Politics and Religion

Tax Cheat Charles Rangel (D-NY) Gets All Warm And Runny About Higher Taxes.
sappybullfighter 1472 reads

In 2008, Rangel was censured by the house after he admitted not paying taxes on rental income accruing from his beach house in the Dominican Republic.  Censure?  What's that about?  If you or I pulled a shenanigan like that, we would soon be inhabiting a third tier cell and praying to not drop our soap on the shower floor in one of the many homo farms that provide housing for 6,000,000 Americans determined by the courts to be "criminals." But, when Rangel does it, he gets off with a wink, nod and a meaningless swat to the wrist.

Anyway, he's still in office continuing the time-honored principle established by New York State of being represented in the District of Criminals by the most corrupt and idiotic politicians that can be found.  Rangel was recently heard from via his Twatter account to remark: "My ears perking up to hear RepCantor saying taxes will go up under Pres Obama. It's called "paying your fair share!"

'Paying your fair share, as well as mine," would be more like it.  Perky-eared bastard.

Posted By: sappybullfighter

In 2008, Rangel was censured by the house after he admitted not paying taxes on rental income accruing from his beach house in the Dominican Republic.  Censure?  What's that about?  If you or I pulled a shenanigan like that, we would soon be inhabiting a third tier cell and praying to not drop our soap on the shower floor in one of the many homo farms that provide housing for 6,000,000 Americans determined by the courts to be "criminals." But, when Rangel does it, he gets off with a wink, nod and a meaningless swat to the wrist.

Anyway, he's still in office continuing the time-honored principle established by New York State of being represented in the District of Criminals by the most corrupt and idiotic politicians that can be found.  Rangel was recently heard from via his Twatter account to remark: "My ears perking up to hear RepCantor saying taxes will go up under Pres Obama. It's called "paying your fair share!"

'Paying your fair share, as well as mine," would be more like it.  Perky-eared bastard.

I haven't heard that name in a while. Yeh, the Congressional incarnation of the Cookie Monster is still in Congress, but I doubt we would face jail time for doing the same thing. Probably have to pay some heavy fines from the IRS, but that's probably it.

Regardless, the Cookie Monster is a creep. But raising taxes on the rich is about as popular as actual cookies. So it's smart politics. Plus, we seriously need it.

Fox Guarding The Henhouse While The Pot Calls The Kettle Black Dept:

Rangel used to be the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Commitee, who are the very same group of thugs that codify America's tax laws.  He was shamed into resigning that post after it was revealed that he accepted corporate sponsorship to go on many Caribean "fact-finding" junkets to the DR.  (Quick side-question:  What do men usually go to the DR to do?  Do you imagine that Rangel went there so often to just work-on his suntan?)

Many months after the Dominican financial scandal, Rangel finally amended his financial disclosure forms to show that he failed to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars in income and assets. He also promised to release his tax returns after the ethics investigation was over, which he still has not done.

Last Tuesday, he threw his (or, more probably sombody else's) 2 cents into the current presidential dog and pony show when he issued a statement about Mitt Romney.  I quote in part:

"Before he judges other people about paying federal income taxes, Gov. Romney should come clean about the tax returns he's hiding from voters."

It doesn't get much funnier than that, folks.


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