the were going to vote for, just more visible to pollsters.  
Baris said that when Romney was regarded to have won the first 2012 debate against Obama, Romney surged to a four point lead in the polls.  However Baris said this was merely response bias, Romney never really lead in the polls.

A blogger who answers to no one but himself is your go to for news? My gosh. It's no wonder some of you believe in Trump. It only takes one man who's balls you want to lick and you believe everything he says.

Can you give us some examples of what you think are trustworthy news sources?

No news source is perfect. Some I find better than others. No one man show is reliable in my opinion, because there are no checks and balances with one person. I prefer a staff with editors, but that alone is not enough. Unfortunately, some of news sources have owners, and/or other leadership, who expect them to lean one way or another.  

The more reliable ones are Reuters, The Associated Press, PBS, BBC, C-Span, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Economist, The New Yorker, The Atlantic, and Politico. The Financial Times is also in this group, but this is mostly focused on finacial news.

Some others that are fairly good, but occasionally lean a little are: TIME, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, CNN, NBC News, CBS News and ABC News. These tend to be fairly good with fact checking, but I would be a little more cautious with them.

He's a pollster. He is reportung what he sees in response to his polls. He provides crosstabs, etc.

Actually it is the Harvard/Harris poll, but name unrelated to Kamala.  
Trump 48 to Harris 45  = +3
With leans 52 to 48 = + 4
With RFK 47 to 43 = + 4

That was 2196 registered voters, collected July 26-28.

will destroy the fossil fuel market and it scares the shit out of them.  Michigan will come around to Trump as well because she wants nothing but electric cars, which will all be made in China if she is Prez.  Once the DNC is over, she will start her slide into oblivion.  

It's amazing he still has the balls to make them.

polls, it's happening faster than I predicted.  

In fact, the polls show the opposite of what you so earnestly wish to believe.

At the Megan Thee Stallion concert, people started leaving within 10 minutes of Kamala starting to speak.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Oh, well that's it then. She's gonna lose.
Actually icky, she is, she REALLY is ! ! ! going to lose.  

Unless of course, they steal the election for her.  

Pssssst...  Icky Loves Kackles!  Icky Loves Kackles! Icky Loves Kackles!

It's ok, icky to have a celebrity crush. Knock yourself out, ole man!

So dream on, you poor schnook. But you'd better practice crying yourself to sleep.
And get ready to parrot "rigged election" when my dream girl wins!
You were almost right. I don't love Harris. But I do like her a lot. Especially compared to the convicted felon.

The year of this survey was 2022, mid Biden/Harris term.

I'm incredibly happy. If the Dolt and Looooser knew the facts about me they'd kill themselves.

durran42118 reads

.....That you are a miserable old fart who loves to spread as much misery as possible,  living in a fantasy world, pretending to do things to impress people on a fuk board, (no one on the fuk board is impressed),  lies every other word, has no game, loves a reach around, loves to SAY reach around (for some odd reason) steals others words then says it right back to them as if you just made it up (wth), "likes" your own posts, about the only one left who is dumb enough to reply to the TER troll bigp, lies every other word (did I say that already) pretends to be the ruler of all TER boards, is NOT the ruler of the TER boards, been everywhere but the electric chair and seen everything but the wind, is the #1 poster on TER for several years running because you have no life, is the record holder for starting posts with ANOTHER!! and MORE!!!, stalks me like some kind of looney ex girlfriend and the only thing that MIGHT get your dick hard is Donald Trump losing a poll!  


..........Yeah. We know........ We ALLLLLLLL know.

Not a single thing he said is true. Just like not a single thing he believes is true.
Meanwhile, I'm shopping for a Maserati.
Now watch THAT send The Dolt into a conniption. Remember how he went nuts when he found out I was in Tahiti?
Man, I had fun torturing him all through my entire round-the-world trip.
Now watch go nuts in 5....4....3...2....

