Politics and Religion

Trump's VP choice.
RespectfulRobert 476 reads

I would have thought that Kristi Noem would have been his first choice but with her book tour now cancelled and her rep in tatters, whom would you pick if you had your choice of anyone?  
The only one that would scare me, as she would give him instant credibility and would unite the R party, would be Nikki Haley, which means there is no chance he would pick her. lol.

...the abortion issue.  But Trump would only pick a good-looking woman so he doesn't have many choices now that Noem is out.  Elise Stefanik and Sarah Huckleberry are too ugly.  

Kari Lake lost for senator and is now is running for governor.  Plus she's bat shit crazy.
Katie Britt blew her chances with her disastrous response to the SOTU just like Thirsty Liddle Marco did.
Nancy Mace is on TV a lot but she's too moderate on abortion.

RespectfulRobert20 reads

She actually talks about abortion better than any R and I think she would be viewed by many to be ready to be prez on day one. She would unite the party and may allow suburban women to hold their nose and vote R.
She would be the perfect choice and Trump wouldn't pick her and I don't think she would accept if asked. lol.
That's todays R party. So completely dysfunctional.  
I can see Trump choosing Tim Scott as he worships at Trump's altar.

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: Have you seen her positions on the issues? Still want her?
Yeaahhhhh your list is from 2019 and sh has changed her positions on things since then, sooooo yes she is my choice!

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: Oh great! She is a flip flopper! Sorry but you walked into that one Lost! lol...eom
You mean leaving the Democratic Party because of the insanity that it is? Is that what you mean by flip-flopper?

No woman should ever be in the position to be Commander-In-Chief of the armed forces. This would be dumber than making a guy with a music degree the chief economic adviser. It would be dumber than having a trash man perform brain surgery on a loved one. It would be more irresponsible than hiring pyromaniacs as fire fighters. It would be more careless than getting in a vehicle with a driver who deaf, drunk and blind. Any nation that risks making a princess their chief warrior is fucking doomed.

RespectfulRobert22 reads

Should we rescind a woman's right to vote and drive too? smh

There are more than 100 female pilots like this one in the US Navy. They have performed superbly in combat and will kill you pretty damn quick.

Here is an entire issue from the Journal of Neurological Research that shows differences in how men’s and women’s brains work. Note this is not a single research paper. It’s an entire issue of the journal with around 100 papers of research showing this.  


Let’s examine one of these differences. Men evolved to be hunters and warriors. In this environment, things can change suddenly that upends previously held beliefs about a situation. The ability for an individual to tell the rest of the group about this change could mean the difference between a successful hunt and failure. This resulted in men feeling a greater degree of freedom to go against the grain of conventional wisdom, particularly when they see a danger that others don’t see.

Women, on the other hand, are the opposite. Women evolved to cement consensus for the security of the group. Women evolved to always seek consensus to protect themselves from rogue males. When any women goes against the consensus she is viciously ostracized from the group. Because women’s desire to seek consensus overrides their moral intuition, women will seek consensus over any individual sense of right and wrong.  

The result of this has sometimes led to rather bizarre things when women are not around men to act as a guiding influence. See image below.

This characteristic makes women the worst possible choice for chief warrior.

This is one of those times. Meowing nuns from the Middle Ages is an example of why a woman can't be a VP. But he doesn't even try to rebut that women perform at extremely high levels as military pilots. Sheepish!

…governing the qualifications and abilities of the military. You’re drawing from a pool of people from the general population, and you need the best, because this is for this kinda necessary thing known as national defense.  

Do you pick the old? The weak? The sickly? The short? The blind? Those with high blood pressure? The senile?  

Or do you pick the young, healthy and strong? When making rules for who will go into the military do you make those rules by average observable characteristics, or do you say the hell with that because of a few rare outliers?  

Ronda Rousey might be a badass among women, but women are rarely badasses. How do we know? Look at all the “trans” women (men pretending to be women) who are breaking world records in their sport. A man can come in dead last when competing against other men, but if he competed against other women he breaks world records.  

Women are very talented at many things. Being warriors is not one of them.

