Politics and Religion

The thing you all seem to be missing
GaGambler 13 reads

To reach "herd immunity" we need a combination of the vaccinated and the previously infected. The "infected" that you refer to will soon be either "previously" infected or dead, either way EVERYONE who either gets infected or vaccinated gets us one step further to herd immunity.

If you are one of the vaccinated you have next to nothing to fear from the unvaccinated, your chances of actually getting sick from COVID at that point are about as likely as GentleGuy growning a brain or LTM&L deciding he should cut back on his posting. All this "you want to kill grandma" went out the window once the vaccines became widely available. The only people who need to worry about the unvaccinated are the unvaccinated themselves.  

For the record I strongly recommend just about everybody get vaccinated, but this is still America and I still support freedom of choice.

Neither Faux News nor Republicunts will go to prison or get death penalty for it!

-- Modified on 7/15/2021 7:46:31 PM

Is driving a rapid and alarming increase in New COVID 19 infections in July. The 7 day average has increased over 150% in Arkansas. It's worse in Missouri at nearly 180% increase and worse yet in Florida at over a 230% increase. The idiocy of Ron DeathSantis and his Don't Fauci My Florida merch is telling.

Vaccinations, vaccinations, vaccinations. We have a science-based solution yet many mouth breathers refuse to be inoculated for a variety of ridiculous reasons. We are rapidly becoming a nation that consists of the vaccinated and the infected.

To reach "herd immunity" we need a combination of the vaccinated and the previously infected. The "infected" that you refer to will soon be either "previously" infected or dead, either way EVERYONE who either gets infected or vaccinated gets us one step further to herd immunity.

If you are one of the vaccinated you have next to nothing to fear from the unvaccinated, your chances of actually getting sick from COVID at that point are about as likely as GentleGuy growning a brain or LTM&L deciding he should cut back on his posting. All this "you want to kill grandma" went out the window once the vaccines became widely available. The only people who need to worry about the unvaccinated are the unvaccinated themselves.  

For the record I strongly recommend just about everybody get vaccinated, but this is still America and I still support freedom of choice.

Fair enough however your position is overly simplistic and overly opportunistic. Further, let's not mistakenly include those who think they've had COVID without ever being tested ( sound familiar? ).

The vaccinated can still be infected and spread COVID to others so it's not just the unvaccinated who can spread the infection. Also the pandemic will end sooner - with less adverse mortality and morbidity -from vaccination immunity than from infection immunity. The longer COVID exits the greater the likelihood of a variant mutation that will be resistant to the vaccines. Why risk death, long-term COVID sequella, or a vaccine resistant variant  when a simple vaccination is readily available today? It's a no-brainer so use your intellect and not your emotions and get vaccinated today.

Re the anti-vaxers giving the virus a chance to mutate into a form the vaccines won't protect us from. Once again, GaCloaca has proven himself toxically stupid. In this case, literally.
One such example is the NY Yankees where several have just tested positive but are asymptomatic. So no symptoms but they can spread it.
The clock is ticking and we're in a race to get enough people vaccinated before a vaccine-resistant variant gets here.

...like GlugGlug think that if most everyone else gets vaccinated, then they won't get Covid.  They're idiots who don't realize that the virus is constantly mutating and getting more and more resistant.

The current variant, Delta, is only the FOURTH variant of the Covid-19 virus.  I doubt if high school dropout GlugGlug knows the English alphabet, much less the Greek alphabet.  Delta is the FOURTH letter of the Greek alphabet.  There are 20 more Greek letters left to use for future, more resistant variants.  

In California, we're going to have to start wearing masks again thanks to idiot righties like GlugGlug.

“For the record I strongly recommend just about everybody get vaccinated, but this is still America and I still support freedom of choice.”

Such hypocritical bs only can come from a fart for brain like you!
One part of the dichotomy fails the other either way and thus renders the statement a meaningless bullshit!  

Just like a righty cuck like you would dish out!

In lieu of vaccinations, your side's solution is to let COVID run rampant until enough people have been infected that hopefully the virus will stop spreading.  In the meantime, people (most notably Cons and/or those in red states) won't get the shots & continue to spread the virus, ultimately killing some needlessly.  Instead of herd immunity, the Cons are thinning their own herd.  If they're stupid enough to keep refusing to get vaccinated, they deserve what they get:  the ICUs, ventilators, & eventual deaths.  Fewer Cons means more Democrats.  Think about THAT.

Keep it going!!!  Y'all doin' great!!!

Says Asymptomatic thread is more myth then reality

Paul Elias Alexander was a HHS advisor for a few months in 2020. He lkeft abruptly after emails between Alexander and trump flunky Michael Caputo revealed they attempted to silence scientists working on COVID or make them change reports to downplay the pandemic's severity and support trump's messaging. Alexander, like you, has zero credibility.  

Asa Hutchinson (one of the few rational ones) has been trying hard to get more people in his state vaccinated. Same goes for the Republican Governor of West Virginia.

Like the song says "Live and Let Die"..

Everything is Trump's and the Republican's fault. "Trump didn't close the borders soon enough!" you cry.  He kiiled 10,000,000 people (yes I'm exaggerating but that's what you guys love to do.)

I remember those days, the Dems were shouting down anyone warning of COVID dangers and Pelosi was actively saying go out to china town there's no danger and Trump is being racist for even considering a travel ban.  

Oh well, this gives ya all yet another thing to bitch about. I am surprised ya'all aren't crying for masks and lockdowns to come back.

No not "everything" was his fault.  However the job of POTUS comes with serious, mature responsibility and factual accountability to the entire country becauses lives are at risk. He accepted responsibility for nothing and was accountable to no one. Lie, deflect, insult, blame others then repeat is his stock and trade. His lies about COVID are only dwarfed by his incompetence about COVID.  

 I get that you, and others of your ilk, don't get it and never will. That's okay. You're excused because you're in a cult that is full of rage, hate, propaganda and misinformation. Keep living on earth 2 and let responsible, accountable, competent, level-headed adults govern the country.

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