Politics and Religion

Undinvaderare 163 reads

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It is very sad to see anyone who enjoyed a good discourse (on both sides) is either gone or leaving,  because nobody deserves to be treated with the reprehensible name calling that goes on here with a few in particular.  When we are REDUCED to name calling and cannot carry on a civil conversation about something as simple as "an opinion"  we have become simply,  simple minded and,  of course,  we all know simple minds are amused by simple things.

So lets have a simple exercise:  For those that say "Oh the other side called  me a name and they do it all the time.   This is how the cause of civility gets twisted into just another exercise in partisan vitriol. People claim that one side is chiefly to blame for said vitriol, even though they have nothing approaching adequate evidence to support that claim. It becomes yet another unsubstantiated claim, a claim that is itself an instance of name-calling.
I am not saying one party does it more than the other, because I don't know if it's true. And neither do you. It just so happens that no such evidence exists.
So, to those of you who do want to make such a claim, prove it. Pony up some empirical proof. Don't give anecdotes, or say "it seems like" or "it feels like" one side does it more. Give a rigorous, comprehensive survey of all the statements from EQUALLY representative samples of Progressives and Conservatives.
Without evidence along these lines, you're simply simple minded.

"To yourself you are what you think. To the outside world, you are what you do.

I've seen this board change a lot over the past couple of years and it's always been about the same in terms of the vitriol.  So I think you're being naive.  The big change is, it used to be dominated by right wingers, flinging their poo like monkeys at the few lefties who dared post.  Then a few more lefties showed up who could fling their poo with the best of them.  And all of a sudden the righties are whining about how unfair it all is.  Well, it just won't fly.
Personally, even though I've come back with a big flame-thrower, I actually would have preferred civil discourse.  And, in the old days, there were even a few guys to the right of center I could do that with, like Gambler, Saint Croix and Pitching Wedge.  But they are long gone.  Only the flamers are left and it's too bad.
But what I've learned here is, the people at both extremes see the world so differently that they use different "facts" to describe reality.  They may be wrong, but they can't be reasoned with, so rational debate is impossible.  Kind of like the rest of the country.

I've been around since 2007, and what you say is true. Now, that there are a few lefties giving as good as they get, the righties act as though the "slinging of the poo," just started recently, and with the lefties, and are whining about it. What, has remained the same is that the righties never accept that there are those of use who are independent, weigh the arguments from both sides based on fact, and vote for members of both parties. In their mind, if you don't agree with them you are a lefty. The major difference in both sides is that I haven't had that reaction from the the lefties, that I can remember.

stirs fears and emotion.  There is much both sides need to talk about, esp would like to have a civil conversation with others thoughts on Israel iron drones intercepting 222 rockets from Gaza since Wednesday.  I am thankful I live here where drones don't fly overhead like a science fiction Terminator movie.  Glad they keep that fighting over there, I think we can all agree on that.

Posted By: sassyfla

It is very sad to see anyone who enjoyed a good discourse (on both sides) is either gone or leaving,  because nobody deserves to be treated with the reprehensible name calling that goes on here with a few in particular.  When we are REDUCED to name calling and cannot carry on a civil conversation about something as simple as "an opinion"  we have become simply,  simple minded and,  of course,  we all know simple minds are amused by simple things.

So lets have a simple exercise:  For those that say "Oh the other side called  me a name and they do it all the time.   This is how the cause of civility gets twisted into just another exercise in partisan vitriol. People claim that one side is chiefly to blame for said vitriol, even though they have nothing approaching adequate evidence to support that claim. It becomes yet another unsubstantiated claim, a claim that is itself an instance of name-calling.
I am not saying one party does it more than the other, because I don't know if it's true. And neither do you. It just so happens that no such evidence exists.
So, to those of you who do want to make such a claim, prove it. Pony up some empirical proof. Don't give anecdotes, or say "it seems like" or "it feels like" one side does it more. Give a rigorous, comprehensive survey of all the statements from EQUALLY representative samples of Progressives and Conservatives.
Without evidence along these lines, you're simply simple minded.

"To yourself you are what you think. To the outside world, you are what you do.

That is the very reason we cannot afford to cut back on our Defense spending,  we need to keep all wars off of our land and shores.  In short,  the Federal Government's Business should be to protect our boundaries by whatever means it takes.  Short and simple or some might call it,  the edited version.

have anything to do with the ponzi scheme our government and federal reserve are playing?

mrnogood263 reads

they gotta steal these people's natural resources, because we have a ponzi scheme system they're propping up.. I love you sassy, but I totally disagree with you when you start talking about wars...

Where's the humanity sassy? we kill innocents..99% of the MILLIONS of people our bombs kill are like me and you...

More soldiers come home and kill themselves, than die in their wars now, because they can not live with themselves!


Much love!

