Politics and Religion

The Supreme Court can rule on whatever it wants…
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 19 reads

…it doesn’t change the fact that abortion is murder.

Who preformed a abortion, regardless of the new Texas law. Let's see how the courts handle this and my feeling is that the courts will see this as an extreme overreach of the law to eleimante abortion.
The Dems need to run on this and I hope this drags on till late Summer 2022. This will be bad publicity for the GOP and it'll be something they'll have to defend or answer to.
Poor Abbott this could be disastrous for him, can you see Governor Betito??.....lol

RespectfulRobert12 reads

There are way too many other issues swirling around that are much more important to the voting class and honestly, none of those are in our favor at the moment.

…when you consider the obvious and undeniable fact that abortion is murder.

Abortion is the Constitutional right of every woman.
Besides, human life isn't sacred. If that's true, why do we treat our fellow humans like shit?

If life isn’t sacred, then who gives a shit about women’s Constitutional rights.

Who said anything about "logic?" The Supreme Court determines what's law, and it's based on the Constitution and precedent. That's it. Not on any concept of what willy thinks is sacred.

…it doesn’t change the fact that abortion is murder.

So the Supreme Court is the ultimate "Law of the Land" except when they disagree with you.  

I don't care which side of the issue/s you are on now, you still think just like the idiot lefty that deep down you are.

This might hurt Abbot, I know I think a lot less of him than I used to, in large part because of this bill, but this could work to the GOP's advantage ESPECIALLY if it drags on into 2022 which looks to be almost certain at this point.

This bill is VERY unlikely to pass constitutional muster once the Supremes agree to take a look at it. They never ruled in favor of it, they simply declined to look at it until someone with "standing" brings them a test case to look at. The pro-abortion people (count me as one of them) need to be very selective of what case they bring to the Supremes as the ruling will set precedence, but assuming the Supremes, the very "conservative" Supremes strike down this law, which they are almost certain to do, it will take the wind out of the sails of the Dems running on "packing" the Supreme Court because it has moved so far to the right. The GOP will rightly be able to point out that Roe v Wade is still safe despite Justices like Amy Barret being on the bench.  

Back to Abbot, I think he has more to worry about from inside his own party than he does from that fake Irish "vato", but I do hope it serves as a wake up call to the GOP in Texas that the state has turned purple and that no race is safe anymore.

Why do you think they just passed the ant-democratic voting bill?

How could this message work for the GOP? This won't make a ripple in red states so no damage there. But swing states could be a problem for the GOP. Now I'm not saying that the Dem will make this their single issue. But sprinkle it here and there and you have something that the women voters can jump on. Use as the Republicans hate women, have the Congressman defend it. This will carry on till late summer and could pick up tractions. I mean, who want bounty hunters on their ass? Here's something..........During the recall when the bill was just past Newsom did mention the Texas anti-abortion bill in a few of his stump speeches. Elder on the other hand shied away from it. Just the mention of the bill had a ring to it even though Calif is blue and this issue was not the stand alone issue that doomed the recall but it had something.
So pitch me, how can this help the GOP?...Maybe I'm missing something.

I completely agree that this is NOT going to help the GOP,  Governor Abbot especially, in the short term. Even a knuckle dragging rightie like myself is aghast over this law, BUT

One of the things the left is going to be running on next year is to stoke the fear of a Conservative Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade, and yes, "if" the Supremes uphold this travesty of a law it will very bad for the GOP with the swing voters you reference, but in the MUCH more likely event that the Supremes strike down this law, ESPECIALLY if they do so overwhelmingly with even the 'evil" Amy Barrett voting to overturn it. In that case it will take all the wind out of the sails of the Dems trying to fearmonger that THIS court is going to overturn Roe v Wade and THAT will be good for the GOP.

For the record I COMPLETELY agree this law is a travesty and is most certainly unconstutional. I also concede that I am MUCH more likely to vote against Abbott in his re-election bid, or at least I will do so in the primaries. No way does fake Latino Beto get my vote under any circumstances. I am about as likely to vote for Beto as you are to vote for Larry Elder if he were to run for Governor of CA in the next election.

Or very late 2022, after the midterms. The Dems will have up to elections day to pound the "See Republicans want a bounty on you", blah blah blah. Like I said it won't be the main issue but it'll be floating out there. Can you see an ad where some bounty hunter sued the Uber Driver, the receptionist, the Asst Nurse,the doctor and the young lady and this bounty hunter can walk away with 50K...Be interesting if this bill lingers in litigation cause the longer the better it'll be for Dems.
And seeing that Betito doesn't float your boat, how about stinky, BO Matthew McConaughey?? He hasn't declared but he leads Abbott in a hypothetical poll by 9 pts...

I'll make a bet with you that this law will be struck down BEFORE the midterms.

As for Abbott, I like him a LOT less than I once did, not just for this ridiculous abortion bill, but for the bill making simple solicitation a "state jail felony" that also went into effect a few weeks ago. That said, I'll still hold my nose and vote for him over Beto if that is the choice I am given next November.

Back to my proposed wager, let's keep it friendly, How about a year of TER VIP days?

WhIch will be good talking points in the media, don't think it'll be before then....As for the wager, I dunno...I might not be here for long

Your very words were

"If this is heard by the SCOUS, it probably won't be heard till 2023  
Or very late 2022, after the midterms"

AND I am not even saying it will be "heard" by SCOTUS by then, my prediction, (and my proposed wager) states that the law will be STRUCK DOWN before the midterm elections.

