Politics and Religion

The GOP has a good chance to flip the Senate in November...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 398 reads

Dem. Ben Cardin is retiring so the GOP has a chance to win the Maryland Senate seat.  Their candidate is Larry Hogan, the former governor of Maryland.  While most Republicans were walking around like zombies today saying:
"Verdict bad, Trump innocent," Hogan posted on X and urged all Americans to respect the verdict and the legal process.  Hogan said all leaders should not engage in "toxic partisanship."

Chris LaCivita is a senior advisor to Trump and the co-campaign manager of Trump's 2024 presidential campaign.  LaCivita
posted this reply to Hogan:
"You just ended your campaign"

Trump and his Trumpards are unbelievable!  Loyalty is more important to them than the Republican Party.  Trump would rather have a candidate who sucks his cock than win back the Senate.


…if Jimmy Carter had put Ronald Reagan in prison over an unpaid parking ticket.  

We’re looking at the kinds of things that end republics or sparks the start of a civil war.

Candidate Reagan's representatives were alleged to have violated the Logan Act and conducted illegal negotiations with the Iranian regime to DELAY release of the hostages until AFTER the election.  
New claim about Iran hostage crisis sabotage may change narrative of Carter presidency
Dateline: Mar 20, 2023
"In the summer of 1980, a prominent Republican close to Ronald Reagan's campaign sought to sabotage then-President Jimmy Carter's reelection by asking Middle Eastern leaders to get a message to the Iranians: Keep the American hostages until after the election, and the Reagan administration will give you a better deal. That stunning reporting this weekend [May 2023] by The New York Times is prompting a rethinking of presidential history. ..."
The "better deal" Reagan promised Khomeini included providing Iran with military weapons that were illegally delivered to Iran from 1981-1986 as part of what became known as the Iran-Contra scandal. "The Iran–Contra affair (Persian: ماجرای ایران-کنترا; Spanish: Caso Irán-Contra), often referred to as the Iran–Contra scandal, was a political scandal in the United States that occurred during the second term of the Reagan administration. Between 1981 and 1986 [beginning during Reagan's first term and extending into his second term, until exposed in 1986], senior administration officials secretly facilitated the illegal sale of arms to Iran, which was subject to an arms embargo at the time. ..."  
Imagine if Reagan's interference had been exposed and stopped BEFORE the election? The hostages might have been released 4 months sooner. Imagine if Reagan or his team had prosecuted under the Logan Act.

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: Imagine if during the Iranian Hostage Crisis…
…if Jimmy Carter had put Ronald Reagan in prison over an unpaid parking ticket.  
 We’re looking at the kinds of things that end republics or sparks the start of a civil war.
Logan Act: "The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government's position."

His post might actually have something to do with the OP    

Drowning your sorrows about Trump, willy?

…against a side that has guns when you have none. Not very smart, folks. Not very smart.

How in the world does he know only the righties have guns? How does he know they will use them? Does Willy think the police have no guns or that they'll simply stand by and let any armed righty thugs attack other citizens?
PS: like many law-abiding lefties, I have a legally-registered fire arm. So Willy's entire fever dream is just that.

New York, but in California, many "blue" cities periodically have "gun drives" where they tell you to trade in your "old gun that you never use" for gift cards that have been donated by merchants and restaurants, so it's reasonable to assume that many lefty snowflakes don't even own a gun anymore.  You live outside the City-Centre, so it's more likely that Libs like you still have your guns.  I think the gun turn-ins is why Willie is suggesting the Left is generally unarmed.  

Nicky doesn’t realize it, but he just admitted that he doesn’t own a gun. He’s likely never owned one and he he certainly doesn’t own one now. Can anyone guess how he unknowingly revealed this? Read his comment again and see if you pick up on it. I’m betting none of the lefties here will pick up on it and every conservative here will.

RespectfulRobert13 reads

And in case you didnt realize it yet, Joe Biden is commander in chief and he has more and better guns then your side will ever have. A civil war would go painfully bad for your side. Crazy you are talking about killing people because Trump is such a lunatic.

We’re going to have the daunting task of deporting not only the hordes of illegals, but a sizable number of Democrats as well. That’s really the only humane option available. The bigger challenge is finding a place for them to go. Canada would take them, but I suspect the Canadian people are tiring of these neo Marxists as much as Americans are. Could try Europe, but Europeans are done with foreigners. Mexico might be the best option since it’s their favorite country anyway.

RespectfulRobert15 reads

Your side is doing everything so it CANT regain power. Are you capable of looking at Trump as the scumbag he is? You will lose this election and then cry it was rigged instead of putting up someone sane like Nikki Haley who would have trounced Joe.  
In 1973, the Rs were smart enough to kick Nixon to the curb, but in 2024, you stand with a twice impeached, 4 times indicted, convicted felon where many of his OWN staff in the WH say publicly he is not fit for office and his own daughter has left him to rot.

