Politics and Religion

Sorros drops all his stocks in major banks, and lord rothschild places a 130 million bet against
mrnogood 1347 reads

the euro...

You know the first depression happened because Europes banks collapsed, and it's looking JUST LIKE the 2nd one will happen the same way


"In what analysts say is another indication that the economy will get worse in the not-too-distant future, recent filings by billionaire financier George Soros show he dumped virtually all his holdings in major financial companies like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and Citigroup. His multi-billion-dollar U.S. fund also loaded up on gold, with the portfolio now holding more than $130 million worth of the precious metal"


In 08 while Obama was running for president we had a flash crash caused by the bankers who did the EXACT same thing their doing now,..Dumping large amounts of stocks and betting against the dollar..This action alone is why Obama got the lead like he did...AND IT LOOKS LIKE THEY WILL DO THE SAME IN 2012..

This trick worked so well to get their stooge in 08, that they will do it again to get their new stooge Romney in, in 2012


Jacob Rothschild, lord rothschild's grand son is also betting on collapse

" Are you willing to bet against three of the wealthiest men in the entire world?  Jacob Rothschild recently bet approximately 200 million dollars that the euro will go down. "

-- Modified on 8/22/2012 6:01:58 AM

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