Politics and Religion

Thank god I am not planning a move to NK
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 316 reads

They were executed because Kim Jong was not the male lead!!

Worlds shortest dictator with Napoleon complex.

A piece of worthless shit.

They were executed because Kim Jong was not the male lead!!

Worlds shortest dictator with Napoleon complex.

A piece of worthless shit.

felatto69358 reads

they dont need a reason. If you read the book about the only person to escape a prison camp there.  

They are worse than the nazis

but no one cares

the democrats used to be for human rights.  


Posted By: bigvern
I still wouldn't move to NK.

I'm not convinced democrats ever stood for human rights. They did stand on the platform of human rights, to further their agenda of political power.

Like said, he is little punk who can do whatever he wants. Not long ago he threatened the strike US with nukes. He wanted to force the US to talk to him, US moved Pacific Fleet to SK and he backed down.

He is a dumbfuck with absolute power over North Koreans.

She tried to get ahead in North fucking Korea by sucking many a dick and even sleeping with King Fat Little Dumpling, the Dear Leader of that godforsaken shithole North Korea. And what did she get for trying to sleep her way to the top? Machined gunned down.

Let that be a lesson for everyone. Be less ambitious.

That is still good advice, if you can't handle the consequences of your action. Don't do it.

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