Politics and Religion

There goes BIden weaponizing the Justice Department Again
bond007 31 Reviews 247 reads

Hunter Biden going to trial, Democratic Senator Menendez going to trial, Democratic Congressman Cuellar indicted.  

Hunter trial witness (Hunter’s ex-girlfriend) days before jury selection.

Of course he says his kid is not guilty.  The difference is, he is going to trial.  Thats the key.  Guilty or innocent, he is not bitching about the weaponization of the justice dept.  He is letting the process play out.  I have no problem with Trump or any of his supporters saying that Trump is not guilty.  That happens all the time in a trial.  But the people and the trial should decide.  Period.  After that, u accept the verdict or appeal.  There is no weaponization involved.  Its the process in this country.

Any caring parent will proclaim his kids innocence. Just notice that CKS didn't argue your main point bc he cant as your THREE examples destroy the whole Republican nonsense of "law fare" and "weaponization."

Oh, he tried. He went on national television to (wildly inappropriately) declare his desired outcome & aides leaked his fury at his AG for not pursuing his various legal goals to his liking. His son was one pesky judge’s question away from securing an outrageous, zero accountability sweetheart deal, even after the IRS whistleblowers came forward to demonstrate how the “investigation” seemed designed to let Hunter off the hook. Pro-defendant prosecutors (the defendant is their boss’ son) got caught red-handed at the last moment & the deal imploded. And POTUS has recently been laying the predicate for a pardon (almost certainly post-election).

I want to see an actual link from a reputable news source.  Not right wing, not left wing.  Shit CKS, u just copied your response from a twitter post by someone else.  Ur response means nothing.

simply took a Twitter/X post and puked it into the quote box.  It wasn’t a newspaper article by a true journalist.  It was an OPINION.  CKS deceptively posts an opinion as if it was journalism.  

Constantly finding new ways to demonstrate his abject political hackery.
Remember when he pretended to be "reasonable?" Well, at least he told us he was. You don't even hear that from him any more. Perhaps he knows what a hack he is.
Did he move to a Russian troll farm?

You don’t hear him claim he’s intelligent anymore either.  The fact is, his posts belie his claim that he’s intelligent.

Wrong again. My postings here belie your claim that I’m not among the most intelligent and reasonable posters here. There’s another intelligent and reasonable reply to Bond forthcoming.

My reply above is a fact-based opinion (conservative) a national radio host and writer (Guy Benson) replying to a fact based opinion (liberal) by a Senior Writer at the Daily Beast (Matt Lewis). The Matt Lewis post even included a link to a DB opinion piece positing that the Biden Justice department has not been weaponized. It’s timely because it summarizes the opinions being bantered about by conservatives and liberals here at the P&R forum.  

You don’t visit here that frequently so I’m not going to criticize you being unaware that the points in Benson’s post have been covered here at P&R already in separate threads. The White House leaks, Hunter’s sweetheart deal with the DOJ prosecuters. I don’t think we’ve discussed a potential pardon for Hunter yet, but I’ll leave it to BigPapasan to confirm that for us.  

What it boils down to is we can operate from facts and still come to different conclusions and opinions.  Did the White House leak about Biden’s displeasure with Garland over the special counsel appointments (classified docs and Hunter)? Yes. We discussed it here and came to two different conclusions. Conservatives believed this was evidence of the White House putting inappropriate pressure on Garland, while the liberals defended the leak.  

That’s going to happen at a politics forum. All the time. So the question is whether you want to discuss form or substance?

Not that your post will make any difference in the minds of these crime supporting MAGA posters! 😡

…than to allow a corrupt version of it to persist. Justice only works if it’s blind. An old lady praying in front of an abortion clinic gets years in prison. BLM burning down cities from coast to coast get off scott free. Trump paying off an old fling is a felony because it interferes with an election. Clinton paying for the Steel dosier isn’t. A goon on the NYC subway threatens passengers is allowed to do so with impunity. A citizen who subdues him to protect the other passengers is prosecuted. The list is fucking endless.  

A corrupt institution is more dangerous than no institution at all. We need to abolish the Department of Justice.

