Politics and Religion

The Proud Boys doesn’t exist.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 54 reads

That stuff is just made up nonsense by the left to cover for BLM and Antifa violence. It goes like this:  

“Look, BLM burned this police precinct down.”

“But what about the Proud Boys?”

Basically, they’re the “but, Trump” answer whenever someone points out the violence used by the left.  

But that’s so 2020. The new make believe thing leftists are worried about are Christians. Yes, Christians. If you go to church on Sunday leftists now think you’re a terrorist. That’s how nuts they are.

Not only do they have a panic attack about waving The Pine Tree flag, they also think phrases like “Christ is King” is….

As they should be. Willy Wanker is a Wannabe Seditionist.

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