Does he have any jests that DON'T involve gay sex?
Apparently not.
Seek help.

I don’t get it Nicky. I can understand why a young man woukd want to drive something fancy, but Christ, at my age I just want something cheap, reliable, gets great gas mileage and big enough for me to stuff lumber in it. I’d figured you’d go for a pickup truck before anything else.

I've owned two Ferraris, four Porsches (two at one time a few years ago) and more BMWs and Mercedes than I can count. I did also own a pickup truck some years ago to tow my race car.
But if I described the latter, certain weasels would go insane.

I just stuff my lumber down the leg of my pants.     I have taught many ladies to appreciate the joys of an older man, a fine wine, and seasoned wood.  Lol

They can’t handle “lumber.”  What you’ve got in your pants is a lot closer to a splinter.

followme21 reads

Best Post of The Year, perhaps the decade or perhaps ever on TER  

hit the nail on the head

followme22 reads

Like you have the authority to make any kind of declaration or make anything official. You clearly have had Walter Mitty syndrome all your life.  

 But you go right ahead and play pretend (like you have your entire life) make your declaration as if anyone gives a shit, because no one puts any credence, at all, in anything you say, ever
You are good for a laugh or two though.

And the fact that you have an interest in my nuts is creepy and YES homophobic.

Another ancient cliche from The Urban Dictionary, his favorite source. And his comment on my use of "It's official," is so weak it doesn't bear further comment.
As for anyone giving a shit, YOU sure seem to. You really need to stop getting triggered so easily. It makes you look even weaker, if that's even possible.
Oh, and the only interest I have in your ancient nuts is in kicking them, Felch King.

followme24 reads

Thanks for showing you real self you worthless glob of pus.

What's racist about that gif? Nothing. It simply happens to show one Asian getting kicked in the balls. The other guy is presumably an Asian but it's not possible to be sure. The fact that they're Asian has ZERO to do with the point of the post. To anyone but Swallow, who has imagined racism where none exists.
Thanks for proving you are a seething pile of vile protoplasm.
And a liar.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: It's official: SwallowMeat is reduced to white-knighting for the SPOAT.
You just kicked yourself in the nuts.
No he didn’t

durran42121 reads

🤣🤣 Haha right! If you word it just right,  the truth can be funny! Poor ol fella. .....and in his mind, he'll be driving that Maserati all the up to the upper west side today!!🤣🤣

I knew my Maserati comment would lure you from under your rock.

durran42122 reads


I knew my Maserati lie comment would cause you to call me out on yet ANOTHER lie.
As Fred Sanford would say: YOU BIG DUMMY!!!!
You's a damn lie!!😆

How many times do I need to make you look so dumb. You just keep coming back for more. And every time I do...... you just keep showing back up with the hurt ass. You sure make this easy for me. Do I need to make you surrender twice in a week?  

Now, what's that same ol line you use over and over .......and over, in hopes that we won't reply back? What is it again.... oh yes. I remember. Don't it go a lil something like this?

"Now go ahead and get your coveted last word in 5.....4......3......2......." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Because THIS is the only kind of Maserati he can afford. Triggered much?

followme20 reads

another attention whore with delusions of grandeur  


and I'm sure  he will now cry about me being a white knight or some such stupid lame reply

Posted By: inicky46
Re: SPOTY gets triggered. AGAIN
I knew my Maserati comment would lure you from under your rock.  
When did Maserati start making electric wheel chairs?

-- Modified on 8/1/2024 10:39:22 AM

followme24 reads

You got a job as a parking lot attendant  

Let's see how this triggers the board pus glob.

What a vile excrescence he is. His new overused words are "pus glob." Could he be any more retarded?
It is so easy to play him like a fiddle.
A very tiny one...

Rasmussen Reports does daily polling and just posted the trends they've seen.  Kamala peaked a few days ago and is already in decline -- her bounce is over for now.
Rasmussen still sees Trump in the lead by +4 head to head after the Kamala bounce fade.

durran42118 reads

The new always wears off of everything. Make I can almost guarantee this balloon will deflate quickly.