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: It is better to abolish an institution…
…than to allow a corrupt version of it to persist. Justice only works if it’s blind. An old lady praying in front of an abortion clinic gets years in prison. BLM burning down cities from coast to coast get off scott free. Trump paying off an old fling is a felony because it interferes with an election. Clinton paying for the Steel dosier isn’t. A goon on the NYC subway threatens passengers is allowed to do so with impunity. A citizen who subdues him to protect the other passengers is prosecuted. The list is fucking endless.  
 A corrupt institution is more dangerous than no institution at all. We need to abolish the Department of Justice.
Willys right the current DOJ is full of corruption. I love how you lefties deny Deny DENY till you die!!!  

I understand it’s the blue koolaide but damn… you guys swill it down!

Throughout history, the Democrat party as a whole has been much more corrupt than the GOP.  Other than Watergate, GOP corruption has mostly been committed by outliers, while the Dems have made it part of their institution.  When a group has this much corruption, there are always a few, like you named here, that are so stupid they don't get away with it, despite having the deck stacked in their favor.  

It is simply not true the Dems have been more corrupt than the GOP.
1) The Grant Administration was riddled with corruption. "Grant’s attorney general, secretary of war, secretary of the navy and secretary of the interior were all accused of taking bribes. His private secretary was implicated in a conspiracy to cheat the government out of tax revenue from the production of whiskey. The robber barons Jim Fisk and Jay Gould tricked Grant into aiding their scheme to manipulate the gold market, leading to a national financial panic known as Black Friday. Grant’s own brother Orvil, one of many relatives he put on the government payroll, was exposed in a kickback scheme that made the military overpay for provisions."
2) The Teapot Dome scandal under Republican Prez. Harding. Until Watergate it was considered the biggest scandal ever. "At the heart of the scandal was Albert Fall, a former Secretary of the Interior, who was charged with accepting bribes from oil companies in exchange for exclusive rights to drill for oil on federal land. The sites included land near a teapot-shaped outcrop in Wyoming known as Teapot Dome, and two other government-owned sites in California named Elk Hills and Buena Vista Hills."
3) The Iran/Contra scandal under Reagan in which Administration officials violated a law of Congress to provide money to Iran and arms to El Salvadoran right-wing rebels.
Republicans are synonymous with corruption. The only recent Democrat scandal was Clinton's Lewinsky scandal.
So once again, CDL is busted for throwing unsubstantiated shit on this board that is easily rebutted.
Does anyone here have less credibility?

I agree with your points nicky for the most part.  While the Lewinsky scandal happened, it was because Clinton lied to Congress.  Because he got a freaking BJ from her.  Most any guy is going to lie in a situation like that.  It was between him and his wife.  Not the American People.

I can't remember the players, but basically what happened is a sitting Democrat President spied on the election campaign of a Republican candidate for President. Massive scandal. Oddly, I don't remember anyone getting prosecuted over it though.

Ok Blue crew… which one of you genuinely believes there is no such thing as lawfare and that Trumps Conviction is real and for an actual crime he commited?

he lives in a world of lies and illusions. He is not strong enough to handle the truth.
He is a weak little goblin.

Dems timed the prosecution of Trump for the purposes of influencing the outcome of an election. Which is what they prosecuted Trump for. And it’s what they didn’t prosecute Hilary for in regards to the Steel Dossier.

Wanker seems to have forgotten that ALL the cases were delayed by Trump and his mouthpieces. That's why they are still happening before the election.
Poor Wanker.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: The fact that Looooser was even able to ask this question proves
he lives in a world of lies and illusions. He is not strong enough to handle the truth.  
 He is a weak little goblin.
I’m gonna clue ya in here Archie Ijames.

Trump was erroneously prosicuted in the hush money case. What Alvin Bragg put together is as you know a complete BS case that will be overturned on appeal.  

So wait… in your skeevy little dem heart you genuinely believe Trump is guilty?

…instead of the FEC. Maybe the FEC wouldn’t because they’re bipartisan.

First of all it's "prosecuted," you fucking incompetent.
Second, Bragg took huge heat for not charging Trump when Bragg first took office. Because he didn't feel the case had at that point been made. After time passed he was satisfied an adequate case had been built. And a jury unanimously agreed.
Go suck on that.

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