Maybe if the wars were fought on our soil, American's wouldn't be so apathetic to the pain and suffering we cause country after country, around the world...

Could you Imagine, the most powerful military the world has ever seen, coming here and doing the things we do in foreign lands, here in the home land? You have kids?

Could you imagine grieving over it because someone drops a bomb in your neighborhood and you survived it? We've done that to MILLIONS of mothers across the middle east..

It's not ok!

and when you really begin to understand why we do it, which is to steall resources, it gets even sadder..our wars are not for defense, they're offensive..No one is occupying our land! Yet we're occupying over 130 nations around the world!

We ARE the problem here..and all you have to do is look, to see this..

-- Modified on 11/19/2012 2:49:10 AM

Thanks for the preface Mrnogood, :-) but in IMHO like they say in sports,  "the best defense is good offense",  and along with that offense,  comes "Diplomacy",  because being offensive,  does not mean you have to go "shoot up the world"  (and I do agree with you, that a lot, if not most all of the wars are for resources,  which in itself is another issue).   A large part of the military goes toward "Defense"  hence Defense Department,  but also a large part of Defense goes toward diplomacy  (not wars and certainly not creating wars)  We use diplomacy with many  nations of the world to successfully deal with a number of challenges that cross national boundaries and affect us here in the United States, including:
Terrorism, the threat of weapons of mass destruction, HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases, dangers of illegal drug trafficking and crime, humanitarian needs of migrants and refugees, and environmental degradation.  Americans at home and abroad face threats to their physical and economic well-being. The State/Defense Department is in place to protect our nation, its people, and our prosperity not by starting wars but by ensuring the wars stay off of our shores.  

I believe American politicians need to follow a principle put forth by Dale Carnegie not only in their personal beings but also in the basic premise of American Politics and the way in which we defend ourselves and our country.

“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”

mrnogood272 reads

looks like it's corporate interests, and not us.. just IMHO, our rights are being stolen, nobody, not even us, are protecting the people's interests...

The entire system is totally corrupt..

-- Modified on 11/19/2012 3:32:59 AM

Your right,  it is corrupt and until,  we,  "the people" take a stand and quit fighting one another  (they,  the politicians,  love us fighting,  takes the onus off them)  and stand tall together we will never have any power.  We will always be the little schmucks that the politicians live off of.  Heck,  just look at their healthcare,  would Dick Cheney still be here with Ocare,  I think not.

Have a wonderful day

-- Modified on 11/18/2012 11:00:27 PM

is just confusing.  It doesn't feel right to me, because who knows what the facts are.  They could be having Armmagedeon for all we know.  I don't trust our media, but most do because the Christians are United with Israel.

I view the drug war as US foreign policy in America.

The war in Afgahnistan is a war for the resource of opium, the most valuable resource in the world.
Then the opium is turned in to heroine, distrbuted drug cartels, to be sold by opossing street gangs. Wich produces more criminals for states to control, and incarerate. The states that have no money contract out to corporate funded prisons. We pay for this, just like all our other failed policies.

Who are we be defended against?

-- Modified on 11/19/2012 7:04:14 AM

...fired from the ground to intercept incoming rockets, not drones flying "overhead like a science fiction Terminator movie."  A similar system was used when Saddam Hussein fired Scud missiles at Israel and they were supposed to be intercepted by Apache missiles.

If you want to have a civil discussion, you should first know what you're talking about.

I was speed reading and read and registered drone for iron dome.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...fired from the ground to intercept incoming rockets, not drones flying "overhead like a science fiction Terminator movie."  A similar system was used when Saddam Hussein fired Scud missiles at Israel and they were supposed to be intercepted by Apache missiles.

If you want to have a civil discussion, you should first know what you're talking about.

followme260 reads

Actually the iron dome is a missile defense system which includes not only the missile but radar, sensors, guidance, and communications.

The Patriot missile system was used against the scud.

The apache (missile) was a French developed European manufactured missile  fired from a helicopter……not sure but I do not think  it is made any more, but never used againt the scud

There is also an Apache attack helicopter (US) very successful. None of the missiles/weapons fired by it are called apache missiles.

You’re Welcome
GOP = Honor and Integrity

In your own words
“If you want to have a civil discussion, you should first know what you're talking about.”

Timbow234 reads

Posted By: followme
Actually the iron dome is a missile defense system which includes not only the missile but radar, sensors, guidance, and communications.

The Patriot missile system was used against the scud.

The apache (missile) was a French developed European manufactured missile  fired from a helicopter……not sure but I do not think  it is made any more, but never used againt the scud

There is also an Apache attack helicopter (US) very successful. None of the missiles/weapons fired by it are called apache missiles.

You’re Welcome
GOP = Honor and Integrity

In your own words
“If you want to have a civil discussion, you should first know what you're talking about.”

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