Politics and Religion

That's not voter fraud.
sappybullfighter 1586 reads
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Not so long ago, Ted Turner was being interviewed on the Piers Morgan Show (CNN).  The subject under discussion eventually was the fact that US soldiers are now committing suicide in record numbers; many more times more frequently than even during WW1 or WW2.  Turner's response to Morgan's question, "That's shocking isn't it?" was, "I think it's good."  Here's the youtube clip:


Turner's offensive remarks went viral and he was forced to eat his words with a public apology, which went:

 "During my recent interview on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight, I inadvertently used the word “good” when asked for my thoughts on the increasing rate of suicide among U.S. military soldiers in the Middle East. It was certainly not my intent to imply that suicide is “good.” Rather, I was implying that it is good that the public is more aware of these tragedies and is more averse to war and war-related fatalities.

   My message has always been one of peace, I believe that we’re born programmed to love and help each other, not to kill or hurt each other. I strongly support our U.S. troops and would never intentionally say anything to harm the brave men and women serving our country. I deeply apologize for any misunderstanding caused by this comment."

Notwithstanding Turner's pretensions as a Prince of Peace, he has in the past called for a reduction of the World's polulation by 95%, which could only be achieved through a very active program of systemic, industrialized Genocide.  “A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal,” Turner stated in 1996.  Despite the fact that he has 5 children, and that he is the largest landowner in America, he has called for a world-wide 1-child policy.  


JeffEng16 22 Reviews 200 reads
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Only Sinunu Trump type fuckfaces would use the Libyan embassy for political gain.  It's why we're putting Sarah Mitsy down in 10 days.

-- Modified on 10/27/2012 1:51:40 PM

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 145 reads
4 / 4

It is a common place practice to help those who can't read or speak English to vote. It's also common place to help seniors out who have trouble working electronic voting machines.

No, it is not common place to have a representative from each party to help them out with that. I can only speak for the experience in my own state, which explicitly prohibits any kind of political activity of any kind inside a polling location. I can't imagine Ohio is any different. The person who helps the voter is the person of that voter's choosing. It's no one else's business.

But since this is a bunch of Somalians voting, Nuguy is just convinced it's voter fraud. Could it have something to do with the color of their skin?

But you are right, Nuguy. Voter Fraud has gone on...most notably in the state of Indiana. But they only found one instance of this happening.

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