Politics and Religion

That good 'ol Patriot Act! Thanks, George and Barack!

Signing the enhanced Patriot Act is the single thing Obama did that most pissed me off.

-- Modified on 5/13/2013 8:26:31 PM

followme1015 reads

Yes Bush and obama

Bush passed it and used it, obama  renewed it and abuses it

Thank you  
2013 = 2

It is interesting how you don't criticize Bush for using it, but do so with Obama (by selecting "use" and "abuse").  I have no doubt both men abused it and I blame Obama for not only using it but agreeing to expand it.  The reality is, since what the government does under the Patriot Act is secret, neither of us has any idea how either President has used it.  So your distinction between Bush having "used it" and Obama having "abused it," is clearly based on no direct knowledge and is nakedly partisan.
You're welcome.


Posted By: followme
Yes Bush and obama  
 Bush passed it and used it, obama  renewed it and abuses it  
 Thank you  
 2013 = 28  

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
Benjamin Franklin  

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."
George Washingto

hmmmmmm georgie is used for bush and of course we had to use that muslim name for Obama.... and people claim they are not racist.... and that they don't see what is wrong with calling Obama by his father's name which happens to be muslim affiliated...when will this type of stuff stop and just discuss the issues. This also shows that you are intellectually unable to understand one is right or wrong. Not one of us has all the answers or information to know why Pres Obama renewed it and congress passed it don't forget and the house was republican. So why isn't it harry reids and "bone head boehners" fault ie "I am on vacation more or golfing than I am working" See  how infantile this is calling people names... I guess we have a bunch of toddlers on this board who are men who think they make political points with name calling.

I know he is not a Muslim. I would not have cared even if he were.. We have plenty to debate about his policy before we go that route. I am agnostic myself, and respect all the religions equally, although follow none..

But I just love calling him Hussein to see y'all cringe. :D

Personally, Curly, I'm an atheist and DIS-respect all religions equally.  Actually, I have a problem with calling Bush "Georgie," as it makes him seem like a child and is disrespectful.  OTOH, I hate the bastard and don't care! LOL!

When I say, or someone else says, "Georgie", image of George Costanza's mother (Seinfeld) comes in my mind, and not that of a kid.  To me, Georgie is a goofnut, a goofball.. But you are free to hate W all you want. I wasn't a big fan of it at all...

On the religion issue....I used to consider myself an atheist too, until someone schooled me that such a stance is absolutist and probably as stupid as the that of a religious fanatic, who see everything through the prism of religion.. It got me thinking, and I revised my stance, and now I consider myself as an agnostic.

As the old adage goes, "You don't know what you don't know.." And God can fit right into that category. People's definition of God is also not the same...I see it as higher intelligence, and not as Bill Mahr would say, an imaginary friend...

Whether there is God or no God will always be a mystery, and we lowly and mortal humans may never be able to solve it...

St. Croix1053 reads

DOJ secretly obtaining phone records of AP employees, or the IRS targeting specific groups, or Bloomberg violating privacy on its massive global terminal network system, or the Consumer Protection Agency requesting key information from banks, credit card companies and credit reporting agencies.

I have to admit the last one is not a crime, but it ranks right up there with the IRS. They are requesting some real sensitive personal financial information that they say will be used to "write better rules". Yeah right!!

Shit, identify theft is the least of our worries.

-- Modified on 5/13/2013 7:06:25 PM

Shareholders vote to strip Jamie of his chairman role. He resigns in a huff. Stock sells off six percent. Should I buy?
Remember i did quite well after the whale sell off-wish iAd bought more.

As to your question, I would vote for the IRS mess. Some heads should roll here.

St. Croix1062 reads

Is the thesis still the same? They have a helluva franchise, and I think it can withstand the departure of Dimon. Will the stock drop, probably, but I would expect it eventually bounce back.

Buy more? Seems like you're leveraged enough in the financial sector. And don't necessarily buy stock in the company Dimon may eventually join. Buy the company vs the individual.

IRS vs Consumer Protection Agency? That's a toss-up. I know we had this debate on taxes, but the IRS is acquiring more power, specifically the responsibility for Obamacare.

I don't cheat on my taxes, so one would say not to worry. But how about the Consumer Protection Agency knowing every transaction I make?

Very different from the CPA. The CFPB has been on a roll going after Capital One and American Express. I m not familar with what you are talking about.

St. Croix1122 reads

Yes it's the CFPB. New agency led by Richard Cordray, who replaced Elizabeth Warren. Here is an article.


The statute bars CFPB from gathering or analyzing "personally identifiable " financial data which is exactly what they seem to be doing unless the banks are redacting your name from your credit card records. But there is nothing in your link about any redaction and this would be a huge burden on the banks.