Of course you don't pick the old, the weak, the sickly, the short, etc. The issue is, do you pick only males or do you let females serve as combat pilots, after some of the most rigorous training on the plant. Our military did and women pilots have succeeded, including flying in combat. There is no possible reason to exclude them as unfit for public office, especially biology.

I said in a position of Commander-In-Chief of the armed forces. Who knows, maybe being overly agreeable and afraid to speak your mind might make for great qualities for a public servant. But certainly not for the head of the strongest military on earth.  

Perhaps neoteny might be great in high pressure jobs like elected office. We might need someone to curl into a ball and cry for hours on end when the shit hits the fan.

the Chief of Naval Operations is Admiral Lisa M. Franchetti.
Late to the ball again is our Willy.

Have you seen the people this administration puts in positions of power? I half way expect the next White House Press Secretary will be Ru Paul.

Here's Admiral Franchetti's resume. Read it and then tell me she can't do the job.

I’ve seen more intimidating labradoodles.

So another dodge and diversion from Willy. Just what righties do when they've got zilch.

I care that she’s clearly a weak person.

Just because she's a woman?  If so, then what about all those weak women who are pilots who've killed people for their country?

Some people are able to size a person up instantly, and some people just aren’t able to do that. I’d say it was a skill, but I have no idea how I ever got it. I guess if you live long enough you just pick it up.

He just thinks he does. And, yes, he's also a misogynist.

So you’ve lived your entire life having no clue if you had to fight a random person on the street, you have no clue if you could win? Weird. I figured all guys did this. Guess not.  

It sometimes baffles me that you guys can sleep with so many women and still have no idea what makes women tick. You’d think after you slept with a dozen women you’d notice a pattern or two.  

Is this a quality you want from high ranking military officials? Or would it be better to have someone who doesn’t care about peer pressure and is willing to speak up even if it defies conventional wisdom?

“Among older (19 years and older) subjects, females conformed more with surveillance than without it, whereas surveillance did not affect males' conformity….Analysis of sex differences revealed that older females were significantly more conforming than older males when under surveillance”

You have no idea if I've ever "had to fight a random person in the street." Actually, I have.
As for knowing what makes women tick, it's clear from your vaporings here I have a MUCH better idea than you.
As for your "journals," I prefer to judge by the ACTUAL performance of women in the military. And they have performed extremely well at every level. You continue to ignore that. Because you can't rebut it.

I’ve learned over the years that the more you’re proven wrong the more insults you hurl. But surely you would know better than hundreds of scientists what makes women tick.  

I commend anyone who’s willing to serve their country, but let’s not pretend women bring more to the table then they do. Having women in the military harms the military. Sadly, this has taken a back seat to left wing activists who are more clueless than you are Nicky about human sexual dimorphism.  



Posted By: inicky46
Re: You are stupefyingly dumb.
You have no idea if I've ever "had to fight a random person in the street." Actually, I have.
No you haven’t  🤥


Posted By: inicky46
As for knowing what makes women tick, it's clear from your vaporings here I have a MUCH better idea than you.
No you don’t 😳🙄


Posted By: inicky46
As for your "journals," I prefer to judge by the ACTUAL performance of women in the military. And they have performed extremely well at every level. You continue to ignore that. Because you can't rebut it.
Women in the military? You’ve never known any. Here is the reality of women in the military, they perform just like men do, some are outstanding, others are horrible. Just like their male counterparts.

Also white-knighting for Willy. While sounding astonishingly like a suspended member here.  What a shocking development! LOL.

I present to you over 100 peer reviewed studies for my position, none of which you read, and your response is name calling?  

Here’s another one:  

“Adolescent girls often perpetrate aggression by gossiping and spreading rumours about others, by attempting to ruin relationships and by manipulating and excluding others. Further, males and females engage in reactive and proactive relational aggression differently.”

Wow. What might explain this difference? Here’s your chance to do some science, Robert. Construct a model that would explain this difference, and use it to make a prediction. Don’t worry, I’ll wait.

Isolationists backing Trump would hate a Haley selection. It could push some Trump supporters to Kennedy.

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