Politics and Religion

Thanks for not even TRYING to rebut me.
inicky46 61 Reviews 26 reads

I accept your surrender, fake veteran.

It’s proof that Joe is just an angry old guy slipping into dementia.

From the article

“Joe Biden has told aides and outside advisers that Attorney General Merrick Garland did not do enough to rein in a special counsel report stating that the president had diminished mental faculties, according to two people close to the president, as White House frustration with the head of the Justice Department grows.”

Now supposedly he’s also pissed about the fact that the prosecutions aren’t moving along more speedily as well.

Gee is t it great to have an administration that uses the DOJ against anyone it sees as opposing them?  

Hey lefties, what’s that word, totalitarianism? You know that thing you all are petrified of trump using when he has not done it in the past BUT your 5000% cool with it, when it used by your side?

But no evidence he actually DID anything about it. Unlike Trump who tried to use Justice to go after his enemies and has vowed to be better at it next time around.

to think that the White House is leaking negative impressions of Garland without connecting the dots and seeing that this is the White House pressuring Garland.

The White House Counsel’s office certainly isn’t going to send Garland a written complaint, or engage in a meeting that could be memorialized by Garland in a memo.

The timing is immaterial. The White House isn’t leaking Garland dissatisfaction merely for shits and grins.

What you said is ludicrous on its face.
Oh, well, that never stopped you before.

Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: His face is ludicrous too.
What’s ludicrous is the cost of a bathroom scale with a separate readout on a pedestal (so you can actually see it, you know like your dick that you need a mirror to see) and an accurate weight range above 500lbs.  


Posted By: inicky46
Re: "The timing is immaterial?" BWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
What you said is ludicrous on its face.  
 Oh, well, that never stopped you before.
Mr I don’t read articles. Read further below. THERES MORE than just the Herr report.  

“Frustration within the White House at Garland has been growing steadily.

Last year, Biden privately denounced how long the probe into his son was taking, telling aides and outside allies that he believed the stress could send Hunter Biden spiraling back into addiction, according to the same two people. And the elder Biden, the people said, told those confidants that Garland should not have eventually empowered a special counsel to look into his son, believing that he again was caving to outside pressure.

In recent weeks, President Biden has grumbled to aides and advisers that had Garland moved sooner in his investigation into former President Donald Trump’s election interference, a trial may already be underway or even have concluded, according to two people granted anonymity to discuss private matters. That trial still could take place before the election and much of the delay is owed not to Garland“

Geee what is all this?  

Say it with me icky  

“Weaponization of the DOJ against political opponents…”

Why do you want this great nation to descend into a banana republic? Just so Trump looses?

Second, all you have listed is Biden expressing his OPINIONS, as if that's proof of interference. Which, of course, is bullshit but you can't tell the difference.

And we know these opinions because Biden staffers are leaking them. After all the years on the planet, you don’t realize how things work inside Washington?

Such an expert on politics. Except that the horse had already left the barn.
What about that is so hard to get?

Posted By: cks175
Re: First of all, it's the "Hur" report (Interference Is Interference)
And we know these opinions because Biden staffers are leaking them. After all the years on the planet, you don’t realize how things work inside Washington?
Ohhh he knows exactly how it works in Washington, he's s just being Icky. Go on, tell us all about it ick, how the Biden DOJ has NEVER done anything that isn't above board to protect Hunter or go after Trump.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: OOOHHHH! Biden actually got pissed at Justice.
But no evidence he actually DID anything about it. Unlike Trump who tried to use Justice to go after his enemies and has vowed to be better at it next time around.
B U U U U U T T T T - T R U M P  ! ! !  

WOW so let's review shall we? Since we're goin on the Trump Train thanks to ICKY. Did Trump use the DOJ to go after parents at school board meetings who were pushing back against school curriculum they didn't like?  


Did Trump Send an FBI SWAT team to arrest the father of a child who had an altercation with a 70-year-old in front of an abortion clinic?


Did Trump hammer FBI whistle blowers  who were pointing out abuses of power?


Did Trump order the DOJ NOT to go arrest people outside of the SCOTUS homes who were breaking the law (felonies no less) by trying to influence Judges in a decision?


Did Trump order a special counsel to slow-roll an investigation into his son so that the really bad stuffs statuate of limitations expired?


Here is what Garland did, and this is just the one tiny example...


From the Article

Why did Attorney General Merrick Garland form a law enforcement task force and threaten to use the FBI and several other divisions of the Department of Justice (DOJ) against parents protesting Covid-19 mandates and racist indoctrination in public schools? At a recent Senate oversight hearing, Garland insisted it was news reports of violence at school board meetings—and not simply a letter from two officials at the National School Boards Association (NSBA)—that prompted him to do it.

The letter smeared protesting parents as potential domestic terrorists. And yes, Garland said he would use his National Security Division—the unit within Justice that goes after jihadists—to crack down on parents. But where are the news reports supposedly supporting the terrorism accusation? Surprisingly, the Justice Department didn’t produce them.

Again this is a report leaking from inside the Whitehouse talking about how Joe Joe the Patato is Pissed about Garland's supposed failures at totaly protecting him from criticism.  

Joe Joe should be dancing an Irish Jig that the Special Counsel didn't recommend filing  F U C K I N G Charges!  Any US service member that would have done that would be in HAND FUCKING CUFFS right now.  

So back to my earlier assertion. I hope "Angry Joe" is so pissed he can't see straight. Just like you Icky angery every day all day. The hilarious part is it's manufactured by the Koolaid millers your addicted to.  I realize your Nurse uses CNN and PMSNBC like a virtual baby sitter for you in order to spend as LITTLE time in your room as possible. Just for once ask her to put on the Discovery Channel or something? Who knows you might (and I realize it's a capitol M at this very late stage in your life) learn something?

Biden never went after anyone? Like the Entrapment Day protesters that he put in jail for exercising their First Amendment rights? Or his political opponents that he’s trying to put in jail and deny Secret Service protection?

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