Politics and Religion

The dem responce
followme 2680 reads

A washed up old white guy who is the former governor of Kentucky and a thumper.
Who BTW was reading rehearsed comments from a teleprompter, obviously written before trump's speech was delivered.

No doubt that is the best the libs have.

Pathetic !

-- Modified on 3/1/2017 1:04:32 AM

bigguy30380 reads

So Kentucky’s uninsured rate fell from 20% to 7.5% after Gov. Steve Beshear implemented Obamacare. The largest drop in the United States.

He was a boring, but he did right by his state before leaving office!
I understand Trump supporters are not used to a old man acting his age.
Since your leader acts like a child himself.

Posted By: followme
A washed up old white guy who is the former governor of Kentucky and a thumper.  
 Who BTW was reading rehearsed comments from a teleprompter, obviously written before trumpos speech was delivered.  
 No doubt that is the best the libs have.  
 Pathetic !

-- Modified on 3/1/2017 2:02:53 AM

TwoMints358 reads

You think anyone gives a shit what he did in Kentucky?

Who won Kentucky?

The truth is they needed someone that had zero skin in the game.  They couldn't get a current regressive mayor or governor to give the speech?  No they are to afraid to be on the record fighting against commonsense changes that are necessary.  

The people are on board with what he's doing.   A renewal of the America dream.  Regressive have no message that can fight it.

Regressives are so petty. It's disgusting. Sitting down while the country cries with the wife of a fallen hero. Disgusting.

Posted By: bigguy30
So Kentucky’s uninsured rate fell from 20% to 7.5% after Gov. Steve Beshear implemented Obamacare. The largest drop in the United States.  
 He was a boring, but he did right by his state before leaving office!  
 I understand Trump supporters are not used to a old man acting his age.  
 Since your leader acts like a child himself.
Posted By: followme
A washed up old white guy who is the former governor of Kentucky and a thumper.  
  Who BTW was reading rehearsed comments from a teleprompter, obviously written before trumpos speech was delivered.  
  No doubt that is the best the libs have.  
  Pathetic !
-- Modified on 3/1/2017 2:02:53 AM

bigguy30415 reads

Posted By: TwoMints
You think anyone gives a shit what he did in Kentucky?  
 Who won Kentucky?  
 The truth is they needed someone that had zero skin in the game.  They couldn't get a current regressive mayor or governor to give the speech?  No they are to afraid to be on the record fighting against commonsense changes that are necessary.    
 The people are on board with what he's doing.   A renewal of the America dream.  Regressive have no message that can fight it.  
 Regressives are so petty. It's disgusting. Sitting down while the country cries with the wife of a fallen hero. Disgusting.
Posted By: bigguy30
So Kentucky’s uninsured rate fell from 20% to 7.5% after Gov. Steve Beshear implemented Obamacare. The largest drop in the United States.  
  He was a boring, but he did right by his state before leaving office!  
  I understand Trump supporters are not used to a old man acting his age.  
  Since your leader acts like a child himself.
Posted By: followme
A washed up old white guy who is the former governor of Kentucky and a thumper.    
   Who BTW was reading rehearsed comments from a teleprompter, obviously written before trumpos speech was delivered.    
   No doubt that is the best the libs have.    
   Pathetic !
-- Modified on 3/1/2017 2:02:53 AM

Random, disconnected and nonsensical. Good job, Dims. Putting your best foot forward.

They are so anti-climatic it is almost unfair. No cheering crowds, no vibe in the room, no emotion, etc. We all have witnessed horrific R responses as well.

The thing I don't get is, as you point out, the choice to respond was odd.

When Bernie Sanders, Schumer and San Fran Grand mom are some of the leaders of your party, you would think they would have chosen some aspiring, younger, potential superstar.

Seems like a likable and well intentioned guy but I just don't get the pick at all and I am sure many Dems are scratching their head as well if honest.

bigguy30339 reads

It's one thing that remains the same about all of you!

Posted By: JackDunphy
They are so anti-climatic it is almost unfair. No cheering crowds, no vibe in the room, no emotion, etc. We all have witnessed horrific R responses as well.  
 The thing I don't get is, as you point out, the choice to respond was odd.  
 When Bernie Sanders, Schumer and San Fran Grand mom are some of the leaders of your party, you would think they would have chosen some aspiring, younger, potential superstar.  
 Seems like a likable and well intentioned guy but I just don't get the pick at all and I am sure many Dems are scratching their head as well if honest.

-- Modified on 3/1/2017 12:47:06 PM

I saw the response from the retired Gov of Kentucky.  He reminded me of the old democratic party and what it represented.  Sadly, the dems represent the majority non-workers today.

TwoMints301 reads

You saw your "old democratic party"   Trump.  

That's what so funny about regressives, they are communists/socialists. They aren't Democrats.  

The big difference with Trump and the old D's is he's going to expect results. That's something old D's never cared much about.  

Create Jobs, security and lowered taxes. 2020 will be a walk over.

We elected a doer, not a talker. We had a talker for the last 8 years. Well a stutterer off the teleprompter...  

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
I saw the response from the retired Gov of Kentucky.  He reminded me of the old democratic party and what it represented.  Sadly, the dems represent the majority non-workers today.

bigguy30223 reads

Also he represents the Grand old party aka white nationalist party.

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
I saw the response from the retired Gov of Kentucky.  He reminded me of the old democratic party and what it represented.  Sadly, the dems represent the majority non-workers today.

what I saw last night gave me so much hope!  I saw him reaching across isles to meet dems.  Trump sounded like a moderate dem to me.  He wants to bring the jobs back and make other countries pay their fair share of protecting the world.  He wants to see people prosper out of poverty and not just scrape by.  I loved the Trump I saw last night, very Presidential and deserving of respect from the dems.

bigguy30203 reads

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
what I saw last night gave me so much hope!  I saw him reaching across isles to meet dems.  Trump sounded like a moderate dem to me.  He wants to bring the jobs back and make other countries pay their fair share of protecting the world.  He wants to see people prosper out of poverty and not just scrape by.  I loved the Trump I saw last night, very Presidential and deserving of respect from the dems.

-- Modified on 3/2/2017 11:01:27 AM

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