Politics and Religion

Speaking as someone who's pretty far left, I agree with you.
inicky46 61 Reviews 8 reads

With one exception, as explained below. Biden/Majorkas policies on the border have clearly failed, both operationally and from a PR perspective because they have utterly failed to explain what it was they were TRYING to do.
That said, Biden and the Dems DID agree to support a very right-wing bill co-sponsored by ultra-conservative Sen. Lankford. Only raving right lunatics like Wanker found fault with it. Most Democrats hated it as being too extreme.
Well, we all know what happened. Trump feared the bill would actually work and told the Republicans to torpedo it so he could still claim Biden's border polices were failure. It was one of the most craven political stunts since Nixon torpedoed the Viet Nam settlement talks in Paris so the Dems couldn't claim they'd gotten us out of Viet Name with honor.
Bottom line: EVERYONE has failed on the border. And we've been doing it since John McCain and Ted Kennedy tried to solve the problem nearly 20 years ago.

Fair warning, this might just be the most horrible thing you’ll ever read.

I can''t connect to x.com so I don't what Trump is whining or ranting about this time.  Some websites have fact checked Trump on many of his claims about Biden and crime. Trump has occasionally cited stories about migrants who entered illegally under Trump's watch and committed their crimes during Trump's admin. Some entered under Trump, committed crimes under Trump, but committed the "headline" crime under Biden. And other variations.  
Like many of his own Cult Followers, Trump just latches onto a fringe website headline or a cat-turd tweet and doesn't bother doing any fact-checking. As long as it sounds good for Trump and bad for Biden, Trump will Truth Social it to his MAGAs because he knows that they won't fact check it either.

Posted By: willywonka4u

Fair warning, this might just be the most horrible thing you’ll ever read.

RespectfulRobert13 reads

Your history of anecdotal evidence to "prove" points is troubling, non scientific and exceedingly hyper partisan.

I don’t think Willy even said no one was killed. Immigration will be one of the top issues of this campaign because Biden’s immigration policy since Day One has been a miserable failure.

...with his border policy. Don't let the leftist above try and mince your words. The fact is whose record is/was better with immigration President Trump or Biden. Anyone who answers Biden is a true leftist, socialist ideologue....and if he is re-elected expect at least 20 million more illegals to infest our country in his second term.

With one exception, as explained below. Biden/Majorkas policies on the border have clearly failed, both operationally and from a PR perspective because they have utterly failed to explain what it was they were TRYING to do.
That said, Biden and the Dems DID agree to support a very right-wing bill co-sponsored by ultra-conservative Sen. Lankford. Only raving right lunatics like Wanker found fault with it. Most Democrats hated it as being too extreme.
Well, we all know what happened. Trump feared the bill would actually work and told the Republicans to torpedo it so he could still claim Biden's border polices were failure. It was one of the most craven political stunts since Nixon torpedoed the Viet Nam settlement talks in Paris so the Dems couldn't claim they'd gotten us out of Viet Name with honor.
Bottom line: EVERYONE has failed on the border. And we've been doing it since John McCain and Ted Kennedy tried to solve the problem nearly 20 years ago.

RespectfulRobert14 reads

Undocumented people have murdered US citizens under every administration. You're making a separate point that Willy should have made.  
Bath Tub chimes in and blames Biden solely, and of course absolves Trump of any wrong doing, as I, and Inicky, have made the point many times that Trump stopped a bill that the border agents were VERY much in FAVOR of.  
Trump did so to hurt Biden, and thus the country, as Trump doesn't give a damn if it gets fixed; he just wants all the credit. Thats how "America First" works in his mind. It's America First ONLY if HE gets the trophy. He is a total scumbag...and the Rights god.

The border bill was not needed to address the issue. Trump didn’t need a bill. The border got worse under Biden through executive actions he put in place on purpose. The border bill would have just legalized illegal border crossings. The real purpose of the bill had nothing to do with the border, but to give more money to Ukraine.  

This problem is bigger than this one tragedy. It’s an endless list of tragedies, perpetuated on purpose and with malice against the American People by the Biden administration. Cut the bullshit, Bob.

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: Stop with this ridiculous excuse.
The border bill was not needed to address the issue. Trump didn’t need a bill. The border got worse under Biden through executive actions he put in place on purpose. The border bill would have just legalized illegal border crossings. The real purpose of the bill had nothing to do with the border, but to give more money to Ukraine.  
 This problem is bigger than this one tragedy. It’s an endless list of tragedies, perpetuated on purpose and with malice against the American People by the Biden administration. Cut the bullshit, Bob.
Cut the bullshit indeed BOB…  

Seriously that bill wasn’t stopping the flow. The rank and file border agents didn’t want that flaming pile of shit.  

Also Bobby boy what’s your threshold for tragedy? One American 12 year old raped for two straight hours then murdered isn’t enough for ya? This was a gimmie that 5000% didn’t have to happen. They weren’t seeking asylum. They were illegally entering, the country they got caught, and then they got released. 😵🫣🙄 I bet if this little girl died in a school shooting you’d be screaming for us to say her name.

what about the fact that this is happening to migrant children all day every day on their way up here and at the border at the hands of the cartels, but you don’t care about that do you?

Sooooo what is the number of 12 year old girls raped and murdered before you give a fuck?

followme12 reads

Man enough to have the guts or courage to admit that on day one of the decrepit old fucks presidency he rescinded all of Trumps border policies/executive orders that were working, and working very well.

Biden did it out of pure spite, (just like all the other  
E.O’s that were working) nothing but spite. Not for the good of the country because by doing it biden fucked up the border, the economy etc.

Was the border perfect under Trump? No. but it was night and day better than under biden. Not passing the border bill did not and will not make matters worse.
There is more low life scum murdering savages coming/sneaking across the border in one month under biden that in four years under Trump. and how about the thousands of Chinese spies ands those looking for hand outs and not wanting to do anything for it  and then complaining that the free food is not good etc.

bobbie boy you would have more success pissing up a rope than defending biden on this or anything else. But if you had a modicum of honesty or integrity  you might ....nah forget it you never will.

You’re Welcome
2024 = Trump270+

-- Modified on 6/26/2024 8:51:03 PM

between the "gotaways" who snuck across the border while Trump was prez compared to the open border policies of Biden.  There have always been illegals who have killed Americans, but nothing compared with the increasing numbers we have seen this year under Biden.  You should be ashamed of yourself for lying like this.  

The point was to flood the country with illegals, regardless of whether they were criminals. The entire point was to bribe them with welfare and allow them to vote. They certain can vote, because there’s zero protections against this and the voting is designed not to be auditable.

If you want to be scared of something, Wanker, maybe you should be worried about THIS: an ISIS-run smuggling network.

We have no idea how many terrorists could be coming across the border. The cartels are using human trafficking as well. Plus there’s reports of Chinese nationals crossing from the Darien, and nobody seems to know why and for what purpose. Rule 1 of national security is protect your border.

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