Politics and Religion

Something I read recently about Champagne and Caviar reminded me of politicians in general...
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1053 reads

... and our current Administration in particular.

Veuve Clicquot Brut Yellow Label  and Beluga can go in the back seat... the next four years will apparently feature a different brand.

GaGambler237 reads

Not to mention Veuve Yellow label is very "middle of the road" at best and hardly a pairing for Beluga that not only has been illegal for well over a decade, but that currently commands about as much per spoonful as Yellow Label sells for per bottle.

I have to admit, I LOVE Beluga caviar, I "like" Yellow Label, but I would NEVER pair the two. Caviar that costs hundreds of dollars per ounce deserves at the least a Veuve Grand Dame to go along with it, although personally I'd prefer a good bottle of Krug.  I take it neither you or the author you quote are  much of a fan of either Champagne or Caviar.

Sorry Doc, but to quote our current SPOTY, this post was most definitely a "swing and a miss"

Funny thing... and I don't say this often... but you really have no clue what I'm referring to do you:)
meinarsche actually might have a clue, though he tends to view me as just another kike to be baked and mocked.

I'd be willing to bet Laffy of all people will get the reference... but somehow will continue to accuse me of supporting this Administration.  

If you still need a clue...


What I have learned here this morning is that my sense of humor tends to be a bit too subtle sometimes, especially when it comes to the more partisan-minded.

Plus I always figured every proud self-aware monger browses the regional boards looking for amusement or a trolling opportunity. Obviously, I'm wrong in that assessment.

I've been giving this crowd too much credit.

Posted By: GaGambler
Not to mention Veuve Yellow label is very "middle of the road" at best and hardly a pairing for Beluga that not only has been illegal for well over a decade, but that currently commands about as much per spoonful as Yellow Label sells for per bottle.  
 I have to admit, I LOVE Beluga caviar, I "like" Yellow Label, but I would NEVER pair the two. Caviar that costs hundreds of dollars per ounce deserves at the least a Veuve Grand Dame to go along with it, although personally I'd prefer a good bottle of Krug.  I take it neither you or the author you quote are  much of a fan of either Champagne or Caviar.  
 Sorry Doc, but to quote our current SPOTY, this post was most definitely a "swing and a miss"

GaGambler203 reads

Your reference to Beluga and Veuve Yellow Label and changing brands simply made no sense and completely fucked up the joke you were trying to tell.

Maybe you should have posted this on the humor board which also seems to be chock full of unfunny and poorly told jokes. Doc, you just bombed on this one. Trying to blame it on subtlety is a very weak excuse. Even Mein says the same thing below.

Posted By: GaGambler
Your reference to Beluga and Veuve Yellow Label and changing brands simply made no sense and completely fucked up the joke you were trying to tell.  
 Maybe you should have posted this on the humor board which also seems to be chock full of unfunny and poorly told jokes. Doc, you just bombed on this one. Trying to blame it on subtlety is a very weak excuse. Even Mein says the same thing below.

GaGambler152 reads

Which I am sure will prove beyond even a shadow of a doubt to you that I was right. lol

If it makes you feel any better BFRG agreed with me a couple of threads down, a fact that may keep me from getting a good nights sleep tonight. lmao

-- Modified on 2/27/2017 7:22:55 PM

I've been  to more than a few Ritzy parties and sampled supposedly fine Champagnes and  
   expensive caviar when  served.  

  I haven't consumed alcohol in years, I never liked Champagne, and every Caviar I tried was   much too salty for my taste buds.  
   If I had to describe Caviar, I'd say it's similar to a Snow Ball mixed with ground up Herring Fish Roe, with salt added, on steroids.  
  I wonder how many heads that will go over.:-D
  Champagne is very similar to caviar with my taste buds, in the past when I would consume alcohol I would only partake of Champagne if a Hot Gal was serving.  :-D
  I've Never found a Lady Hot enough to  accept her  offer of  a brown shower but I have enjoyed the Brown eye of a few Hot Gals.  

  I believe the next four years will be awesome for "America First" citizens and immigrants of all shades, who choose to legally join our Great country.

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