The wanna be dictators in the White House will soon come up with an excuse for why they need to cancel the election. And then these matters have to get settled through other means.

RespectfulRobert32 reads

In fact he said on day one, he will be a dictator. Thankfully, the only "Day One" he will get is possibly inside a jail cell.

Thankfully, only a jail cell?

What will be your response if his polling and fundraising increases post verdict?  Any chance that Democratic lawfare could backfire on the Biden campaign?

-- Modified on 5/31/2024 3:27:37 AM

RespectfulRobert14 reads

Yes, his sycophantic base will probably pony up some money for a convict but as you know, Rs are the "law and order" party. lol. This verdict has doomed Trump. You know that and you cant/wont admit it. You put all your eggs in the basket of a nut and now you have to live with those consequences.

Trump outraised Biden by $20M in April. Democratic Lawfare is backfiring.

Mr. Trump’s advisers have said privately that his campaign, together with the Republican Party and all of their affiliated committees, raised $76.2 million in April. The Biden campaign said on Monday evening that it had raised $51 million in April with the Democratic National Committee — which was just over half as much as they raised in March, and also a touch less than they raised in February

That was April. Post-verdict, Trump has raised more in two days than Biden did the entire month of April.

Donald J. Trump’s campaign announced on Friday evening that he had raised nearly $53 million in the 24 hours after his felony conviction, shattering online records for Republicans and raking in enough cash to help him close what has been a substantial financial gap with President Biden.

It is hard to put the enormity of the sum into proper perspective, but it would nearly match, in a single day, the $58 million that Mr. Trump’s main fund-raising arm raised online in the last six months of 2023, according to federal records.

The campaign first said on Friday morning it had collected nearly $35 million in the hours after the verdict. By Friday evening, the campaign had revised the figure up to $52.8 million in the 24-hour period following Mr. Trump’s conviction.

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: He is getting TROUNCED in fund raising.  
Yes, his sycophantic base will probably pony up some money for a convict but as you know, Rs are the "law and order" party. lol. This verdict has doomed Trump. You know that and you cant/wont admit it. You put all your eggs in the basket of a nut and now you have to live with those consequences.
Ohhh Robbie, you really believe that stupid shit you just put out and put your name on? Why on God's green earth are you accepting this conviction as legitimate? It was strung-together nonsense. AND YOU KNOW IT but, hey it was to get Trump so it's cool right?  

Wake up lefty America...  if they can do this BS to a political enemy? They can do it to you when you become the target. Of course, your gut reaction is? I'm a lefty... I have a D next to my name I'M PROTECTED ! ! !  

They would never come for me ! ! !

Yeah, keep believing that.

…to stay in power. If putting Trump in prison doesn’t do it, then they will try to cancel the election. If they can’t cancel the election then they will assassinate Trump. It’s clear now that they have no intention of maintaining a peaceful transfer of power. Since they’ve dealt their hand the only option now is to figure out what comes next. This will not end in November. They will force a civil war to take place. And they will lose as they’re already as popular as herpes and losing support by the minute.

Posted By: BigPapasan

Dem. Ben Cardin is retiring so the GOP has a chance to win the Maryland Senate seat.  Their candidate is Larry Hogan, the former governor of Maryland.  While most Republicans were walking around like zombies today saying:  
 "Verdict bad, Trump innocent," Hogan posted on X and urged all Americans to respect the verdict and the legal process.  Hogan said all leaders should not engage in "toxic partisanship.
 Chris LaCivita is a senior advisor to Trump and the co-campaign manager of Trump's 2024 presidential campaign.  LaCivita  
 posted this reply to Hogan:  
 "You just ended your campaign"  
 Trump and his Trumpards are unbelievable!  Loyalty is more important to them than the Republican Party.  Trump would rather have a candidate who sucks his cock than win back the Senate.  
You and icky taking a break from  your “but Trumping” all ready?

The verdict is bad! Trump is innocent and even you Jabba, YOU know in your heart of hearts this conviction was a political hit job. You just happen to be ok with that fact Becuse Trump is the target 🎯  

As for winning the Senate you think it’s only going to be this one seat that switches over to the Republican majority come November? Keep dreaming, you know like ya normally do. 🤔 Jabbas fav dream: Maybe someday I’ll be able to see my own Dick without a mirror?  

…LostSon’s head is exploding and he’s losing his shit - he resorts to ad hominem attacks because he’s too stupid to think of an intelligent reply.  You never disappoint me buddy!  ROFLMAO!

It will lock in some Never Trump votes, but in order to win here in Maryland he needs a majority of the independent vote and some Dem votes. He’s between a rock and a hard place.

"His chances were Slim to None...and 'Slim' just left town."

Isn't "Slim" better than "None?"   Why in the world would you white knight for a Trump Toady who drove "Slim" out of town?

