Politics and Religion

Since the Dobbs decision have abortions gone up or down?
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 40 reads

Guttmacher seems to have the best data on this. See link below for more details.  

Since Roe was overturned by the Dobbs decision how many states have passed total bans on abortion? The answer is only 14. Just 14.  

Has this resulted in the number of abortions going down? Nope. It actually rose by 11% since the Dobbs decision.  

Abortions per year reached a peak in 1990 at 1.6 MILLION. 1.6 MILLION children needlessly murdered because a woman was inconvenienced by her own poor life choices. 1.6 million.  

The number of abortions declined pretty steadily each year getting to 700,000+ by 2017. But it’s been increasing ever since. In the year after the Dobbs decision the number of abortions in 2023 topped a million.  

Just think about that. In the time that a President could serve 2 terms in office, we lost as many Americans as the entire population of New York City, killed by abortion.

First, many states that have banned abortion are adjacent to states that still allow it. But what about outcomes like the one GaG's gal was subjected to?
Second, a lot (I think at least half) of abortions are done using the pill. That will continue to grow.
And what are Republicans doing? Not content with this they are trying to criminalize women who try to go out of state for an abortion and trying to ban the pill.
THAT'S why Harris will get a huge # of votes in Red States.
As for the 1.6 million aborted fetuses, most were the size of a walnut. They weren't remotely children. They were potential children.
Besides, Wanker, what about life is sacred? NOTHING.
The only time Republicunts think life is sacred is when it's in the womb.

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