This recent rally that she had in Atlanta has turned out to be quite the joke. A very large chunk of that crowd came to see Megan Thee Stallion. The same part of that crowd was like Kamala who...

Reminds me of Michael Moore's 2004 "slacker uprising." He  forgot that slackers aren't really motivated to vote.

Rasmussen does daily polling but aggregates over several days to smooth out noise.  He reported this morning that Trump continues to gain after Kamala's brief bump, but says Trump has lead now for the last week. Full poll will be released on Friday to see if the trend continues.  At the moment though, Kamala bump is gone and she is in decline.  This would be typical of response bias to major events.

That’s good news for the Trump campaign, but Kamala has two more bumps coming. She’ll get one when she announces her VP and another from the DNC Convention in Chicago.

RespectfulRobert20 reads

She is leading in the big 3 Great Lake states and if that holds, she will win the election. Rove is saying that her leads will grow in the coming weeks based on the DNC and VP announcement.  
Too early to measure the drapes but what a difference just 2 weeks has made. Trump is in trouble and keeps making every news cycle about her race, being scared to debate her, choosing a horror show as VP and trashing fellow Rs. He really is an idiot.

David Axelrod was just on CNN and said Trumps up in every swing state and Kamala’s internals are not that much better than Bidens

This is Rasmussen tracking.  He does 300+ calls a day and normally averages 3 days worth, about a 1000 likely voters, to get a less noisy average.  However there are hints of trends in the daily numbers.  Presently no indication that Kamala is rising in the polls and it looks like a reversion to mean (reversion to the status quo) of Trump being ahead.

I should say "they" rather than "he" since Rasmussen himself sold the biz over a decade ago.  Mark Mitchell is the head pollster now.

Marquette Law Poll released today has him leading in Wisconsin.

Marquette Law School Poll survey of Wisconsin finds support of former President Donald Trump at 50% and support of Vice President Kamala Harris at 49% among registered voters in a head-to-head matchup in the race for president. #mulawpoll

...even though he claims:
"I agree both candidates have serious defects and won’t be voting for either of them."

Could it be because he's...wait for it...a partisan hack?
Yeah, sure, he's not voting for Trump even though he sucks Trump's dick on this board every day.

When he takes a position on something, he stands rock solid and never wavers.   EXCEPT...when he makes a prediction:
"Early prediction, subject to change."

"subject to change" - ROFLMAO!!  Predictions aren't "subject to change."  They PREDICT what will happen before it occurs,
Did Nostradamus ever say his predictions were "subject to change?"  Of course not!  But our very own Nostra-dumbass sure did!

…some woketard called Trump “racist” 34 times.  

Every single person not infected with TDS rage: “So?” 🤷‍♂️

Also technically Trump is not convicted until the judge passes sentence, since the judge can throw the case out for various reasons and just might have to do that due to the SCOTUS ruling on White House communications being off limits.

Trump wasn't just "called" a felon. He was convicted 34 times by a jury of his peers after a trial.
See the difference, Wanker?

The convictions are based on bullshit just like calling him racist is based in bullshit.

Trump +5
1800 likely voters, taken Aug 4-7.
Also RFKjr has collapsed to 3%.

That's actually danger territory for Democrats since California and New York give the Democrats about a 3% advantage nationally. That means they are underwater in the rest of the country.

Apparently not. Also, Rasmussen is notoriously Republican biased.

Trump +2 in Pennsylvania
Trump +1 in Wisconsin  
Harris +2 in Michigan  
A reminder, Harris has to win all three of these states.

durran42114 reads

So it says....
Vice President Kamala Harris is behind former President Donald Trump in both a recent national poll and one conducted in the key swing state of Georgia.

Well. I'll just be damn. What you say bout that.

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