       So if no redaction this new agency - the bastard child of Elizabeth Warren - will  have records of how many times you made a contribution by credit card to the "Free Roman Polanski Fund." And the cost of analyzing all this data must be huge.  

        Don't like it.

but it was ok for bush to do it to the naacp....... wonders never cease on this board. It wasn't Obama or the white house that did this unlike bush and the naacp. It was an office in Cincinnati by low level officials.... for pete's sakes..... get the damn facts right and stop embellishing things.

St. Croix1036 reads

Slap yourself. Re-read what I said. What was the context of my post? What the fuck does the NAACP have to do with anything? Embellish? All I said about the IRS was they were targeting certain groups. That sounds pretty factual to me. Pay attention when you read.

-- Modified on 5/13/2013 8:58:40 PM

Knew about this but testified to the  contrary before congress. And the head of this particular section also knew this was going on long before she announced it was wrong.

That's exactly right.  If you read the testimony, what the IRS said was disingenuous to say the least.  It may not rise to perjury but it comes close because its purpose was to decieve.

OkHereGoes1079 reads


IRS officials in Washington were involved in targeting of conservative groups

Internal Revenue Service officials in Washington and at least two other offices were involved with investigating conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status, making clear that the effort reached well beyond the branch in Cincinnati that was initially blamed, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post.

Posted By: cece
but it was ok for bush to do it to the naacp....... wonders never cease on this board. It wasn't Obama or the white house that did this unlike bush and the naacp. It was an office in Cincinnati by low level officials.... for pete's sakes..... get the damn facts right and stop embellishing things.

I'd say they are equally bad, although the AP deal is probably legal.  But it's an over-reach and its First Amendment implications bother me.  Re the IRS it goes to the core of Big Government's ability to mis-use its power.  Both suck.

nor an illegal break in Watergate style. As far as we know now, DOJ simply subpoenaed phone records of phone lines in specific and limited AP offices over a specific apparently two month period.

    The stakes were high. Underwear bomber II apparently had developed a bomb that could get pass airport security. LE obtained one of the bombs and began a forensic investigation. Someone in the know leaked the story to the AP who published it under circumstances where the investigation was apparently compromised.

      Now if you interviewed all the gov officials with knowledge of the plot and they denied leaking the story, what is your next move? You go to the grand jury or to the AG and seek authorization for a subpoena - that means a court order - of the phone records to see if any calls were made to one of the gov officlals in the know. Maybe you ask a judge to approve the subpoena. We don't have the facts yet.

       I doubt the Patriot Act has anything to do with this. DOJ has always had authority to prosecute for leaking classified information. As for the AP's whining, since the AP does not know the scope of the investigation it is premature to say it is overboard. DOJ was dealing with the phone company; the phone company does not search or sort thru thousands of calls, so the scope of the subpoena was necessarily fairly broad and this work fell to DOJ

Panthera121044 reads

for DOJ, FEMA, DHA to spy on citizens and other organizations but when the AP gets a dose of it they go into an uproar? The AP and media in general have been suppressing information at the governments behest for years and they are part of the problem.

I hate the news media and the scum bags deserve to get their clocks cleaned, as opposed to being the cleaners. They are not going to be totally exempt form big brother no matter how you slice it.
They were bitch slapped the boss.

when President Bush signed the Patriot Act,  the country was in total disarray,  what with, 911, then the ricin being mailed,  the Congress voted 357-68,  and the House voted 98-1.  Maybe President Bush was a tadbit outnumbered???

But of even more interest,  is that on May 28, 2011 President Obama signed the Patriot Extension Act, and I must say that it arouses my curiosity, that at that time,  the Senate voted 72-23, and the House voted 250-153 and he still signed it,  albeit there were 4 main provisions to be enacted, one of which was enhancing "roving wiretaps" and access to business records.

Maybe we should stop the assignment fault to one man, aka President Bush, when our present President appears to be acquiescing to  and making enhancements of the original Patriot Act

We found out about Bush just a little too late.  But we are going to see the horrors of Obama while he finishes out his last 4 years.  There will be no impeachment, count on it.

The working poor that voted for Obama in my area, are raising hell on facebook now.  There jobs, some with companies so large as to sponsor a Nascar driver, have cut their employee's to 20 hrs in preparation for Obamacare.  The working poor better hang on, me included.  Everybody is doing whatever they have to do now

followme1182 reads

Did DOJ aka holder go beyond the Patriot Act and into the realm of the illegal?  

Would not be holder's first journey there!

Thank you
2013 = 28

Regardless of which party is in power, they will use it as weapon to keep us all scared so, they can spy on us.

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