And if one or both of us are gone by then (Or if TER itself is gone by then) than the wager will be moot anyhow. We have our issues, but I don't think either of us is going to run and hide over friendly little wager like this one.  It's not like making a bet with Willy or Laffy. lol

Besides, if I win you should be happy that this ridiculous law was reversed so quickly, although I will concede it never should have been passed in the first place.

"The Dems need to run on this and I hope this drags on till late Summer 2022" late summer which is Sept....
But anyways, you have a bet....I'm game. Copy and paste this down and I'll hold back on my reviews waiting to collect...lol

If the law is still on the books on November 8, 2022 I owe you one years worth of VIP. If the law is struck down prior to November 8, 2022 you owe me a years worth of VIP. Plus bragging rights of course. lol

A month, a year, it's still less than the cost of a session, even here in Texas, and still more than LTM&L makes in a month. lol

If you want to make it 30 Days worth of VIP, so be it.  

So is that our bet?

I'm pretty sure you actually PAY for your VIP but GlugGlug gets his VIP by doing Problem Reports.  If he loses the bet, it won't cost him anything.  He'll simply transfer the 30 days of VIP from his account to yours.

Now I'm not saying it's a bad thing to do Problem Reports.  To the contrary, I encourage EVERYONE to do Problem Reports in order to keep the profiles accurate.  It helps your fellow hobbyists.  Or to put it in the words of GlugGlug:
"Not only will you be doing the (TER) community a solid, but you will get a couple of free VIP days for your trouble."

You're putting up cash money while GlugGlug is putting up jackshit.  That's why Big Spender GlugGlug was willing to bet a year.

Put up or shut your big fat lying racist fucking mouth big shot.

Hpy and I are having a "friendly" bet, there is NOTHING friendly between us. Put up or shut up fat ass.


Or we could make it a "real" bet? but that would require a way to ensure your lying ass would actually pay up if (and when) you lose. I have ZERO illusions/delusions about your lying ass EVER paying a wager only secured by the honesty of the participants, but I don't really mind getting stiffed over a lousy thousand bucks if it will prove to the board what a lying cunt you are. That said, I don't mind risking some real money on this, I will book whatever action your pussy lying ass can afford to risk,  but ONLY if I know I can actually collect when I win.  

In the meantime, unless and until you grow a pair of balls, what Hpy and I agree to is none of your fucking business.

Your BFF CDL ran away like a cowardly cunt when I proposed that we bet our TER memberships on what the "City" field means in a TER profile.  Let's see if his mentor has a pair of balls or is a cunt like CDL.  I say "City" means the provider's home city.  CDL says it's the city where the first reviewer who created the profile saw her.

If you agree with your cunt buddy, I'll put my membership up against yours.  The loser will NEVER post on TER again.  We'll let TER decide.  If TER doesn't weigh in, it's a push.

How about it, GlugGlug?  Are you going to be a Gambler or are you just going to "gag?"  

P.S. - If it's posted on the board, what hpy and you discuss is EVERYONE's business.  If you don't want it to be EVERYONE's business, take it to PM.
P.P.S. - From the tone of your post, I'd say you are very "tightly wound"...to borrow your mentee's favorite phrase.

I always knew you were a fucking coward, or in your case a "non fucking" coward, as you haven't been laid since Obama was POTUS.

If you are scared to risk a lousy thousand bucks, just fucking say so. PUSSY

...a lousy thousand bucks or your TER membership?  If you're afraid to risk your TER membership, just fucking say so.  PUSSY

As far as not being laid goes, how many reviews do you have?  We're supposed to believe you get laid simply because you say so?  OTOH, I have a brand new whitelist to go along with the many other "fake" ones.  I'm sure you'll want to look as stupid as your mentee and claim they're all fake.

So, I've wondered if perhaps I might be wrong that abortion is murder. So, I took a look around at arguments in favor of abortion, and I think I'll post some from time to time. This one comes from the BBC. And hot damn, these are astonishingly weak arguments.  


"women have a moral right to decide what to do with their bodies"
A fetus isn't part of her body. They don't even share the same DNA. If a woman has a moral right to decide what to do with her body, why doesn't a fetus have a moral right to decide what to do with it's body?  

"the right to abortion is vital for gender equality"
If you need to be given the right to murder people to achieve gender equality, then maybe gender equality is something you shouldn't seek.  

"the right to abortion is vital for individual women to achieve their full potential"
This is utterly bizarre. If Bob said, "If I don't get to murder people, I'll never be able to reach my full potential", then most people would tell Bob, "Go fuck yourself, Bob. Your full potential is not more important than you being allowed to murder people."

"banning abortion puts women at risk by forcing them to use illegal abortionists"
This one is also bizarre. Suppose Bob said, "I love to murder people by stabbing them to death. But it's really dangerous and I often cut my hands on my stabbing knife when I'm murdering people. We need to make it safer for me to murder people. You wouldn't want me to get hurt, would you?"

"the right to abortion should be part of a portfolio of pregnancy rights that enables women to make a truly free choice whether to end a pregnancy"
This isn't even an argument. It's a statement that "you should give me that just because"

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