Politics and Religion

Even if Trump win this election, he will be out in fours years anyways, in fact I do see a two term
Boobsman100 20 Reviews 286 reads

President going forward in future anytime soon.  It will, be a cat and mouse game for the Republicans as they will seek to do as much damage  to people's  rights and whatever  democracy people  believe they have  left.
If you ask me however, AmeriKKKa has never been a democracy but indeed an ideology of  WHITE supremacy .

You have bought into ALL the oppression theroies haven’t you?  

Where are you from?

Racist and racism is still alive and well today.Some peopke try to be more subtle with with it,  like judges and DA's  choosing who to prosecute, light sentences,  racist cops getting away with murder, race base employment,  redlining,  mortgage decrimination, lowering the bar to accommodate dumb ass like Trump as president  who talk a lot shit and is a racist  criminal, a  two time impeach molester ,etc etc etc
 All this time Obama had to be squeaky clean,  just because he is not classified as white.

America was never intended to be a "pure' democracy. That's baked into the Constitution. It was intended to be a Republic. Do you understand the difference?

Well if it was not meant to be a  total democracy,  then they should not pretend it was ,and then try to tell the world that we are the beacon of light when it comes to democracy.  
Can't justify it by saying the " we are not the worst".  If we want to be the beacon,then we must be 100% ,otherwise we are not qualified to tell anyone else what to do.

It's no one's fault if you did not except you.
Women didn't have the right to vote.
Slavery was permitted.
Senators weren't elected.
The popular vote didn't matter in national elections.
And so on.
But at the time it was STILL a far more democratic form of government than existed anywhere else in the world.
And where did I say we are "qualified to tell anyone else what to do?"

He’s the kinda guy who walks up to a fancy party in a broken down winnebago, strolls right into the party and takes a shit in the punch bowl. Then on his way back to his winnebago he gives every finger guns while proudly proclaiming, “nailed it.”

RespectfulRobert8 reads

That group hasn't had any real influence in over 30 years. You hate your country. A country with more rights than any place on earth. It's why people will die in an attempt to get here and people that live here, rarely ever leave. We will survive Trump if he wins and sanity will be restored at some point. He is a low life and people of that ilk don't last.

...when you say Boobsman sounds ridiculous when he references the KKK.  Yes, the KKK isn't influential these days but apparently you haven't heard of the Neo Nazis, Alt-Right, and White Supremacists who have crawled out of the woodwork and have become emboldened thanks to Trump.

You say to Boobsman: "You hate your country.  A country with more rights than any place on earth."
You are obviously so stupid that you couldn't figure out that Boobsman is BLACK.  You have no clue what it's like to be Black in America - even today.  Why don't you ask NFL Hall of Famer Terrell Davis:

Respectfully, Robert, YOU ARE A MORON!!

1) you probably wouldn’t sunburn as easily as I do. 15 minutes of the sun at high noon on a hot day and I turn into a lobster and burn and peel for a couple weeks. I bet black people don’t have to go through that. Lucky bastards.  

2) I do feel like blacks got a raw deal with the hair. I don’t know what they have to do to take care of it, but from what I’ve gathered it’s a pain in the ass.  

3) On the up side it must be nice to be endlessly pandered to the moment you whine and complain about anything. Call something racist when you don’t get your way and have people kiss your ass. Talk about living on easy street.

RespectfulRobert8 reads

Nothing could have been worse for Boobsmen than for Big Papa rushing to his defense. Boobs is an obvious racist as he rails against the White Menace often. They are both ignorant fools. Like Bill Maher has said, "Live in the year we are living in." It's 2024. Those two idiots think it's 1954. You can't fix stupid so don't even try.

durran42110 reads

I don't have to look at one racist/troll anymore but #2 in line is boobsman. If there was ever a racist on this board, it would be him and fat boy. That's for sure. Both are a waste of time and effort.

Durrant421....so we are a racist for calling out racists and racism. Do you live in America? Or do you think racism should be the  norm for some  why  you cannot see it. Are you that oblivious because you're not affect by it or do you think thats the way it should  be, because the is no shortage of racism on a daily basis in America, not the mention the history and its continuation.  
 Or as they say, " fish don't know it is swimming in water".

" I do feel like blacks got a raw deal with the hair ". Do you hear how stupid you sound. That just goes to show the you're some who was not only raised by dumb ass racist but also bought into fallacy of black and white. Nobody is white ,Caucasian is the proper description. Go look into the history of when "whiteness" started.
In the 1500 when Nataniel Turner found out the brain of the Christian bible that was being  used to justify enslavement,  verses like " children obey your master", " when hit, turn the other cheek" . God open Nataniel eyes to realize this is bull shit , because God the not create any inferior race. He  started killing everything in sight classified as white.  
It was then that the criminal slave holders started to enlist people like Italians,Irish,  whom they  had  hated and did not see as "white" , telling them ,we had to band together because we are all white and we had to stop this and other uprisings.