His opponent is a Black woman.  Of the 2000+ senators in U.S. history, only two Black women have ever been elected - Carole Moseley Braun and Kamala Harris (Laphonza Butler was appointed).  
Hogan's chances were much better than "Slim."

...the only reason Kamala Harris rose to power is by sucking Willie Brown's cock.  Whose cock did Carole Moseley Braun suck?  Whose dick is Angela Alsobrooks sucking?  Maybe if more Black women sucked cock there would have been more  
than two Black women elected to the Senate in 235 years, right CKS175?

RespectfulRobert11 reads

But I don't see any evidence he is "racist."

CDL posted a racist OP about Kamala Harris:
"...she has spent most of her political life on her knees."  

CKS175 joined in the racism with a reply to CDL:
"Willie Brown Preferred To Take Her Services While Standing"

CKS175 is a RACIST.  Has he ever said Nikki Haley worked her way to the top by sucking dick?  Or course not!  He only says it about the Vice President of the United States because he's a RACIST.

RespectfulRobert19 reads

All you have done is provide evidence he hates and mocks Kamala. Surely you are not saying if someone criticizes or mocks a POC that, in and of itself, makes them racist. If that is the standard, then that would make every single person on this board racist.

That’s not evidence of racism. Not even close.

BigPapaFlop and liberals like him overuse and misapply the term “racist” so often it’s almost lost its meaning. All his usage here tells us is that BigP really doesn’t know what racism is.

If anything he comes off as a weasel… but racist.,, not sure.

so it's not a huge stretch to think he may well be a racist, too.

She was probably was on her knees when she was having that affair with trumps campaign manager Cory Lewandowski, while being MARRIED. And she lied in her book about staring down dictators and what's worse,she shot a 14 month old puppy...that's fucked up. But its what republicans do, lie and cheat.
And before anyone says "she's a governor"...Hold on, there's House Districts that have more people and she's alienated the Native American tribes. They don't want her in their territory. She really hasn't done shit for her state.
But she is fuckable and shown a wiliness to have the train pulled on her...I mean, she is doing Cory.
So, let's see. Don't let me down CKS

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Well, he's clearly an unrepentant ageist...
so it's not a huge stretch to think he may well be a racist, too.
He’s not an ageist he just likes to wind you up (quite easy to do)

I point out that Hogan’s got a steep hill to climb in his upcoming election.

BigPapasan counters that he has a chance because Alsobrooks is Black,  

Then he drops a post about me being racist because I criticized Kamala Harris. His logic (more accurately his lack thereof) doesn’t follow.  

His point in the demographics post (thousands of US Senators, only 2 Black women ever elected) doesn’t hold water either. He’s leaning on a nationwide stat in a statewide race.  Harris was able to win in a state that’s 5% Black, 4% Multiracial and 15% AAPI. Maryland is 29% Black,   10% Multiracial and 7% AAPI.  

Hogan has won statewide elections twice. But both time in off presidential election years.  And now he’s running in a very Blue state in an election where Trump is on the ballot and control of the Senate hangs in the balance.

calling Maxine Waters "Aunt Esther" because Waters' constituents affectionately called her "Auntie Maxine."  That's racist bullshit.  Waters isn't called "Aunt Esther" out of affection for her.  They're calling her "Aunt Esther" because they don't want to directly call her "stupid" and "ugly."  That's what racists do and that's what defenders of racists like CKS 175 do.

In the same thread that I defended the Auntie Esther comment as not racist, Nicky found the Auntie Ester comment funny.

This may the ONLY time GaCloaca said something funny.
But even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then.
I think it’s telling, BigPapaSearch, that the only other poster to deem the joke racist was GentleGuy. You do realize you’re keeping company with the P&R Forum’s last SPOTY, don’t you?

How am I playing the race card here? If anything, I’m playing the stupidity card on BigPapaFlop! And it’s BigP’s logic implying you’re racist (I don’t think you are), not mine.

BigP called me a racist for saying the Aunt Esther joke wasn’t racist. The same joke you called funny. The weird thing is we the original thread was about the Hogan/Alsobbrooks Senate race in Maryland. I pointed out Alsobrooks has a good chance to win, and then BigP randomly starts going in about some old Kamala comment, having nothing to do with the Maryland Senate race.

Is he really so clueless he doesn't understand when he calls someone racist he's playing the race card?

BigP introduced the race card when he said liking/defending the Ester joke (that you said was funny) made one a racist. The question to BigP is if I’m a racist for defending the joke, is Nicky a racist for saying it was funny? The answer is no, because the joke isn’t racist.

I’m sorry if posing a question as a statement in a turn of words confused you. Sometimes I forget your cognitive limitations.

Independents and Republicans get and vote.   If they don't the democrats will win.  He choose to support abortion in order to get votes.  He was a very popular governor.   He is more of a moderate consensus get things done type of guy.

That’s a good point. It will be interesting to see how the polling plays out over the summer.

But the most recent poll has Alsobrooks ahead of Hogan by 10 points (Emerson)

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