Who are victims. The KKK MINSET is still alive and well. Because of federal laws some  have to be more subtle.  Under cover  KKK like RONALD DESANTIS, EDWARD BLOOM,CHRISTOPHER RUFER, etc..from banning history  book and distorting true history ( Desantis/ Rufo),  to stop blac business from accessing loans  from black lenders (Ed Bloom) etc etc
The KKK is still  subtly active in hospitals ( High black mortality during child birth), schools, lending institutions, employment. etc etc.

RespectfulRobert11 reads

You think the KKK causes high black child birth mortality????? You are deeply racist and out of touch with reality so no wonder BigPapa shills for you!

No one hares a country,  they hate the criminals who run them.

durran42119 reads

Boobsman meet gentleguy. You 2 should get along just fine.....😳😳

Posted By: durran421
Re: Ummmmmm
Boobsman meet gentleguy. You 2 should get along just fine.....😳😳
Oh yeah, those two will get along.  

As for big papa flop white knighting for a real live racist? Good job Jabba! Push the “victimization narrative” some more. 🙄

...Trump is an admitted racist and LostSon acknowledged Trump is a racist.  

LostSon also LOVES Trump because he promised to deport millions of illegal immigrants.  LostSon knows the only way he can keep his job is for Trump to deport illegal immigrants that are LostSon's competition for his low-skilled job.  Those are the jobs that Trump calls "Black jobs" and "Hispanic jobs."  Racist Trump thinks Blacks and Hispanics are only qualified to do the same jobs as illegal immigrants and LostSon.

Trump's "Black jobs" quote at the debate:
"He caused inflation.  As sure as you’re sitting there, the fact is that his big kill on the black people is the millions of people that he’s allowed to come in through the border.  They’re taking Black jobs now and it could be 18.  It could be 19 and even 20 million people.  They’re taking Black jobs and they’re taking Hispanic jobs and you haven’t seen it yet, but you’re going to see something that’s going to be the worst in our history."

LostSon - keep running like the sniveling coward you are.  You said people who use the term "Black jobs" are "admited (sic) racists" but now you're avoiding calling Trump an "admited (sic) racist" because you're a little bitch.

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: LostSon LOVES Donald Trump because...
...Trump is an admitted racist and LostSon acknowledged Trump is a racist.    
 LostSon also LOVES Trump because he promised to deport millions of illegal immigrants.  LostSon knows the only way he can keep his job is for Trump to deport illegal immigrants that are LostSon's competition for his low-skilled job.  Those are the jobs that Trump calls "Black jobs" and "Hispanic jobs."  Racist Trump thinks Blacks and Hispanics are only qualified to do the same jobs as illegal immigrants and LostSon.  
 Trump's "Black jobs" quote at the debate:  
 "He caused inflation.  As sure as you’re sitting there, the fact is that his big kill on the black people is the millions of people that he’s allowed to come in through the border.  They’re taking Black jobs now and it could be 18.  It could be 19 and even 20 million people.  They’re taking Black jobs and they’re taking Hispanic jobs and you haven’t seen it yet, but you’re going to see something that’s going to be the worst in our history."  
 LostSon - keep running like the sniveling coward you are.  You said people who use the term "Black jobs" are "admited (sic) racists" but now you're avoiding calling Trump an "admited (sic) racist" because you're a little bitch.
In addition to being wildly overweight and a bad legal
Secretary are you an undiagnosed diabetic as well?  

Your literally making no sense. Might be time for a blood test fatman.

You proved once more what a sniveling coward you are.  Other than repeating my GREAT post in its entirety, your post did not have one word of substance.  Every word was a personal attack, a sure sign of how juvenile and stupid you are.  I wish I knew how you manage to go through life being so dumb.

You better hope Trump wins and deports millions of illegal immigrants.  Otherwise you'll have competition for your Black job.  Illegal immigrants work for less so you'll be out on your ass.  This is the only job you'll be qualified for:

Dr. King died for a civil law , and the irony is that even the KKK minded people are protected under it today .  What a joke. So much for black empowerment..right.

RespectfulRobert6 reads

Civil rights protects ALL of us, even people with hateful and grotesque ideologies like far right racist organizations, but being a bitter, broken racist yourself, you wouldn't understand that.  
You are exactly the kind of person Bill Maher mocks as you make our side look so hypocritical and delusional on race. You know nothing of our constitution, nothing of our Democratic Republic and all you do is spew vile, racist, anti-white hatred. You are a disgrace.

See the irony yet.  Bill Maher is the kind of liberal Malcolm X warned us about from way back  in the sixties. One that sounds like he is in opposition to something when  he is indeed support.  
I have a copy of the constitution, you don't.  By the way a lot more amendments needs to done to this constitution to hold criminals like Trump accountable and reign in the current corrupt unqualified majority on the supreme court accountable. But the Republican party is the biggest obstacle to this because that exactlyhow they want it to remain as was written back in the a1700's with the white maIe at the front and center, and fuck women,black people and everyone else. Republicans want to be able go to  the capital after getting  their  asses whipped in an election to   try and  overthrow the democratic elected government and kill capital police. These are the people who claimed they back the guys in blue  and is TOUGH ON CRIME.

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